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60 Resources and Job Search Websites

60 Resources and Job Search Websites
We have been covering resources for job hunters for quite sometime now. Since the launch of our blog in January 2009, we have come a long way, thanks to you. With unemployment rate still high it has become a challenge to find a job, however, with due effort and determination your dream job isn’t that far. A brief excerpt from the article is included for each link to give you an idea what you will be reading. Articles Related To Resume How To Write a Masterpiece of a Resume : This award-winning guide to resume writing will teach you to write a resume equal to one done by a top-notch professional writer. Articles Related To Job Interviews How To Ace Your job Interview: 88 Surefire Tips and Tricks : So, you’re a recent graduate? Online Job Search Websites CareerBuilder : As the U.S.’s largest online job site, puts over 1.6 million jobs in front of poised job seekers wherever they are “at home or work “ in print and on the Internet. Blogs For Job Seekers Related Posts

6 Words That Make Your Resume Suck This article is part of a series called How to Write a Resume. To start this series from the beginning, read the introduction. I’ve used a few bad words in my life. These sucky words are not of the four-letter variety. So how do you write a wicked resume without the suck? 1. My lips pucker and make sour sucking noises when I read “Responsible For” on a resume. Employers want the numerical facts. BADResponsible for writing user guides on deadline. GOODWrote six user guides for 15,000 users two weeks before deadline. BADResponsible for production costs. GOODReduced production costs by 15 percent over three months. The resume that avoids vague “responsibilities” and sticks to facts detailing figures, growth, reduced costs, number of people managed, budget size, sales, and revenue earned gets the job interview. 2. BADExperience programming in PHP. GOODProgrammed an online shopping cart for a Fortune 500 company in PHP. 3. Yes, I realize this isn’t a single word but rather a phrase. 4. 5. 6.

Job Center of Wisconsin - Publications index Español | Hmoob Wisconsin Job Centers have designed a variety of publications to help you get connected to the world of work. They are organized by four broad topic areas: Job Readiness Job Search Resumes and Applications Interviewing Ordering information Job Readiness titles Job Search titles Resumes and Applications titles Interviewing titles Español Hmoob To obtain single copies of any of these publications, visit your nearest Wisconsin Job Center. For multiple copies of Wisconsin Job Center publications, contact Document Sales at 1-800-DOC-SALE (Visa/MasterCard accepted), or use this order blank: Wisconsin Job Center Publications Order Blank (Adobe PDF). Content Contact: Job Center Liaison. Visit the DWD Viewers Download Page to find links to software which may be necessary to view the above publication.

4 Essential Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview “I am always surprised how some interviewees tend to trail off towards the end of an interview instead of finishing strong and leaving a lasting impression,” says Zachary Rose, CEO and founder of Green Education Services, a green jobs training firm in New York City. Whether you’re a senior preparing for campus recruiting or a recent graduate still hunting for a job, here are the top questions experts recommend asking at the end of a job interview to leave a great final impression on hiring managers and establish yourself as a top candidate. “Is There Any Reason Why You Wouldn’t Hire Me?” Kelsey Meyer, senior vice president of Digital Talent Agents in Columbia, Mo., says, “A recent candidate asked, ‘If you were to not offer the job to me, what would be the reason?’ This was extremely straightforward and a little blunt, but it allowed me to communicate any hesitations I had about the candidate before he left the interview, and he could address them right there.” Michael B. The Bottom Line

How E-mail Works" Every day, the citizens of the Internet send each other billions of e-mail messages. If you're online a lot, you yourself may send a dozen or more e-mails each day without even thinking about it. Obviously, e-mail has become an extremely popular communication tool. Have you ever wondered how e-mail gets from your computer to a friend halfway around the world? What is a POP3 server, and how does it hold your mail? The answers may surprise you, because it turns out that e-mail is an incredibly simple system at its core. An E-mail Message According to Darwin Magazine: Prime Movers, the first e-mail message was sent in 1971 by an engineer named Ray Tomlinson. An e-mail message has always been nothing more than a simple text message -- a piece of text sent to a recipient. E-mail Clients You've probably already received several e-mail messages today. Shows you a list of all of the messages in your mailbox by displaying the message headers.

9 Resume Tips That Should Be Screechingly Obvious (But Apparently Aren’t) | Former Slacker These are all basic rules, but they all seem to get broken constantly. All of these should be obvious to anyone who’s conscious (maybe even the lightly sleeping), but they must not be. On to the rules! Proofread your resume. These nine rules are all fairly simple and straightforward. Update: I’ve put up four more Bonus Resume Tips.

RESUME WRITING How to write a masterpiece of a resume | Rockport Institute Part 1 – Resume Writing – Write a resume that generates resultsPart 2 – How to knock the socks off a prospective employerPart 3 – The evidence section: How to present your work history, education, etc.Part 4 – A few guidelines for a better presentationPart 5 – I’m not sure the job I’m looking for is the right one for mePart 6 – Add power to your resume with powerwords Part 1: RESUME WRITING – WRITE A RESUME THAT GENERATES RESULTS This award-winning guide to resume writing will teach you to write a resume equal to one done by a top-notch professional writer. It offers examples, format choices, help writing the objective, the summary and other sections, as well as samples of excellent resume writing. It is the most trusted resume-writing guide on the planet, used by more than a million people each year. Writing a great resume does not necessarily mean you should follow the rules you hear through the grapevine. Who are we to be telling you how to write your resume? top of page Go On to Part 2

100 Ways to Ace Your Interview BusinessMarch 7th, 2011 There is a lot of advice on the internet about preparing for interviews and how to answer specific questions and while much of that is useful, there is not that much content out there that helps with the small behaviors that make a big difference in an interview. I’ve been hiring and interviewing people now for over 5 years and I have paid close attention to the signs that people exhibit in their interviews to reveal what they are really like. Behaviors of a person speak a lot louder than words as it is very hard to change your behaviors on the spot, unlike prepared answers, which are easy to remember and be prepared for. Behaviors will take time to practice, make a much bigger impact and its important to know what behaviors work well in an interview so you can practice them in advance and learn the techniques as habits. Please consider sharing this article if you enjoy it and feel free to sign up for my RSS feed here. Take a shower, you want to smell neutral

Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music#!/stations/play/293095105393780055#!/stations/play/293095105393780055#!/stations/play/436194739862562135#!/stations/play/436194739862562135#!/stations/play/436194739862562135#!/stations/play/436194 How to Construct a Killer Resume, From Start to Finish Last week, I wrote a controversial article about resume tips that got a lot of readers fired up. As a result, I thought it would be worthwhile to go through the entire process of creating a strong resume, step by step. Step 0: Do NOT fire up Microsoft Word and use a generic resume template. Absolutely, positively, do NOT do this, no matter what. Step 1: Open a plain text document and start listing all of the information you might ever include on a resume List the details of every job, including every possible relevant accomplishment at each one. Tip #1: If you don’t know where to start, include the following in this order:Work experience (dates, names of employers, location, tasks, accomplishments) Education (dates, degrees obtained, location) Specific skills Honors and awards Other activities of note (professional organizations, special skills, etc.) This is essentially your “default resume.” Step 2: Read and research the job you’re interested in applying for One last thing…

Creative Resumes : Best of The Best Times have changed. What worked in the past still works but if you want to stand out from the crowd sometimes the only thing that is needed is a little creativity. We all have the creative juice in us but only some of us dare to squeeze it out. There are 35 resumes altogether. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. duhkine 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. hippiedesigner 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Now that you are done looking at all these amazing resumes, its time to check out one more. If you had to pick a winner which one would it be? Related Posts Interview Questions and Answers By Alison Doyle The best way to get ready for a job interview is to take the time to review the most common interview questions you will most likely be asked. Knowing what you're going to say can eliminate a lot of interview stress. You don't need to memorize an answer, but do take the time to consider how you'll respond. The more you prepare, the more confident you'll feel during a job interview. Job Interview Questions and Best Answers Review examples of the best answers for the most frequently asked interview questions in several different categories, and advice on how to answer. Most Frequently Asked Top 10 Interview Questions and Answers Interview Questions About YouInterviewers will ask questions about you to gain insight into your personality, and to determine whether you're a fit for both the job and the company. continue reading below our video Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Questions About Leaving Your JobEmployers almost always ask about why you left, or are leaving, your job.

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