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Awesome Variations on Meditation

Awesome Variations on Meditation
Meditation is simply the training of the mind. It has been used, primarily for spiritual practices, for thousands of years. The effects are numerous. In the same way training the body gives rise to numerous benefits, so does training the mind. From achieving incredible states of focus (now being recommended as self-therapy for ADHD) to having insights in the nature of reality and dealing with stress, anxiety and depression. Throughout history these practices gave rise to many men who were pure of heart, loving, compassionate, wise, patient and extremely disciplined. Since everything you’ve ever experienced and know is in your awareness, the end goal is understanding That which is Aware. “Give up defining yourself. Once you’ve explored this concept long enough you slowly get a sense of what he is hinting at. “The perfect man uses his mind as a mirror. This is why staying in the Now is such a powerful practice. Darkness Meditation – Intermediate – Min. 1 day This is one of my favorites.

Related:  it's all in the mind

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