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40 Sites and Apps for Creating Presentations Creating a presentation or slideshow is one of the staples of any 21st Century Classroom. This is a skill that almost every educator has and is a must known skill for any successful student. It used to be that only programs such as PowerPoint could create presentations. Compound Charts - Google Chart Tools: Image Charts - Google Code Overview You can combine several chart types with line or candlestick markers to highlight data trends or show variance. When you add line or candlestick markers onto bar, scatter, or other chart types, the resulting chart is called a compound chart. Some compound charts look like a combination of two chart types—for instance, a bar chart with a tracking line:

Web Accessibility for Designers The focus of web accessibility is often on web development – the things that happen in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript after a site has been designed visually. Optimal accessibility should start much earlier, as part of the visual design process. We have created an infographic that highlights a few important principles of accessible design. Hackasaurus Look ahead Learn all about Firefox OS » Welcome to Webmaker! That username is taken You must choose a username Invalid username. All usernames must be between 1-20 characters, and only include "-", "_" and alphanumeric characters You must agree to our terms and conditions.

50 Education Technology Tools You Can Start Using Today 6 Time-Saving Writing Apps For Students 8.22K Views 0 Likes For anyone who has ever had to write a paper, you know that getting the ideas down when they come to you is important. These mobile apps will get you started and keep you going. 5 Useful iPhone Apps For Student Bloggers Media and Technology Resources for Educators February 27, 2014 We are thrilled to announce the release of our entire Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum as a set of eight interactive, multimedia iBooks Textbooks, available for free in the iBooks Store... read more March 31, 2014 Imagine … a school district that is teaching Digital Literacy and Citizenship lessons to 28,000 K-12 students, with 1,800 trained teachers.

Create interactive cloze texts For many years now I've known lots of teachers who get really enthusiastic about creating interactive activities with tools like Hot Potatoes. This is great but can be quite time consuming to learn and you need to find somewhere to put your activities online once you have created them. Learnclick is a very good alternative that can help to make this process quicker and easier. First you simply go to the Learnclick website and click on 'Create a Cloze Test'.

The 9 Best Web Tools Teachers Will Use This Year Clear communication with students and their parents is one of the primary goals of every teacher. Start this year with just that by using a variety of tools to share your plans and expectations for the coming academic year. In past years I have used a number of these assets but I have not as clearly organized them as I have this year. 10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote – Education Series Posted by Michael Cruz on 13 Jan 2011 Comment Michael Cruz is a great example of someone that has fully embraced the benefits of putting technology to use in a classroom setting. For five years, he taught courses at San Jose State University’s College of Business ranging from web marketing to entrepreneurship. 5 Effective Communication Tips for Designers Communication plays a vital role in the professional life of a designer. There are, however, two types of communications that a designer carries out. The first refers to the type when a designer communicates with its audience via his designs.

9 Word Cloud Generators That Aren't Wordle The use of word clouds in the classroom is a powerful way to really get through to visual learners. The details about the following nine word cloud generators will give you a fair idea how, as an educator, you can get the best out of them. A quick note: Wordle is quite easily the most popular word cloud generator out there.

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