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The Zimmer Twins is a fun way to incorporate technology into the classroom. Watch your students expand their vocabulary, practice proper writing habits, and become junior movie producers all at the same time! Take a few minutes to explore the Zimmer Twins and so you are familiar with the site before using it with your students. Getting Started The best place to start is the help area. Accounts To save movies visitors need to get a nickname and password by joining the site. Setting up accounts in a classroom can present challenges. Use the site without accounts. Remember that students are welcome to set up their own accounts at home with the help of their parents. Related:  Inspiration och idéer

Formativa arbetssätt för engelskundervisningen Jag samlar länkar för att utmana mig själv i det formativa arbetssättet och för att variera undervisningen och hitta rätt inlärningsstil för eleverna. Jag såg att vi är fler som vill utmana oss i det på blogghubben. Här kommer ett litet bidrag med de länkar eller arbetssätt jag just för tillfället kan bidra med. Den absolut bästa länksamlingen är gjor av IT-mamman, men även den på IKT-skafferiet är väldigt bra. Sen finns detta tydliga ark för att hitta verktygen som passar för att ställa frågor och få snabb återkoppling på lärandet. Kanske det hjälper dig att hitta rätt app eller sida direkt utan att behöva testa först. Nedan har jag kategoriserat mina länktips efter rubrikerna muntligt (gäller både tala och samtala), skriftligt, lyssna, och läsa, men även grammatik och ordinlärning då det är centralt i språkinlärningen, samt övrigt: Muntligt Här finns ett inlägg om att göra egna podcasts. Skriftligt Lyssna Läsa Läsning kan du också arbeta med online. Grammatik och ord Övrigt

I Have A Dream Speech Analysis Lesson Plan | Find Every Literary Term in Martin Luther King Jr.’s Most Famous Speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. led a march on Washington, D.C. This lesson plan allows students to review literary terms, rhetorical devices and figurative language with a scavenger hunt through “I Have a Dream” speech. The Lesson Plan 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Examples of Literary Terms in the “I Have a Dream Speech” AlliterationThe repetition of sounds makes the speech more catchy and memorable. In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Anaphora This term describes the most famous part of the speech: King’s repetition of “I have a dream.” A musical metaphor:

Word Mover Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson A Bear of a Poem: Composing and Performing Found Poetry Children find favorite words, phrases, and sentences from familiar stories. Working together, they combine their words and phrases to create a poem. The poem is then shared as performance poetry. Grades 9 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson I Have a Dream: Exploring Nonviolence in Young Adult Texts Students will identify how Martin Luther King Jr.' Exploring the Power of Martin Luther King, Jr.' Students explore the ways that powerful and passionate words communicate the concepts of freedom, justice, discrimination, and the American Dream in Martin Luther King, Jr.' Discovering Traditional Sonnet Forms Students read sonnets, charting the poems' characteristics and using their observations to deduce traditional sonnet forms. Poetry Circles: Generative Writing Loops Help Students Craft Verse Students put their heads together in a poetry circle to learn and practice different forms of poetry. Dr.

Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers A Great Resources to Creating Blogs and Websites that are Safe for Students. What does Bloom have to say about all of thei technology being used in the classroom? Well check out Bloom's Taxnomy listing different Web 2.0 tools. 101 Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers.pdf 101 Web 2 0 Tools For Teachers.pdf Integrating Tech and Marzano's Instructional Strategies.ppt Integrating Tech and Marz...tructional Strategies.ppt Web Tools that Support Marzano's Instructional Strategies.doc Web Tools that Support Ma...tructional Strategies.doc 10 tech mistakes teachers make.pdf 10 tech mistakes teachers make.pdf Web 2.0 Recipe: Thank you Miguel Angel Perez Alvarez: Mix all this ingredients: www.wolframalpha scoopit Please serve rich and warm every class. Pamela Breedlove • Other tools: * Similar to Dropbox: * Titanpad - users can work simultaneously on the same document and save versions * Free online survey tool - Zoomerang Popout

The Teacher's Corner - Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Activities Solving the Hand Raising Problem Advice from Real Teachers Every Wednesday at 8:30 pm EST, I'll post a call for teacher questions on my Facebook page. I'll review the questions and choose a few to feature on Facebook each day, and you'll be invited to chime in with your advice. When I see a post that receives a large number of responses, I'll compile the best answers to create a helpful blog post. Today's Question D'Anna asked for advice about how to handle students who raise their hands constantly while she's giving instructions. There were so many great responses to D'Anna's question - 175 in all! Peggy Seals: I have 2 very anxious seventh grade students that used to do this. Thank you to everyone who took time to answer this question. I am so grateful for this question. And Melissa:

The Online Community for Writers - Writing.Com
