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News BOINC Pentathlon announced SETI.Germany invites all BOINC teams to the 5th BOINC Pentathlon, a competition inspired by the Pentathlon in ancient Greece. Teams will compete between May 5 and May 19 at five different BOINC projects to determine the overall winner. 17 Apr 2014, 22:47:19 UTC · Comment Power to Give story in The Daily Californian The UC Berkeley newspaper featured a story on Power to Give, the HTC/BOINC partnership to promote scientific computing on smartphones. 15 Apr 2014, 23:17:20 UTC · Comment New BOINC server VM image available A BOINC server VM image, based on Debian 7 and the latest BOINC code, is available. Thanks to Christian Beer and the University of Halle. 14 Apr 2014, 19:58:30 UTC · Comment

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Privacy on the Blockchain Blockchains are a powerful technology, as regular readers of the blog already likely agree. They allow for a large number of interactions to be codified and carried out in a way that greatly increases reliability, removes business and political risks associated with the process being managed by a central entity, and reduces the need for trust. They create a platform on which applications from different companies and even of different types can run together, allowing for extremely efficient and seamless interaction, and leave an audit trail that anyone can check to make sure that everything is being processed correctly.

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Math Unicode Entities Return to Math Symbols Page Go to the About the Codes section to see how they are implemented. This Page External Links Who should hold the keys to our data? In March 2007, Nick Pearce was running the thinktank the Institute for Public Policy Research. That month, one of his young interns, Amelia Zollner, was killed by a lorry while cycling in London. Amelia was a bright, energetic Cambridge graduate, who worked at University College London. She was waiting at traffic lights when a lorry crushed her against a fence and dragged her under its wheels. Sophisticated Security: A simple mtgox auto trading bot in python Just for kicks, I decided to write a tradebot the other day, and thought it might be interesting for others to see just how simple it is to get a basic bot going. As a quick disclaimer, the bot that we end up with is the bot that I am running right now, but it probably cause you to lose all of your money. I am assuming that you have git installed, a working python installation, and a reasonably well funded mtgox account. step 1 : download a good trading API

Amazon Architecture This is a wonderfully informative Amazon update based on Joachim Rohde's discovery of an interview with Amazon's CTO. You'll learn about how Amazon organizes their teams around services, the CAP theorem of building scalable systems, how they deploy software, and a lot more. Many new additions from the ACM Queue article have also been included. Amazon grew from a tiny online bookstore to one of the largest stores on earth. They did it while pioneering new and interesting ways to rate, review, and recommend products.

How to Report Bugs Effectively There are a number of ways in which non-programmers can contribute to software projects; documentation and testing are among the most frequently-requested services, but testing that results in useless bug reports accomplishes nothing but frustrating the programmer. Today, Simon Tatham shares what it's like to be on the receiving end of bug reports, and offers suggestions for how you can help resolve problems as quickly as possible. Introduction Anybody who has written software for public use will probably have received at least one bad bug report. Reports that say nothing ("It doesn't work!")
