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Listen to our series Big City Small World

Listen to our series Big City Small World

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Listening Comprehension – Toilet Training the Cat – Stuart McLean Last year, Canada lost a national treasure – Stuart McLean. He began his radio program The Vinyl Cafe in 1994, and to date has recorded more than 400 stories on CBC radio (Canadian Broadcast Company). It got to be so popular that he traveled throughout small town Canada with musical acts and shared his stories about Dave, Morley, Sam and Stephanie on the Vinyl Cafe with that old radio voice that captivated so many. Now, thanks to the wonder of Spotfiy – The Vinyl Cafe, I get to sit in my kitchen every Sunday morning with my coffee and become entranced once more… now it is even more special because sometimes my 8 year old daughter sits with me too.

Businessenglishpod: Telephoning Howtos, intermediate Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on complaining and getting results over the phone. Few people actually like to complain, but sometimes you just have to. There’s an old saying that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease,” which means that if you don’t complain, you won’t actually get anything resolved. So if you pay for a product or service and you’re not satisfied, it’s usually best to let the company know. We can complain by email, but email isn’t always powerful enough.

10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams So what do you do to practise listening for exams? Growing up, I never had the opportunity to do any extra practice to improve my listening skills. We didn’t have the Internet and the thousand possibilities it offers to learners of any language nowadays.

learning English online - Story of language course - very easy Use the story of our language course to develop and improve your English comprehension. The coherent story, which is divided into several chapters, guides you along the way. In addition to the text, each chapter offers pre-, while- and post-reading and/or -listening exercises. the ultimate listening game: ask Google assistant – Keep It Simple Activities Here is a listening game that you will fall in love with and, most importantly, your A1- A2 students will too. You may also try this with higher levels with the suggested items below or with more specific searches. You need Google assistant on your computer or a phone and a set of speakers. Arrange your students in groups of three or four and decide on lexical items you would like to review.

Macmillan Business - podcast with worksheets - different levels The Business Podcasts are interviews focusing on working life in the UK. The podcasts offer authentic listening practice for you to use with – or recommend to – your business English students. Episode 1: Nils, on working life in the UK – Pre-intermediate Download Listening Picture dictation Submitted 16 years 6 months ago by admin. This is a low preparation fun activity that works well with large classes, especially with young learners and teens. All your students need is a blank piece of paper and all the teacher needs is a little bit of imagination. Procedure First of all explain to the students that they are going to do a picture dictation, that you are going to describe a picture to them and that all they have to do is simply listen and draw what they hear you describe.You then describe a simple and easy-to-draw picture to them and they draw it. To help you with your first picture dictation you can use the picture on the accompanying worksheet and the description beneath it as a guide.

Independent English podcast (noun)a recording of a radio broadcast or a video that can be taken from the InternetTo listen to the podcast, click on the link below.I download podcasts of radio shows and listen to them in the car.[Definition from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary] Although the word podcast was originally taken from ‘iPod’ and ‘broadcast’, you don’t need an iPod to listen to one. In fact, you don’t even need an mp3 player; a computer with internet access is enough. They are freely available from a wide variety of sources, some designed for native speakers and others for language learners.

ESL English Listening & Adult Literacy - News - Audiobooks - Songs - Radio Dr... Laurie by Stephen King Part One (25 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Part Two (28 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Laurie is a beautiful and heartwarming story. It is a story about hope and life in general. This story introduces us to Lloyd, a man who recently lost his wife. One day, her sister visits Lloyd in Florida and gives him an unexpected gift - a mixed breed puppy named Laurie.

The 10 Best Places to Find ELT Listening Materials If, like me, you find that one of the most commonly heard requests from your learners is to provide them with additional listening materials to study with outside of class, this post is definitely for you. I’ve trawled the internet and the result of my extensive labors is the list of ten great resources you see below… enjoy! 1) Link Eng Park This site doesn’t actually produce any of its own materials, but it’s as close as an encyclopedia of all ESL online listening materials as you’re ever likely to find. If you can’t find something here for your teaching context, you almost might as well stop searching! English Teaching Forum Volume 53, Number 4 The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” indicates that a complex idea can be communicated by a single image. We might spend an hour reading an article about the devastating effects an oil spill has on wildlife ecology. But a photograph of an oil-drenched pelican gasping for air evokes in us an instant emotional response.

High-achieving teenagers Presenter: Next on the programme we have an interview with someone who has been writing a book about high-achieving teenagers. Welcome, Louise Hardy.Louise: Hi, it’s lovely to be here.Presenter: Louise, many of these teenagers who have achieved success and fame early on, have done so through using new technology, haven’t they? Through blogging or using YouTube or Twitter?Louise: Absolutely, and the greatest example of this is Justin Bieber. As I think everyone on the planet knows, he started off by posting videos on YouTube at the age of 14 and was spotted by a talent scout who worked with the R&B singer Usher. After that he very rapidly became a worldwide sensation.Presenter: I heard that last year he was said to be more influential than Obama!
