JWT: JSON Web Tokens in AngularJS and Laravel With the rising popularity of single page applications, mobile applications, and RESTful API services, the way web developers write back-end code has changed significantly. With technologies like AngularJS and BackboneJS, we are no longer spending much time building markup, instead we are building APIs that our front-end applications consume. Our back-end is more about business logic and data, while presentation logic is moved exclusively to the front-end or mobile applications. These changes have led to new ways of implementing authentication in modern applications. Authentication is one of the most important parts of any web application. What is a JSON Web Token? A JSON Web Token, or JWT, is used to send information that can be verified and trusted by means of a digital signature. Because of it’s compact structure, JWT is usually used in HTTP Authorization headers or URL query parameters. Structure of a JSON Web Token JSON Web Token example: Example Header Payload (Claims) Registered Claims
Tutorial [NUEVO MÉTODO][última edición 25/12/12] Root, s-off, simunlock, supercid... ¡en un sólo clic! 2ª Edición Anexo 1: Flashear recovery alternativo Aviso, el programa debería flashear el recovery él solito... compuebalo, entra al bootloader, selecciona recovery. Si sale un triangulo rojo, haz este anexo (quita la batería para salir). Si sale un menú con el fondo negro, es que ya lo tienes, así que ya puedes olvidar este anexo... 1. Instalar la aplicación rom manager, gratuíta, desde el market. 2. Seleccionar la primera opción "flash clockworkmod recovery" (es altamente recomendable estar conectado a una red wifi) 3. Anexo 2: Cómo instalar una radio sin necesidad de pc ni de tener hecho el ENG S-off (Esto está descaradamente copiado de [MENTION=221582]folgui[/mention], con su permiso) 1. Anexo 3: Ejemplo de instalación de una rom Bueno, una vez completado el primero post y el anexo 1 de este mismo post, y hecho un backup de las aplicaciones, pues esto arrasa con todo lo que haya en el teléfono, para instalar una rom: 1. 2. 3. 4.Buscamos en las carpetas el full wipe que necesitemos. 5. 6.
Cookies vs Tokens. Getting auth right with Angular.JS Introduction There are basically two different ways of implementing server side authentication for apps with a frontend and an API: The most adopted one, is Cookie-Based Authentication (you can find an example here) that uses server side cookies to authenticate the user on every request.A newer approach, Token-Based Authentication, relies on a signed token that is sent to the server on each request. Token based vs. Cookie based The following diagram explains how both of these methods work. What are the benefits of using a token-based approach? Cross-domain / CORS: cookies + CORS don't play well across different domains. What's JSON Web Token? Asuming you have a node.js app, below you can find the components of this architecture. Server Side Let's start by installing express-jwt and jsonwebtoken: $ npm install express-jwt jsonwebtoken Configure the express middleware to protect every call to /api. The angular app will perform a POST through AJAX with the user's credentials: Angular Side What's next?
Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms HTTP Basic Auth | Flask (A Python Microframework) By Armin Ronacher filed in Authentication For very simple applications HTTP Basic Auth is probably good enough. Flask makes this very easy. To use this decorator, just wrap a view function: @app.route('/secret-page')@requires_authdef secret_page(): return render_template('secret_page.html') If you are using basic auth with mod_wsgi you will have to enable auth forwarding, otherwise apache consumes the required headers and does not send it to your application: WSGIPassAuthorization. This snippet by Armin Ronacher can be used freely for anything you like. ¿Qué son las cocinas de ROMs Android? Las ROMs pueden ser una verdadera maravilla para nuestros Android, ya que, principalmente, potencian el telefono mas alla de la ROM que incluye el teléfono. Pero, a veces, pequeños detalles, como aplicaciones instaladas que no nos gustan, o una imagen de inicio de Pocoyo imposible de borrar, que pueden “chafar” la experiencia de usuario. Por ello, sabiendo que no puede gustar la misma ROM a todos, algunos cocineros habilitan una “Cocina de ROMs”, pero… ¿y eso qué es lo que es? Una cocina de ROMs sirve para poder hacer modificaciones sencillas de una ROM. MoDaCo Kitchens Los chicos de MoDaCo fueron unos de los primeros en integrar esta característica en sus foros. Las ventajas es que es fácil y sencillo. Link | MoDaCo Multikitchen Online Es un proyecto nacido en HTCmanía, de la mano de shawe (Moderador de HTCmania) y NeoPhyTe (Cocinero Oficial). Las ventajas son que está en completo español, y nos ofrece muchas opciones para modificar la ROM. Link | MultiKitchen Online Cook Android AndroidRTK
A guide to Python's function decorators | The Code Ship Python is rich with powerful features and expressive syntax. One of my favorites is decorators. In the context of design patterns, decorators dynamically alter the functionality of a function, method or class without having to directly use subclasses. In this post I will be discussing Python's function decorators in depth, accompanied by a bunch of examples on the way to clear up the concepts. Essentially, decorators work as wrappers, modifying the behavior of the code before and after a target function execution, without the need to modify the function itself, augmenting the original functionality, thus decorating it. What you need to know about functions Before diving in, there are some prerequisites that should be clear. Assign functions to variables def greet(name): return "hello "+name greet_someone = greetprint(greet_someone("John")) # Outputs: hello John Define functions inside other functions Functions can be passed as parameters to other functions More commonly known as a closure.
Tibco Business Connect | Tibco Blog TIBCO Business is a B2B (business-to-business) gateway that allows your company to engage in electronic commerce with your partners. It enables secure transmission of documents and messages between partners using disparate internal business systems. BusinessConnect is built on TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks, which allows for a familiar experience and ease of integration. BusinessConnect provides a complete set of tools, allowing companies to do full audits of their B2B activities. Below is the architecture of TIBCO BusinessConnect In the above figure there are 3 components: TIBCO BusinessConnect server: This is a runtime engine that provides services to the TIBCO BusinessConnect protocols. TIBCO BusinessConnect Database: This database contains the following: Configuration information used by TIBCO BusinessConnect protocolsData log created by TIBCO BusinessConnect protocolsRuntime data used by the TIBCO BusinessConnect server and protocols • Non-repudiation database • Audit log database