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50 Tips for Working with Unity (Best Practices) »

50 Tips for Working with Unity (Best Practices) »
About these tips (Edit: August 2016. I have revised these tips. You can find the new list here.) These tips are not all applicable to every project. They are based on my experience with projects with small teams from 3 to 20 people.There’s is a price for structure, re-usability, clarity, and so on — team size and project size determine whether that price should be paid.Many tips are a matter of taste (there may be rivalling but equally good techniques for any tip listed here).Some tips may fly in the face of conventional Unity development. Process 1. 2. 3. 4. It makes it unnecessary to re-setup each scene.It makes loading much faster (if most objects are shared between scenes).It makes it easier to merge scenes (even with Unity’s new text-based scenes there is so much data in there that merging is often impractical in any case).It makes it easier to keep track of data across levels. You can still use Unity as a level editor (although you need not). 5. Scene Organisation 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Art

Reverse Design: Final Fantasy 6 - 1 <map name="admap66332" id="admap66332"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,728,90" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:728px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" style="width:728px;height:90px;border-style:none;" usemap="#admap66332" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#ffffff;" colspan="1"><center><a style="font-size:10px;color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;font-family:Tahoma, verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-transform: none;letter-spacing:normal;text-shadow:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:normal;" href=" target="_blank">Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad here, right now: $0</a></center></td></tr></table> (1) The diminution of character classes

The Cg Tutorial - Chapter 2. The Simplest Programs The Cg Tutorial is now available, right here, online. You can purchase a beautifully printed version of this book, and others in the series, at a 30% discount courtesy of InformIT and Addison-Wesley. Please visit our Recent Documents page to see all the latest whitepapers and conference presentations that can help you with your projects. Chapter 2. This chapter introduces Cg programming through a series of simple vertex and fragment programs. "A Simple Vertex Program" presents a straightforward vertex program and explains the basic elements and syntax of the Cg language. 2.1 A Simple Vertex Program Green is the color associated with inexperience and growth, so a Cg program for rendering a green 2D triangle is a fitting way to start learning Cg. Example 2-1 shows the complete source code for your first vertex program in Cg. The Naming Convention for Examples The vertex program in Example 2-1 is quite simple. Example 2-1. 2.1.1 Output Structures 2.1.2 Identifiers Keywords in Cg 2.1.4 Vectors

Nvidia CG shader Tutorial The Cg Tutorial is now available, right here, online. You can purchase a beautifully printed version of this book , and others in the series, at a 30% discount courtesy of InformIT and Addison-Wesley. Please visit our Resources page to see all the latest whitepapers and conference presentations that can help you with your projects. This chapter has the following four sections: "What Is Cg?" 1.1 What Is Cg? This book teaches you how to use a programming language called Cg. Cg provides developers with a complete programming platform that is easy to use and enables the fast creation of special effects and real-time cinematic-quality experiences on multiple platforms. Cg stands for "C for graphics." On the other hand, if you are not familiar with C or even programming languages in general but you enjoy computer graphics and want to learn something new, read on anyway. Much of this chapter is background that provides valuable context for understanding Cg and using it effectively. Example 1-1.

Game Programming Patterns Hey, Game Developer! Do you struggle to make your code hang together into a cohesive whole? Find it harder to make changes as your codebase grows? Feel like your game is a giant hairball where everything is intertwined with everything else? Wonder if and how design patterns apply to games? I’m here to help! It’s Free and Online! This is the book I wish I had when I started making games, and I want you to have it now! Want to read it on paper/eBook? I’m working on those now! (I post less than once a month. Start Reading! Who Am I? I’m Bob Nystrom. Unity Overview Suggest a change Success! Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Close Sumbission failed For some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. Cancel Unity is a powerful engine with a variety of tools that can be utilised to meet your specific needs. This section is your key to getting started with Unity.

Reverse Design: Chrono Trigger - 1 <map name="admap64899" id="admap64899"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,728,90" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:728px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" style="width:728px;height:90px;border-style:none;" usemap="#admap64899" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#ffffff;" colspan="1"><center><a style="font-size:10px;color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;font-family:Tahoma, verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-transform: none;letter-spacing:normal;text-shadow:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:normal;" href=" Hello, readers! Also, this isn't our first Reverse Design. At the heart of Chrono Trigger is the question of whether or not events are inevitable.

How-To: Particle FX | RoboMinion Recently, we started doing some polishing work on our game, and this meant that I had to start creating some proper particles. While I have created some placeholder particles before, this was the first time I needed to create something that was supposed to look decent. I also decided to use this opportunity and learn the new particle system in Unity. At firsts, it was quite weird to use, but after playing around for a while, I got used to it. This was one of my first ones: I showed the effect above creation on some message boards, and it got a good response, so I thought I’d share my work-flow. Result. I’m going to explain how I made the teleportation effect you see in the gif above. Start. It’s very easy to create this, if we just break it down. Size and shape. I started off by first changing the shape of my emitter. Change the shape to . Change the to 2. ( this value depends on the size of your game-world.) Change the to 0.1 ( again, this value is relative to your game-world) Turn off .

Cg Programming/Unity Cg programming in the game engine Unity is considerably easier than Cg programming for an OpenGL or Direct3D application. Import of meshes and images (i.e. textures) is supported by a graphical user interface; mipmaps and normal maps can be computed automatically; the most common vertex attributes and uniforms are predefined; OpenGL and Direct3D states can be set by very simple commands; etc. Preliminaries [ edit ] A free version of Unity can be downloaded for Windows and MacOS at Unity's download page . First, this part assumes that readers are somewhat familiar with Unity. Tutorials [ edit ] Note that the tutorials assume that you read them in the order in which they are presented here, i.e. each tutorial will assume that you are familiar with the concepts and techniques introduced by previous tutorials. Basics [ edit ] Transparent Surfaces [ edit ] Basic Lighting [ edit ] Basic Texturing [ edit ] Textures in 3D [ edit ] Environment Mapping [ edit ] Variations on Lighting [ edit ]
