Aloe vera re-potting – All things green The Aloe vera plant has been popular for decades as a balm or salve used to treat minor burns, cuts, sunburn and other maladies. Every household should have an Aloe plant as part of their first-aid kit. You can do your part to spread the good news about Aloe by dividing your plants and giving them away to folks who don’t have an Aloe yet. It’s very easy to do. As an Aloe plant grows, it forms small plantlets or off-shoots around the base of the main stem. In this post I’m using an old Aloe that needed to be renewed. Start by getting a potting mix together. In this example, where the plant has grown too long between re-potting, the Aloe has developed a long, undesirable stem with a lot of dead leaves. Fix this by cutting the stem an inch or so below the green active part of the plant. Then just fill a pot (be sure it has a drain hole in the bottom) with your potting mix and insert the prepared Aloe cutting into the soil. This brand new plant can now be given away as a gift. Bob
Succulent Identification Chart - find your unknown plant here This Succulent Identification Chart can help you find your plant: check the general description for some similar plants. Save Luckily for us, succulents come in all shapes and sizes. Notice whether your plant is spiky, chubby, rosette forming or even has baby plants hanging from the edges of the leaves to guide you to more information on similar plants. The many types of succulents that you can find in nurseries, garden centers, as a cutting from a friend or in large box stores is absolutely astounding. With the interest in these plants widespread and on a level bordering on fanaticism, it's hard to keep up with all the new and interesting introductions, and many times these plants are grouped into collections in the store, without proper labels. If you're identifying succulents to find out more about how to grow them successfully, this chart might help narrow down your search. Identify your succulent by: Strappy, spikey leaves Tender Rosette Forming Succulents Hardy Rosette Forming Succulents
How to Grow and Use Aloe Vera Everyone needs an aloe vera plant on the kitchen window, close to the stove. Aloe is renowned for its ability to cool and heal a burn. And for that reason alone, you should keep one as a plant ally. But did you know that aloe has other uses as well? Aloe is a “first aid kit in a plant” according to Rosemary Gladstar. [3] Externally aloe vera gel is useful for skin irritation, wounds, scratches, and bedsores, as well as burns. How to grow aloe vera Aloe is a tender perennial. Avoid overwatering. If you live in zones 8 or below, growing aloe in a container is easy, provided that you don’t overwater it. Aloe will also fair well grown indoors. Many people think they can’t grow aloe vera because they don’t understand the different needs that succulents have. Propagation: Aloe vera plants make more aloe plants in two ways. But the plant also sends out clones from the mother plant, called “pups” or “plantlets”. Using the Aloe Vera Plant There are two types of medicine in the aloe leaf. Aloe spp.
DIY Tiered Succulent Planter | Pinspiration Mommy If you have ready any of my previous posts, you’ll know I love succulents and am always looking for new ways to plant and display them. I have been seeing pictures on Pinterest of old 3-tier fountains that have been upcycled into planters and thought that it was a great way to display plants. I don’t have any old tiered fountains, but I have seen other posts of people turning planters into tiered fountains. So, I decided to use cheap planters purchased at Walmart to make a four-tiered succulent planter. I purchased four planters of varying sizes, large to small, at Walmart. The largest was on clearance for $5, and the other three were all under $15 total. Plastic planters purchased at Walmart Disposable planters First, using a glue gun, I glued five of the disposable planters together so they were stacked. Stacked planters glued to bottom tier of planter Apply glue to the top of the stacked disposable planters in the first tier. Add third tier planter Planter with all four tiers. Like this:
多肉植物の水栽培にチャレンジ!やり方や育て方は? | LOVEGREEN(ラブグリーン) 松本卓 69220views公開日 : 土が必要なく、水やりも不要(お水はこまめに変えてくださいね)なこともあり、観葉植物やハーブ、野菜も水栽培が人気ですね。 多肉植物もできるの? とはいえ、ただお水にどぼん! 目次 ■用意するもの ■多肉植物の準備 ■水につけよう ■多肉植物の水栽培の管理 ■水栽培の注意点 ■調子が悪そうな場合は 用意するもの ・多肉植物 ・瓶 瓶の口が広すぎると落ちてしまいます。 紐や金網などを使って落ちないように引っ掛かりを作るのもよいでしょう。 ・水栽培用液体肥料 ・水の用意 土に植えるときも、緩効性肥料を混ぜたり、市販の多肉植物用の土にも肥料が入っているものもあります。 水だけでも育たなくはありませんが、栄養は必要です。 ※肥料は適切な濃度に希釈してください。 【道具】 園芸用ハサミ 目次に戻る≫ 多肉植物の準備 まずは、多肉植物を水栽培用にするため準備をしましょう。 ①鉢から取り出し、土を落とします。 ②根の土を落とすため、水洗いをします。 ③水洗いの後は乾かします。 ④消毒したハサミで根をカットします。 <なぜ根を切るの? 準備完了です! 水につけよう 準備が整いましたので、水につけます。 多肉植物の水栽培の管理 置き場所 直射日光を避けた明るい場所で管理しましょう。 水替え こまめに水換えはしましょう。 水の量 根が全部つからないようにしましょう。 水栽培の注意点 温度に注意しよう 夏場は特に注意しましょう。 カビが生えた・・・ 湿度が高い、風通しが悪い、水を換えなかったなどでカビが! カットしたあとすぐに水に戻すことはしないで一度乾かしたほうがよいでしょう。 調子が悪そうな場合は 多肉植物がどうにも元気がない。 水から上げて風通しのよいところで乾かしましょう。 または、挿し木のように茎からカットして発根させて植えることもできます。 毎日の水やりもなく、枯らす心配の少ない水栽培。
Soft Spot for Succulents | Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab Written by Hannah Ayala – Extension Assistant Like all plants, your succulent could be suffering because of a plant pathogen, an insect pest, or an abiotic factor. When it comes to succulents, there are some issues that are more common than others. One of the most common problems we find in samples that come into the lab is caused by overwatering. Overwatered succulent Another abiotic factor that could stress out your plant is sunscald. Stress caused by either sunscald or overwatering can make your plant vulnerable to plant pathogens as well. A fungal pathogen called Anthracnose (Colletotrichum (Gloeosporium) spp.) can commonly affect several species of cacti. Gloeosporium spores Additionally, overwatering can attract insect pests, specifically mealybugs. Cactus infested with mealybug Enlarged photo of a mealybug These are just a few factors that could be affecting your plant. Healthy succulent bouquet Tl;dr Do not overwater your succulents. References:
Tips for Growing and Harvesting Aloe Vera Aloe vera — of which there are about 450 species1 — is a succulent plant that thrives in tropical areas of the world and is well-known for its soothing qualities, especially for skin conditions such as burns, rashes, cuts and scrapes, but also for more serious skin conditions such as psoriasis. In one study,2 aloe vera gel had an overall antipsoriatic activity of nearly 82 percent. Aloe vera has spiky, variegated leaves, made up of: The outer rind — The tough, protective layerAloin — A yellowish bitter-tasting sap between the rind and the inner gel that helps protect the plant from animals. The aloin has laxative properties and should not be ingested on a regular basis as it may cause serious health complications.3 This portion of the leaf may also exacerbate intestinal health problems such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitisPulp or parenchyma tissue — The fleshy inner portion of the leaf, which includes cell walls and mucilage,4 a clear, viscous liquid within the cells
Email Thank You | Facebook Ads | Succulents and Sunshine You see… most people say the #1 killer of succulents is over watering, when in fact it is the soil. This commonly overlooked aspect of succulent care is your secret weapon to having colorful, healthy succulents decorating your windowsill. Many soils that claim to be “well draining” end up staying wet waaaaaay too long for succulents. Resulting in black, mushy stems and leaving you feeling discouraged that you’ve lost yet another succulent. It’s not your fault! Most commercially prepared “succulent mixes” are just the same as regular potting soil with a little bit of perlite or bark added in. You need a high-quality mix that’s designed for succulents and not your water loving fern. That’s why we created… The Succulent Success Kit Not only will you get (in the mail) two gallons of premium-succulent soil that would normally cost you $30… And… bonus! All of this… the physical tools and instant downloads for Just $47
How to Water Succulents without Drainage | Succulents and Sunshine There are some amazing planters and pots for succulents that don’t have drainage holes. Find out how to properly water your succulents in one of them! Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, meaning we receive a commission if you make a purchase through these links. You don’t pay any extra but the commissions help us provide free information on the website. Figuring out how often to water your succulents can be tricky. Succulents need their roots to dry out quickly. They don’t like to sit in water for more than a day or two and will begin to rot if they stay wet for much longer. This is why I highly recommend using pots with a drainage hole when you are first starting out with succulents. However, if you’re growing succulents indoors, it’s likely you want a pot without a drainage hole so you can keep your succulents on the counter and not worry about water coming out the bottom of the pot. Well-draining soil Gasteria ‘Marble’ Measure it out You can do this a variety of ways.
Types of Succulents | Successfully Growing Succulents I fell in love with succulents 7 years ago when I was still in school and my Mom encouraged me to get some plants to deal with the crazy inversion we used to get each winter. I started with 3 succulents on my tiny window sill but if you’re anything like me, you’d know that those 3 quickly turned into hundreds and my love for succulents turned into a full-blown obsession. So much so, I moved away from professional photography to full-time succulent ‘addict’. ;) But the road wasn’t easy… I struggled during the early days because I couldn’t find solid, reliable and perfect-for-me resources to help me grow my succulents and make them thrive. Most information, both in books and online, focuses on the perfect climate. FACT: Even though I’m the best-selling author of the Idiot’s Guides to Succulents AND the creator of the Successfully Growing Succulents course, I killed plenty of succulents in the beginning because of failed experiments and misguided advice.
How To Make A Succulent Christmas Tree This year has certainly changed our lives. 2020 has been the year of the coronavirus, civil unrest, and bad news. Many of us have spent a lot of time away from our loved ones, so coming up on the festive season is a good way to turn things around. Likely, things are going to be different this year so perhaps it is time to start a new tradition. People are now creating holiday trees for almost every holiday. Rather than having a large pine tree in your home, you can try downsizing with a succulent holiday tree. Succulents are very popular these days, so you can see why people are so anxious to include them in your holiday plans. Another reason to consider succulents is because they are sustainable. Using succulents produces a low-maintenance holiday tree. Succulents produce a minimal tree, and that is also something that is trending these days. You might also want to consider using one of these trees as a centerpiece. To get started, gather the following materials. 1.
Choosing the Right Pot for your Succulents | Succulents and Sunshine Selecting a pot or planter for succulents is often overlooked but it's an important part of keeping your succulents happy and creating a beautiful arrangement! When you purchase through links on this site we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. This helps us provide free content for you to enjoy. When it comes to succulents, the only thing I enjoy more than buying succulents is choosing the pottery to plant them in. I'm especially addicted to blue pots. But as much as I love buying pottery and planters for my succulents, it can be a challenging task to find just the perfect one. All of these factors can make a big difference in helping your succulents thrive. Pin Drainage! If you've read my posts on watering or soil, you've likely already heard me say… choose a pot with a drainage hole! To help you even further, download my free cheat sheet to see what it looks like when your succulents need more or less water. Material The next consideration is the material your pot is made of.
What to do with stretched out succulents | Succulents and Sunshine How to save stretched out succulents Once a succulent is stretched out, it won’t revert back to it’s original compact height and shape. Don’t worry though! There is a way to get back to a tight, compact garden again. Start by cutting off the top of the succulent using sharp scissors (I love, love, love this pair! While I’ve had bare stems send out new offshoots, it takes much longer than when I’ve kept a few leaves on the stem. Be sure to leave enough stem on the cutting to plant in soil later. Let both the cutting and the base dry out for a few days. I’ve found that cuttings need to be watered slightly more often than a fully rooted plant, but not much. The cutting should start to put off roots, possibly within a couple days, but definitely within 2-3 weeks. The base, or original plant, will start to put off new offshoots within a few weeks. The leaves you left on the base plant originally may fall off or die at some point. Don’t be alarmed if they do fall off though! Give them more light