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Fred O'Bryant's Quote Collection - Volume 5

Fred O'Bryant's Quote Collection - Volume 5
There are 500 quotes in this volume. To find a quote by a specific author, or that includes a particular word or phrase, use your browser's FIND function to search for the quote you want. Every effort has been made to attribute the source of each quotation properly. Anyone finding an error or who knows the source for any quotation marked "Unknown" or "Anonymous" please contact Fred O'Bryant . A lawful kiss is never worth as much as a stolen one. — Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) Nobody works harder than a curious kid. — David "Doc" Searls (1947- ) The difference between information and knowledge is subtle but important. Politicians can make us more fearful and thereby be disablers, or they can inspire us and thereby be enablers. — Thomas L. The first rule of intelligent tinkering is save all the pieces. — Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) as quoted by Glenn Prickett Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband. — Unknown Don't be yourself. Infidel, n.

Pictures of Moments Speak More than Thousand Words...... Picture can speak thousands of words. Random pictures of insignificant moments always been the most important and most valuable. Photographers and painters beautifully imprint huge number of events, objects and types. Some do it by accident on the momentary desire. Others do it in order to fix the time for the future. Inspirational Quotes - Influential Mom Blogger, Parenting, Community 584.3K Amazing Shares Facebook 4 Pin It Share 148 148 Twitter 25 Google+ 12 StumbleUpon 584.1K Email -- Email to a friend 584.3K Amazing Shares × Hello! It’s me Alison again from Being Alison! Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem: Epipsychidion L'anima amante si slancia fuori del creato, e si crea nell' infinito un Mondo tutto per essa, diverso assai da questo oscuro e pauroso baratro. HER OWN WORDS. ["Epipsychidion" was composed at Pisa, January, February, 1821, and published without the author's name, in the following summer, by C. & J. Ollier, London. The poem was included by Mrs.

25 Unusual Usb Designs July 13th, 2011 Anila Arshad This is my second part on usb designs, my first post is 10 Most Unique Usb Designs. - StumbleUpon WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? Plato: For the greater good. Karl Marx: It was a historical inevitability. Machiavelli: So that its subjects will view it with admiration, as a chicken which has the daring and courage to boldly cross the road, but also with fear, for whom among them has the strength to contend with such a paragon of avian virtue? In such a manner is the princely chicken's dominion maintained.

20 minutes of advice on how to live from Neil Gaiman In some circles, Neil Gaiman has attained near rockstar status. Twenty years ago Gaiman was making the celebrated graphic novel , and was dabbling in longer-form writing. He went on to write amazing books like American Gods, Coraline, and Neverwhere. He was recently asked to give the commencement speech at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, and the entire 20 minute video is brimming over with good advice. Gaiman begins by talking about his background in journalism, and how he learned that more important than the drive to make money, is the one to make good art. At least when you do the work that you truly believe in, even if the money doesn’t come, you’ve made something to be proud of.

20 More Quotes By Atheists Religion It’s been a long time since we last published a list of quotes. Many atheists are people of fairly high intellect and their quotes are often witty and thought provoking. ‘Where the Heart Beats,’ John Cage Biography, by Kay Larson Written by Kay Larson, who for 14 years was the art critic for New York magazine, it describes John Cage’s philosophical awakening through Zen Buddhism, which changed not only the sort of music he composed but, seemingly, everything he did and said. Cage’s music and his interactions have been documented in many other books, but what makes “Where the Heart Beats” different is that it centers first on the ideas behind the work: why he sought them, when he came upon them, and where and how he used them. Only secondarily is it about his notated and copyrighted scores, and Cage’s place within the history of music (if indeed that is the place he ought to occupy). For more than 40 years — from the time of his 1951 talks at the Club, a loft space on East Eighth Street in Manhattan opened by the sculptor Philip Pavia, until his death in 1992 — Cage often found himself around devoted scribes and live microphones.

What's Really Going On (Strange Fruit) What's Really Going On (Strange Fruit) Dwayne Wiggins Eyes Never Lie, ©2000 Written by Dwane Wiggins, Maurice Pearl & Lewis Allan Contains interpolations from "Strange Fruit", written by Lewis Allan Dwayne Wiggins co-founded the Oakland, California R & B Group, Tony Toni Tone in 1986. The title for this song is adapted from the title of Marvin Gaye's What's Going On, a musical plea for equality, justice, and peace. In September 2001 the organization Artists Against AIDS Worldwide assembled a group of artists to record a new version of What's Going On to raise awareness and funds to help fight the spread of AIDS in . Wiggins wrote this song in response to an encounter he had with a police officer in in 1999. Wiggins commented in 2000, "I was chosen to be picked on because of the color of my skin, the style of my car, the style of my hair, whatever...Officers need to regroup and remember to respect people as human beings...He felt like he had the power to put his hands on a person.

The Second Time You Fall In Love With Someone & Thought Catalog - StumbleUpon The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to feel so relieved. When you get your heart broken for the first time, you can’t imagine loving someone else again or having someone else love you. You worry about your ex finding love before you do, you worry about being damaged goods. And then it happens. Someone else loves you and you can sleep well at night. The second time you fall in love with someone, it’s going to feel different.

FUCKING HOMEPAGE - Useful Websites Here is a list of websites we have featured in the past that might come in handy. Remember to set as your start page if you haven’t already. Educational/Learning – Useful and educational links updated daily. Set it as your homepage and forget about - video lectures on just about any - lectures by smart - for every educational website or useful web app out - classroom - expand your vocabulary while feeding the - a collection of geography - timed math - the best short - learn about - turn a Wikipedia article into a - a collection of intellectually stimulating - a place to learn amazing and unusual historical and scientific facts

Books that will induce a mindfuck Here is the list of books that will officially induce mindfucks, sorted alphabetically by author. Those authors in bold have been recommended by one or more people as being generally mindfucking - any books listed under their names are particularly odd. You're welcome to /msg me to make an addition to this list. And finally, although he's way down at the bottom, my personal recommendation is definitely Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, as it turns the ultimate mindfuck: inverting the world-view of our entire culture, and it is non-fiction.

20 GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations (9.26.11) Here’s a fresh round of animated GIFs that perfectly characterize how it feels when we encounter these everyday scenarios. When someone steps on the back of your shoe When someone you hate says something funny

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