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Inside Jobs: Choose Your Career

Inside Jobs: Choose Your Career

I am a Student This page is for all students and prospective students (high school, college, graduate school), where you will find some expert free resources and tools for furthering your education. Students have been one of the primary priorities of Quintessential Careers since our founding in 1996, and we have a large number of resources, tools, and articles to assist you in achieving your educational goals. Pursuing an education is a great way to advance your career goals and quality of life.

Home Funeral Directors Funeral directors, also called morticians and undertakers, manage funeral homes and arrange the details of a funeral. view profile » Insurance Underwriters Bringing Careers into Focus Welcome to CareerSighted! Our 3-minute videos showcase a wide variety of careers, each one featuring a real person (not an actor) who really loves his/her career. It’s like a virtual career day! When you create an account and log in, you can save a list of your favorite careers, interact with friends, and more! Home - Tracking Your Publications Of course you can always maintain a list of your publications manually, but you also want to know how the world sees your work. The best way to do this is to use a database; the Web of Knowledge, for instance, allows you to cover a wide range of topics. Be sure to select the All Databases tab.

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