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25+ apps that the TED staff swears make their everyday lives easier

25+ apps that the TED staff swears make their everyday lives easier
At our small, fast-moving nonprofit company, everyone does a couple of jobs — and productivity apps help us manage roles that shift between coding, writing/designing and running a full-scale conference twice a year. We asked the TED staff what apps they can’t live without. And beyond the classics—Instagram, Google Maps, Spotify, Uber, Seamless—we found some great apps that might help you too. For random life stuff… Dark SkyA weather app with startling accuracy, its interface tells you things like: “Light rain starting in 22 minutes.” *SunriseLike your Google Calendar with key improvements, several staffers swear by this app. *KeyMeCommunications manager Samantha Kelly was excited to download this app, as she recently got locked out of her apartment. *Think DirtyThis app tells you exactly what’s in the personal care product you’re about to buy. Yoga StudioYoga Studio reminds us of the “Surprise Me” feature on the TED app. *Camera360This app has more than 200 photo filters and 10 modes. Related:  Techramoth

The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For 15 outils de curation incontournables Que ce soit dans le cadre d’une veille ou pour organiser le flux incessant d’informations qui nous submerge tous, les outils de curation sont devenus des services indispensables. La curation est plus qu’une mode passagère, elle s’inscrit dans un mouvement de fond sur le web pour répondre à l’infobesité et au surf permanent. La curation est aussi un bon moyen pour promouvoir une marque , sa réputation en ligne ou encore pour générer du traffic vers son site en ligne. Ma liste personnelle des 15 outils incontournables pour votre curation de contenus. Incontestablement mon préféré dans cette liste d’outils de curation. C’est le concurrent direct de Pinterest Les épingles de Pinterest ont révolutionné la curation en ligne et donné naissance à une ribambelle de services et de sites qui se sont inspirés de son ergonomie et de sa simplicité d’utilisation. Pearltrees Encore une succès story dans l’univers des outils de curation.

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10 research tips for finding online answers Before Danielle Thomson was our TED Prize researcher, she wrote trivia for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and spent years finding difficult-to-source info for The Late Show with David Letterman. And she has quickly established herself as our staff secret weapon. When one of us can’t get our hands on a piece of information that we need, we turn to Danielle and — voila! — there it is. We asked Danielle to share some of her best research tips to help you in those “why can’t I find this?” There are no new questions. Have any research tips that you love?

13 Little Known Free Programs Any LifeHacker Must Try | Webiot There’s plenty of useful free computer programs and websites that a lot of people don’t know about. Hopefully, after reading this post, your time spent in front of the computer will become a bit more healthy, productive, and easily managed. 1. Bitrix24 Bitrix24 is a multi-purpose program free to companies with fewer than 12 employees. 2. f.lux You know how you’re not supposed to sit in front of LED screens and expose yourself to blue light at night if you want to sleep well? f.lux can help with that. I’ve been using f.lux for over a year and I really recommend it. 3. RescueTime sends you weekly reports on how you’ve spent your time by the computer. You can personally adjust what kind of activities you want RescueTime to consider productive or distractive. 4. Want to appear hard-to-get by waiting to reply to someone, but afraid you’ll forget to reply if you wait too long? Just click the Boomerang box and set the date and it’ll be scheduled automatically. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ePubReader 12.

Ce que Google sait de vous… parce que vous le lui donnez Le bref article traduit ci-dessous ne fait que réunir et rassembler commodément des liens vers des ressources qui ne sont nullement secrètes. C’est au contraire tout à fait ouvertement que Google met à votre disposition ce qu’il sait de vous, il vous suffit de rechercher dans les paramètres de votre compte Google (mmmh car vous en avez encore un n’est-ce pas ?). Vous vous demandez sans doute alors pourquoi un article du Framablog vous invite à cliquer sur les liens… Google, alors que nous sommes engagés dans une campagne à long terme pour vous inciter à vous déprendre de son emprise. Disons que c’est une façon rapide et frappante de prendre conscience de ce que nous sommes devenus pour cette entreprise : des données monnayables. Article original sur le blog de Cloudfender 6 links that will show you what Google knows about you Vous voulez savoir tout ce que Google sait sur vous ? 1. Google tente de créer un profil de base de vous, selon votre âge, votre sexe, vos centres d’intérêt. 2. 3.

Aquaponic Gardening - A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners How to run a brainstorm for introverts (and extroverts too) Cocktail party trivia: Brainstorming was invented in the 1930s as a practical idea-generation technique for regular use by “creatives” within the ad agency BBDO. That all changed in 1942, when Alex Osborn — the “O” in BBDO — released a book called How to Think Up and excited the imaginations of his fellow Mad Men. Since 1942, the idea-generation technique that began life in a New York creative firm has grown into the happy kudzu of Silicon Valley startups. Somewhere near Stanford, an introvert cringes every time the idea comes up of sitting in a roomful of colleagues, drawing half-baked ideas on Post-it notes, and then pasting them to the wall for all to see. (If this is you, watch David Kelley’s TED Talk on creative confidence, followed by Susan Cain’s on the power of introverts.) I’ve run a lot of brainstorms over the years: with designers at IDEO, with Tom and David Kelley (I co-authored the book Creative Confidence with them), and with TED’s editorial team.

comment trouver une alternative à n'importe quel logiciel Alternativeto s’est donné pour mission d’aider les internautes à trouver des alternatives à n’importe quel logiciel pour ordinateur, téléphone mobile ou tablette. Chaque logiciel ou appli est présenté brièvement, enrichi de métadonnées et classé en fonction de sa popularité ou de son ancienneté. En vous inscrivant, vous pourrez aussi vous joindre à la communauté et participer à l’élaboration et à l’amélioration de ces recommandations. Alternativeto en quelques chiffres Lancé en mars 2009, le site repose sur une idée simple: proposer des alternatives pertinentes à n’importe quel logiciel. 30.000 logiciels, applications, outils, jeux, sites web, services en ligne répertoriés300.000 votes des utilisateurs15.000 messages, avis et commentaires67 millions de visiteurs et 186 millions de pages vues Comment ça marche ? C’est super simple ! Voilà donc un outil simple, gratuit et utile que je vous invite à découvrir sans plus tarder !

10 conseils de recherche pour trouver des réponses en ligne Before Danielle Thomson was our TED Prize researcher, she wrote trivia for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and spent years finding difficult-to-source info for The Late Show with David Letterman. And she has quickly established herself as our staff secret weapon. When one of us can’t get our hands on a piece of information that we need, we turn to Danielle and — voila! — there it is. We asked Danielle to share some of her best research tips to help you in those “why can’t I find this?” There are no new questions. Have any research tips that you love?

Guide to dishwasher machines and septic systems InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. Residential dishwashing machines and their possible effects on septic systems are explained in this article. Will the discharge from a home dishwashing machine into a private septic system harm the septic tank or drainfields? What detergents are best to use in a home dishwasher to minimize impact on the septic system and the environment. Green links show where you are. © Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved. A Guide to Home DISHWASHER Machines - and Septic Systems Does a dishwasher water volume overload and harm the septic system? The volume of water from home dishwashing machine use should not be a problem with a normal septic system in good working order. However as we discussed at "Washing Machines", in some conditions you should avoid emptying dishwasher discharge into the septic system: According to Cliff Davies, a U.S. But Mr.
