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Tarr's Toolbox

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UTSA's College of Liberal and Fine Arts Magazine By Cindy Tumiel Four hundred years have passed since William Shakespeare penned his last play. Yet his prose, plots and characters are as alive today as they were when the plays were originally staged during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Shakespearean works are required reading for high school English students and a course or two for college students who study writing or literature. The 1619 Project In August of 1619, a ship appeared on this horizon, near Point Comfort, a coastal port in the English colony of Virginia. It carried more than 20 enslaved Africans, who were sold to the colonists. No aspect of the country that would be formed here has been untouched by the years of slavery that followed. On the 400th anniversary of this fateful moment, it is finally time to tell our story truthfully. The 1619 ProjectThe 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.

The Different Schools of Historiography: A Reference The following is a section that people can refer to (and of course add to) in order to get a brief glimpse of the definitions of the different schools of historiography. For complete reference on this list of terms please refer to wikipedia at: In the meantime, the following is an all too brief summary: Is Donnie Darko human? 15/07/12 20:34 Filed in: Human/Posthuman A few questions for this week about Donnie Darko. Consider them all, then choose one or two to discuss in your response to this post. First:1. What happens to reality when it's put on film? What is the relationship between the reality we see in the world and the images we see on film?

What's Wrong With Google Telling Me Everything? The topic of Critical Thinking and Google Searches seems to poke it's head out via various discussions and conversations every now and then. Even on #edchat last night the topic centered around moving kids away from thinking Google has all the answers to thinking critically. First let me clarify. I use the term Google Searches loosely. That has come to mean all searches but there are obviously other search engines out there (Like Bing and Yahoo) that are still relevant and used in schools. But by far, Google is the most popular search engine around.

1619 Project (New York Times) In the history of the United States, black Americans were the only group for whom it was ever illegal to learn to read or write. And so when emancipation finally came, schools and colleges were some of the first institutions that the freed people clamored to build. Black Americans believed that education meant liberation, and just eight months after the Civil War, the first historically black college opened in the South. Howard University is among the most venerable of these institutions. Book Review: Ataturk in the Nazi Imagination Ataturk in the Nazi Imagination by Stefan Ihrig Harvard University Press, 2014 Stefan Ihrig’s fascinating book Ataturk in the Nazi Imagination provides an extremely detailed reminder of the fact that in his dreams of a victoriously ultra-nationalist Germany, Adolf Hitler had a very salient model in mind beside the more well-known one of Mussolini’s Italy: throughout his years as a radical fringe-politician and as Fuhrer of the Nazi state, Hitler was fascinted by the example of Mustafa Kemal, who led his native Turkey against the Entente powers in World War I and won the Turkish War of Independence, which concluded in 1923 with the Treaty of Lausanne. “If we are to believe Hitler,” Ihrig writes, Ataturk was his “shining star” in the darkness of the 1920s.

Teaching with Twitter: how the social network can contribute to learning I am senior lecturer in English at the University of Wolverhampton and have been an advocate for the past few years of teaching using blended learning - integrating online learning activities alongside face-to-face teaching. Two of my courses on Victorian literature feature a number of assessed online discussion forum activities. They get 100% participation - much of it enthusiastic. untitled Type the email address or phone number of the account you want to sign in with. We're having trouble locating your account. Which type of account do you want to use? Teaching and Learning About Martin Luther King Jr. With The New York Times … We returned to King’s letter, in which he draws a distinction between just and unjust laws. They didn’t know about this King, I found, the one who fought the law. In their view, the civil rights movement was embodied in King the Christlike leader, who stands for peace, love and brotherhood.I told the students that King went to jail a lot for peace, love and brotherhood.We talked about Baltimore, where the police had just killed Freddie Gray and street protests were swelling to an uprising.

Hitler’s world may not be so far away It was 20 years after I chose to become a historian that I first saw a photograph of the woman who made my career possible. In the small photograph that my doctoral supervisor, her son, showed me in his Warsaw apartment, Wanda J radiates self-possession, a quality that stood her in good stead during the Nazi occupation. She was a Jewish mother who protected herself and her two sons from the German campaign of mass murder that killed almost all of her fellow Warsaw Jews. When her family was summoned to the ghetto, she refused to go. She moved her children from place to place, relying upon the help of friends, acquaintances and strangers.

How to teach history There is no single 'best' way to teach history. Research suggests that good history teachers know the content, use a variety of approaches, explicitly teach the skills of historical inquiry and analysis, tailor learning opportunities to suit their students' stage of development, and encourage deep understanding. Activities Smart Compose in Google Docs now generally available Quick launch summary Last year, we announced a beta for Smart Compose in Google Docs, a feature that helps you compose high-quality content in Google Docs faster and more easily. Smart Compose saves you time by cutting back on repetitive writing, helps reduce the chance of spelling and grammatical errors, and can suggest relevant contextual phrases.
