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Impression 3D le site dédié à l’impression 3D et aux imprimantes 3D

Impression 3D le site dédié à l’impression 3D et aux imprimantes 3D

NASA proves 3D printing is headed to the stars 3D-printed space technology is no longer science fiction, as NASA and other space companies are making it a reality. Engineers and researchers at the Ames Research Center are already working with 3D printing technology to make it applicable for use in both space travel and the study of our universe, according to a recent CNET report. The potential for 3D printing on space travel is endless. The technology itself can theoretically allow structures like satellites and spacecraft to be built in space, and it’s being developed here on earth. One private company, Made in Space, is already piloting zero gravity 3D printing.

The world's first printed plane - tech - 27 July 2011 By Paul Marks Read more: “3D printing: Second industrial revolution is under way“ Video: First flight of 3D printed plane The promise of 3D printing has finally taken off with the development of a drone that takes just a week to create TED 2013: 4D printed objects 'make themselves' 28 February 2013Last updated at 05:39 ET By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter Video of cube self-folding strand courtesy Self-Assembly Lab, MIT/Stratasys Many are only just getting their heads around the idea of 3D printing but scientists at MIT are already working on an upgrade: 4D printing. At the TED conference in Los Angeles, architect and computer scientist Skylar Tibbits showed how the process allows objects to self-assemble.
