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Salt River Bars

Salt River Bars
We are all about no-bake this week. In fact, ovens are for dorks. Not that it's really that hot this week (we obvy had to mention weather since it's kinda our thang) but we've decided only dorks are using their ovens this week. And we are not dorks. (Well, yes. That is debatable. In the meantime, until Friday or so when we decide we want brownies or chocolate chunk cookies (oooo, cookies), this week we are declaring ovens totally out. Rather, we're following in the footsteps of the totally cool and totally in Bakergirl (hi, Bakergirl, we think you're fab) and making these Salt River Bars. What is a Salt River Bar, you ask? Beats the pants off of us. Yes, we just said that. And, she did not lie. What did we tell you? Salt River BarsMakes 16 squaresAdapted from Bakergirl Print Recipe Line 8 x 8" glass or metal baking pan with foil so that it's hanging over the edges of the pan. Place the pan in the fridge to let the chocolate start to set. We stored these bars in the fridge as well.

Related:  sweet

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