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QR voice

QR voice
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Localingual map lets you hear people from around the world | WIRED UK Google's AI recently made Translate more powerful and capable than ever before. The cloud-based system can now accurately decipher entire sentences based on the context of the language, but while the service will give you the correct words, and for most countries an audio clip of the phrase, there'll still be regional accents and unfamiliar sounds you'll need to contest with. David Ding, a former Microsoft software engineer, has created Localingual to showcase the full range of these voices and highlight the globe's language diversity. Its premise is simple: a world map shows each country and breaks it down to regions as you zoom in. When you click on a region, if sound has been uploaded the dialect and voice from that location will play. The website launched on January 8 and has already had around 500,000 visitors recording 18,000 different voices. David Ding Since the map's launch, its potential to be abused has been highlighted.

Generador QR-Code | QR-Code Este generador es un servicio gratuito. No nos responsabilizamos de la correcta legibilidad de los QR-Codes generados en esta página. La mejor forma es imprimir el código y probar capturarlo con una App lectora. Tipos de QR-Codes Desde este generador puedes crear tus propios QR-Codes Decide el tipo de QR-Code que quieres crearModifica colores o añade logotipos según te interese.Genera el QR-Code y descárgalo. Colores de fondo Puedes cambiar el color del QR y el color del fondo. Ten en cuenta que el contraste entre el color de la base y el principal debe ser alto. Logos en tus QR-Codes Selecciona el icono que quieres incluir en tu QR-Code o sube tu propia imagen. Test, test, test... y test

Projet TBI-Wii - Installation & Démonstration Le boîtier AS -USB est installé à coté du PC professeur. Il permet d' A limenter la Wiimote à distance en utilisant un port USB du PC professeur comme source d'alimentation. Le bouton "RESET" de la Wiimote sert à passer la Wiimote en mode " S ynchronisation Bluetooth". Un autre bouton RESET placé dans le boîtier AS-USB remplace celui de la Wiimote. Pour l'alimentation ... Le port USB peut fournir une tension de 5V (avec un courant max de 100mA) La Wiimote fonctionne sous une tension d'alimentation de 3V (normalement 2 piles AA de 1,5V en série). Il faut donc faire chuter la tension de 5V à 3V... Nous réalisons cette expérience et nous nous rendons compte que la Wiimote refuse de se mettre en fonction. Dans une autre salle, il a fallu laisser uniquement 2 diodes en série car la tension chutait trop avec 3 diodes. Au final, nous obtenons un boîtier AS-USB avec :

Son of Citation Machine ARLOON curricular Apps based on augmented reality technology for high school students and teachers Dear Zientia user, Today we are excited to announce an important change at Zientia. After a fantastic year with you, receiving feedback about Zientia and your experience with us, we have collected all of your ideas and transformed them into a new high-quality product for education called Arloon. Arloon is our participation in the digital education revolution. We have started by creating unique learning experiences with our educational apps, but this is just the beginning. Now that you know a little bit about Arloon, what about your Zientia registration? Your data are stored and protected on our servers, and we will use them to keep in touch with you. We hope we will continue to meet your expectations by creating innovative and helpful teaching and learning tools to improve your classes. We will be glad to answer any of your question or doubts, or hear about your ideas at Thank you very much, The Zientia team, now Arloon! Continue

INTERNET ADDICTION DISORDER. Una Review MODELLO COGNITIVO-COMPORTAMENTALE DELL'UTILIZZO PATOLOGICO DI INTERNET (PIU) di Davis R.A (1999) L'utilizzo patologico di Internet (PIU) può essere di due tipi: Specifico: include le persone dipendenti da una funzione specifica di Internet (es. materiale erotico, gioco d'azzardo, aste, ecc.). Queste forme di dipendenza sono contenuto-specifiche ed esisterebbero indipendentemente dalla presenza o meno di Internet. Generalizzato: comprende un sovrautilizzo generalizzato e multidimensionale di Internet. Davis R.A. (1999), per identificare l'eziologia della PIU, ha utilizzato un approccio cognitivo-comportamentale, in base al quale il PIU deriva da cognizioni problematiche unite a dei comportamenti che intensificano o mantengono la risposta disadattiva. Per spiegare la natura della teoria cognitiva del PIU si devono descrivere preliminarmente alcuni concetti. Inoltre, Abramson e coll. (1989) distinguono tra cause: Prossimali: cause posizionate verso la fine della catena causale. Figura 1. 1.

Generador CODIGOS QR. QR Code Generator | Códigos QR Instrucciones de uso del generador de CODIGOS QR Seleccionar el tipo de código QR a generar direcciones url, SMS, texto libre, email, geolocalización, eventos, red WIFI (solo android), números del teléfono y datos de contacto para Vcards usando las solapas superiores del menú del generador. Rellenar los datos del formulario dependiendo del tipo de contenido a codificar. Pulsar el botón – GENERAR CODIGO QR- Guardar el QR code obtenido pulsando el botón derecho del ratón sobre la imagen del código o copiar el permalink del código que tiene el html necesario para insertarse directamente en cualquier Web. Recomendaciones para usar los Códigos QR ¿Ya has generado tu QR?. Los códigos QR con lecturas más sencillas y fiables son los "clásicos" ( negro sobre blanco) es decir sin personalizaciones ni cambios de color. Webs, Url y QR Muy Importante! Usabilidad de los códigos QR Promover la lectura de tu Código QR Piensa que no todo el mundo tiene interés por leer tu QR. Preguntas Frecuentes: FAQS

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The site doesn't appear to be up anymore. Vocaroo still offers QR codes. Not a very attractive interface though 😟 by rachaeldigitalinnovation Jan 6

Quick Response code. This tool could very easily be utilized in the classroom. by deryckball Dec 12

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