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Engine Goes Open Source Turbulenz Engine Goes Open Source We’re excited to announce that we have released the Turbulenz HTML5 game engine as open source under the standard MIT license. The open source project is available on GitHub at You may have seen Turbulenz mentioned somewhere and wondered what it was. Turbulenz provides a game engine that delivers all the building blocks developers need to rapidly create high quality and hardware accelerated 2D and 3D games playable across mobiles, tablets and the web. Polycraft by Wonderstruck jQuery Mobile

HTML5 Enterprise Application Architecture Now that we have a good understanding of HTML5 for applications, we can jump right into the HTML5 application architecture. The most important aspect of a good architecture is the independence and integration of all the parts of the system (i.e., integration should not be a factor of dependence). In other words, we strongly recommend lightweight, modular frameworks or libraries that do one or two thing well over the do-it-all mega-frameworks (e.g., Sencha) that try to do too many things, often in their own way (and not the HTML/CSS/JS way).

When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc Initializr - Inizia un progetto con HTML5 Boilerplate in 15 secondi! Ho tradotto la documentazione ufficiale di introduzione ad Initializr in italiano per favorirne una sua maggiore diffusione, per ampliare lo spettro di potenziali utilizzatori nella penisola, facilitandone la comprensione di base anche a chi non conosce bene altre lingue. È uno strumento utilissimo nello sviluppo web, assolutamente consigliato come punto di partenza per nuovi progetti. Cosa è Initializr? Initializr consente di generare un template basato su HTML5 Boilerplate, che renderà un progetto in HTML5 operativo in pochi secondi.

960 Grid on jQuery-Mobile - merge flexibility with jquery-mobile ease jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile. It merge the flexibility of, and the ease of jquery mobile. It aims to bring more flexibility to jquery-mobile layout and thus make it easier to use on tablets. To use 960 grids in jQuery Mobile, simply add one line: And now you can use normal 960 grid syntax inside jQuery mobile pages <fieldset class="container_12"><div class="grid_2"><button type="submit">Button 1</button></div><div class="grid_8"><button type="submit">Button 2</button></div><div class="grid_2"><button type="submit">Button 3</button></div></fieldset>

W3C 대한민국 사무국 Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! Touch - JavaScript Mobile Framework for Building HTML5 Web Apps DHTMLX Touch is a free open source JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps. It's not just a set of UI widgets, but a complete framework that allows you to create eye-catching, robust web applications that run on iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms. Syntax DHTMLX Touch framework offers intuitive object inheritance. You can define an object with properties, some of which are objects or arrays of objects, and some are simple strings or numbers. This way you can pass data into components or nest components one into another.
