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Anti-inflammatory Herbs

Anti-inflammatory Herbs

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The Top 8 Cooling Spices for Summer 12th August 2015 By Dr. Edward Group Fennel, Medicinal Properties of Fennel, Saunf, Fenniculum Vulgare Fennel is an aromatic, yellowish green, biennial or perennial herb. The leaves of the fennel are digestive, appetizing and stimulating. Oil of fennel, distilled from the dry seeds is aromatic, carminative and antispasmodic. It is used in various carminative preparations. Funnel consist of moisture 6.3 percent, fat 10 percent, protein 9.5 percent, minerals 13.4 percent, fiber 18.5 percent and carbohydrates 42.3 percent. Diabetic Coma - A Complication Of Diabetes What is diabetic coma? It is a serious complication of diabetes which causes unconsciousness. In case of having diabetes, hypoglycemia (extreme low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (extreme high blood sugar) can trigger diabetic come.

Ayurveda: Ayurvedic Herbology One of the main methods of treatment in Ayurvedic medicine is through the healing properties of plants and other substances. This style of Herbolism is based on principles that have been past down for a myriad of centuries. The wisdom of the vedic sages is at the foundation of this “Science of Life”. First shared as an oral tradition, the reliability of the knowledge has been substantiated by the generations that have benefited from its use. It is built upon the understanding of the five elemental theory (space, air, fire, water, and earth) and from this the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha). The founding tenets are composed of an understanding of plant energectics along with the energectics of the person being treated.

Flowers Used in Chinese Herbal Medicine 25th October 2015 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Guest Writer for Wake Up World Herbal therapies are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Herbal Medicine from Your Garden or Windowsill The teasel, Dipsacus fullonum, is also known as fuller's teasel or Venuscup teasle. It's not a plant one would normally associate with herbal medicine, but is surprisingly useful. It is not related to thoroughwort (also sometimes called teasel). Normally, you would expect to see teasel used as an ornamental and everlasting. How To Get Enough Magnesium Boost – Natural Health News — naturalhealth Unfortunately, Magnesium Boost is frequently not all around consumed by the digestive track, and is significantly difficult to absorb on the off chance that you are insufficient or are low in vitamin D, have poor gut bacteria or experience the ill effects of various different conditions. On top of that, most sustenance’s are drained of their common magnesium levels and the water supply is missing moreover. I regularly utilize topical magnesium supplementation for our family.

How to Make Medicinal Vinegars & Oxymels Medicinal vinegars (Vinegar Extracts) have been around since ancient times, and were an excellent way to preserve and dispense herbs before distilled spirits were known about. While the advantages of using vodka or brandy to make your herbal tinctures are many – including greater potency and longer shelf life, there are those who wish to avoid alcohol for personal reasons or due to the higher cost, making vinegar extracts ideal for them to create. Vinegar extracts (also known as “aceta”) are weaker than alcohol based tinctures, so the required dose is higher. Herbal birth control, sterility promoters, implantation preventers, menstrual promoters, emmenagogues, uterine contractors, abortifacient www.susunweed.comPlease ask for permission to use this article, write to us at Note: Ab*rtion is a controversial subject, and herbal ab*rtions are not an easy solution to the issues involved. Any ab*rtion is physically, emotionally, and psychically stressful. If you decide that you are not going to nourish a life growing within, please seek a woman wise in the ways of bodies and feelings to help you. c. 2002 Susun S Weed Excerpt from Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year pages 5 -14Herbal birth control is most effective when combined with knowledge of your fertility cycles, selective abstinence, mental control, and barriers to sperm. You may choose herbs to cause temporary or permanent sterility, to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, to bring on a late menstrual flow, or to empty the uterus if you believe that conception has taken place.

12 Herbs to Curb Heart Palpitations - NaturalON Photo credit: Although some people experience rapid heartbeats, missed heartbeats, and even irregular heartbeats, these are not signs of true heart trouble, but rather a symptom from another underlying problem such as hormone fluctuations, certain prescription drugs, anxiety or panic attacks, excessive caffeine consumption, menopause, or even an overactive thyroid gland. If you are experiencing irregular heartbeats, be certain that you check with your doctor or cardiologist first to be sure that you do not have heart disease or any other type of heart issue. Once your doctor has given you the OK, check out this list of the top 12 herbs that are known to help calm those heart palpitations that are caused by things other than heart disease or heart malfunctions. 1. Lavender

All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray – Natural Health News For Skin & Beauty glows makeup is expensive. Make up is fickle. Makeup is awful, when it’s melting off your face. However “setting” sprays what’re expected to be used the last step of your makeup routine to ensure that your face does not go the way of Chernobyl by the end of a whole day.Practically every cosmetics company suggestions at least one and most of the claim that their spray will lock down makeup preserve it some way and extend its wear time. Two of the most well-known are Urban Decay All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray and Makeup Finishing Spray. They do not accurately make your make up bulletproof in the way that setting sprays do but they do help your makeup endure the shit that regular time throws at you.

Medicinal Herbs sorted by Herbs names Medicinal Herbs sorted by Common Names Medicinal Herbs sorted by Latin Names Information about more than 4000 medicinal herbs Wildfoodsandmedicines Our modern palate oscillates between the addictive flavors of salty and sweet, but we have lost an essential ingredient to optimal health: bitter plants. They are so rare in our diet that many people cannot name anything with bitterness except coffee. Historically, humans valued bitters for their digestive stimulating and medicinal properties. Oregon grape is a quintessential bitter plant that has the capacity to cleanse, clarify and enliven body and spirit.
