Lesson of the Day: ‘How to Get the Most Out of Art (Even When You’re Not Sure... How do these three questions prompt you to do something similar to some of the suggestions made in the article you just read? Can you apply them to some of the pieces you found in your art collection? If you’d like to practice your visual observation skills, join us Mondays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern when facilitators from our partner organization, Visual Thinking Strategies, come to our site to live-moderate student responses. Or click through the slide show above and choose an image and apply the questions on your own or with others. Use Art as a Source of Strength This spring, as museums in New York closed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Museum of Modern Art asked its staff members about art they have found themselves thinking of for solace, support and inspiration. Consider How Art Can Train Doctors and Police Officers Art educators aren’t the only ones who think that looking closely and noticing detail in images can be good for your brain. Take an “Awe Walk” in Nature
Lecture, textes pour ados, nouvelles Extraits d'oeuvres, nouvelles Rechercher sur ce site Une kyrielle de textes plus ou moins longs (de 1 à 15 pages) qui permettent de varier les plaisirs de lire, varier les thèmes, varier les styles, varier les raisons de lire. A vous de gérer les difficultés spécifiques de chacun de ces textes, en fonction des forces de vos élèves. Les archives sont classées par thèmes et comprennent chaque fois plusieurs textes. Nouvelles: - Une archive de 5 nouvelles (7 à 15 pages chacune) trouvées sur le web... mais je sais plus où !! - Une autre archive de 5 nouvelles (7 à 15 pages chacune) trouvées sur le web... mais je sais plus où !! - Un bouquin plein de nouvelles... mais épuisé (Nouvelles 100% - Ed. de Milan - collection Zanzibar). 1) ¥ (.doc; 227 Ko) 2) ¥ (.doc; 253 Ko) 3) ¥ (.doc; 195 Ko) 4) ¥ (.doc; 212 Ko) 5) ¥ (.doc; 191 Ko) 6) ¥ (.doc; 129 Ko) Les douze d'un coup ! Fausse nouvelle d'Agatha Christie ¥ (.doc, 20.5 Ko) Violence Drogues ¥ (.doc; 264 Ko) Divers
English Literature Study Guides | Home Page Romans / Nouvelles > Policier > Page 1 - In Libro Veritas Patric.H.Derrez Le Bourreau du Christ Quand la ville somnole un homme marche. Dans l'antre du christ, au sein de sa demeure, il penettre pour y semer la mort. Le Bourreau du Christ est un polar sombre et torturé, à la limite du surrealisme, entre rêve et réalité. In Libro Veritas vous propose des milliers d'oeuvres à lire gratuitement. D. Catégorie : Romans / Nouvelles > Policier Le scénario de "Mars Girl" évolue entre le thriller et la SF. Publiée le 18/07/2005 sous licence Creative Commons by-nc-nd 2.0 Lire gratuitement plumes sur 5 17580 lectures 197 pages Bernard Lancourt MicMac de BigMac « Je sortis du néant comme j'y avais plongé : la tête la première et l'estomac à l'envers. Publiée le 12/06/2005 sous licence Creative Commons by-nc-nd 2.0 Ajouter à votre livre Télécharger (env. 2 €)Lire gratuitement 16314 lectures 315 pages DEMOTIER Graimet vieillit mal, par Démotég@rp Le plus grand roman policier jamais écrit par G@rp et Démotier. 7144 lectures 187 pages Mots clés : auteur, perigord, enquete
The 50-Word Fiction Competition Can you write a story in just 50 words? Each month we’ll provide a prompt to get you started, but where the story goes from there is entirely up to you. The competition includes two categories, All-Age and Young Writers (under the age of 18). A prize will be awarded to a writer in each category: Whether you're a seasoned writer or you've always fancied picking up a pen, why not give it a go? Need some inspiration or tips? September's prompt Write your own very short fairy tale See the full-size image here How to enter You can submit one entry to either the all-age category or the young writers category. To submit your story, please complete the form below. We welcome entries in Scots or Gaelic for both categories. Entries for September's competition close on Sunday September 27th. Due to the high volume of entries received we are unable to give feedback. You will receive a confirmation message on screen after submitting. Submit your story July's Winners Read all the previous winning stories here.
Sortir du rouge - Libération Tusitala – Expert English Tuition ClicFle : Textes et dialogues pour le Français Langue Etrangère (Carole Netter) ClicFle vous propose des textes à lire avec vos étudiants de Français Langue Etrangère. Vos textes sont les bienvenus. INDEXA la mer A vlo Au centre hospitalier CosmosCoucou la mousseChristine et Alain De la page blanche à la bibliothèque Dialogue de couple Dialogue entre une mouche noire et un maringouin En voiture Flâner Je suis malade Le lac d'Annecy Les minettes Ma cagoule Méthode Boscher Mes chères jonquilles Nationale 7 On se bisoute Ô quelle vue ! Sieste Le ski au Pilat Sea Isle City, New Jersey Les soeurs Solex Tiramisu Un bon livre Le vieux(...) LIENS Dictionnaire multifonction de TV5 Dictionnaire des synonymes Carole Netter (mai 07)
John Lye's Courses and Sources Pages A Guide Designed for His Year 1 Students by Professor John Lye Copyright John Lye 1996, 1997 This is a guide to what you might look for in analyzing literature, particularly poetry and fiction. An analysis explains what a work of literature means, and how it means it; it is essentially an articulation of and a defense of an interpretation which shows how the resources of literature are used to create the meaningfulness of the text. There are people who resist analysis, believing that it 'tears apart' a work of art; however a work of art is an artifice, that is, it is made by someone with an end in view: as a made thing, it can be and should be analyzed as well as appreciated. The ultimate end of analysis is, first and foremost, a deeper understanding and a fuller appreciation of the literature -- you learn to see more, to uncover or create richer, denser, more interesting meanings. I: Critical Analysis of Poetry The process of analyzing a poem Elements of analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Literature and civilisation Literary Resources on the Net (Lynch) Literary Resources on the Net These pages are maintained by Jack Lynch of Rutgers — Newark. Comments and corrections are welcome. Search for a (single) word: Or choose one of the following categories: General Sources These sources are too important to be buried in my miscellaneous pages, and too miscellaneous to be put anywhere else. The Voice of the Shuttle Alan Liu's superb collection of electronic resources for the humanities. Calls for Papers A current list from the cfp@english.upenn.edu mailing list. About These Pages This set of pages is a collection of links to sites on the Internet dealing especially with English and American literature, excluding most single electronic texts, and is limited to collections of information useful to academics — I've excluded most poetry journals, for instance. This page is maintained by Jack Lynch.
The Victorian Web: An Overview Literary Criticism Online