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Free Audio tours

Free Audio tours
Impossible streets, incredible museums, a lot of restaurants, San Francisco is a big surprise. Visit the famous prison of Alcatraz and discover the Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco is a popular international tourist destination renowned for its chilly summer fog, steep rolling hills. This city is an eclectic mix of modern architecture and Victorian and has its famous landmarks, including Chinatown, the Golden Gate Bridge and the cable cars. Welcome, discover San Francisco.

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« Extension activities » Étendre, étirer, prolonger votre cours par le biais d’activités ; voilà ce que désignent en anglais « Extension activities ». Généralement de courte durée, ces activités vont permettre de dynamiser vos séquences pédagogiques, de les rendre plus pragmatiques, authentiques, vivantes, créatives et de combler les 5 ou 10 dernières minutes d’une séance. L’anglais étant ma discipline, les noms de ces activités sont souvent donnés dans cette langue. Vidéos métiers anglais Cours d'anglais > Vocabulaire / Audio/Vidéo> Vidéos métiers (anglais américain) Ces 300 vidéos réalisées par l'Etat du Minnesota (c) pourront vous intéresser : - si vous êtes un professeur pour préparer une séquence sur les métiers - si vous souhaitez améliorer votre compréhension orale de l'anglais - si vous souhaitez apprendre du vocabulaire professionnel lié à votre (futur) métier - si vous souhaitez les utiliser en mode 'karaoke', c'est-à-dire en lisant le texte en même temps que le présentateur. Ces vidéos sont en effet sous-titrées en anglais. Voir aussi : Vocabulaire métier | Monde du travail Vidéos

550 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free Get FREE AUDIO BOOKS from and also Download hundreds of free audio books, mostly classics, to your MP3 player or computer. Below, you'll find great works of fiction, poetry and non-fiction, by such authors as Twain, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Orwell, Vonnegut, Nietzsche, Austen, Shakespeare, Asimov, HG Wells & more. Also please see our related collection: The 150 Best Podcasts to Enrich Your Mind. Fiction & Literature

Jeux pour l'anglais Les images voir la rubrique images du site pour trouver des images de bonne qualité.... Formulations : Prépositions de lieu ; there is / there are Lexique : Les couleurs, les nombres, l'heure, les animaux, les magasins, les métiers, les objets, la nourriture...Activité langagière : Expression orale La classe peut être divisée en deux groupes qui doivent repérer et décrire le plus rapidement possible le maximum d'anomalies sur l'image proposée. Télécharger en format PDF Jeux fondés sur la mémoire ELTPics How Does it Work? The idea has remained pretty much the same since then. Every two weeks teachers and folks in ELT are invited to take and share photos on a given theme. This theme is publicised on facebook and twitter by the now curators: @cgoodey, @elt_pics, @fionamau, @JulieRaikou, @mkofab, @sandymillin, and @vickyloras using the hashtag #eltpics. This means that if you have a Facebook account or a Twitter account and follow the hashtag #eltpics, you will be kept up to date.

Listening Welcome to EnglishClub Listening, to help you learn the skill of listening in English. Listening is the first of the four language skills, which are: 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Reading 4. Writing Better@English _Video and audio To learn to speak fluent English, you need lots of exposure to spoken language coupled with opportunities to use what you’re learning. Many learners think that going to a traditional English course is the best way to learn. But you can also learn English very well on your own, without spending a lot of money. Before you sign up for a course, why not make the most of the audio and video resources for English learning that are widely available online? Jump directly to the list of resources. There are many advantages to using audio and video compared to going to a traditional English class.

ESL - Movie Trailers 1 SECTION 3: Movie Trailers Learning through media (movies, music, etc.) is one of the best ways to learn a new language. The exercises below use movie trailers to help you to better understand spoken English. Here's what you do: Slant Rhyme in Poetry: Definition, Examples & Quiz In this lesson, we'll explore slant rhymes, which are sometimes called half rhymes or near rhymes. After we look at a formal definition and some examples of slant rhyme, there is a short self-assessment quiz that you can take. Explore our library of over 10,000 lessons Click "next lesson" whenever you finish a lesson and quiz. Got It Gifs: The Perfect Language Learning Object Over the years, I’ve turned into a bit of a “gif” guru. EnglishCentral beginner video lesson content offers brillant gifs for A1 learners. Here’s an example – Hobbies. Gif Lingua and Gif Lingua Books offer a gif “corpus” where gifs are tagged and learners learn over 50,000 words of English through gifs – these amazing “ideographs”. Yesterday, I presented at the Virtual Round Table, my ideas why Gifs make sure powerful materials for designing lessons and in support of student learning.

Things I like about Animoto for Education byonApril 12, 2013 [byline_dns]? A colleague of mine recently showed me a very cool way for students to create good-looking videos. It’s called Animoto. Animoto in the Classroom: Activity Ideas Looking to enhance students' Web 2.0 competencies and build 21st-century skills? The Animoto tool allows anyone to create professional-looking projects using audio, photographs and video. Fortunately, if you're a teacher looking to bring this fun and easy multimedia tool into the classroom, a free account will do just fine. Free accounts let students generate projects up to 30 seconds long in a limited number of styles and with a Web-streaming level of visual quality. To get you started, Education World offers three great classroom activity ideas based on free-account features of Animoto.

The Triptico Blog – Page 2 – The Triptico Academy As this is the first blog post of 2016: Happy New Year – and thank you for visiting the Triptico blog. There will be many changes to the Triptico website over the next few weeks – including the addition of two brand new resources – but today I want to tell you about an exciting new feature. One of the more common questions that teachers ask is: ‘Is it possible to share a Triptico activity that I have created with my students?’ ChatterKid Before you can make a video, you need a picture of what you want to make talk in the video. As long as you have one in your camera roll, you are good! On the opening screen, tap Take Photo. You can take a picture within the app. Or, you can tap on the photos button in the bottom left corner to pick one from your camera roll.
