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Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): The Law of 33%

Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): The Law of 33%

Hyperactivité Adulte TDAH TDA Déficit d'Attention Probleme concentration Procrastination Cyclothymie Impulsivité Ritaline Coaching Inattention, Hyperactivité, Impulsivité - Distraction, Procrastination, Désorganisation Créatif, Intuitif, Curieux, Empathique, Flexible, Indépendant, Capacité à foncer/rebondirEnnui fréquent, Motivation&Concentration irrégulières, Humeur labile, Hypersensible ■ Le Trouble du Déficit de l'Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité (TDA/H) est un trouble neurobiologique qui peut être très problématique chez l'enfant puis chez l'adulte, et qui par ailleurs peut être aussi bénéfique. Les acronymes en Français sont : "TDA/H", "TDAH", "TDA" (anciennement "THADA") et en anglais "ADHD", "ADD" (Attention Deficit Disorder). C'est un désordre neurologique et non pas une maladie. Il peut être aggravé par des facteurs psycho-sociaux mais il est essentiellement d'origine génétique (donc souvent héréditaire) et neurobiologique. ■ Ce site traite essentiellement du TDA/H chez les adultes.

What percentage of your brain do you use? - Richard E. Cytowic This article from explains the origins of the 10% myth. HowStuffWorks published an article about the top 10 brain myths. In the same way, this article by Neuroscience for Kids talks about the 10% myth. The brain is what makes us function, yet we understand so little about how it works. We are learning more about the brain by using new technology to monitor epilepsy patients during surgery. Moran Cerf explains the process doctors use to explore the brain further.

La psychanalyse Table des matières Introduction Chapitre I – Historique 1. L’ère pré-psychanalytique 2. Tehnici de memorare - Repetitia este mama invatarii! Dar nu orice fel de repetitie. Repetitia spatiata este una din cele mai eficiente metode de invatare prin care il poti ajuta pe copil sa isi aminteasca informatiile invatate pe termen lung, mai ales cand se pregateste pentru examen. Secretul consta in intervalul de timp dintre repetitii. Repetitia spatiata este in stransa relatie cu notiunea de „curba uitarii”, care arata ritmul in care scade acuratetea informatiilor pe care le-am memorat. Curba uitarii este exponentiala, adica in a doua zi dupa ce am invatat, pierderea de informatie este foarte mare, dupa care uitam intr-un ritm mai lent.

Éléments bibliographiques sur les rythmes et temps de l'enfant Quelques repères bibliographiques : LAMBERT C. (1985) Vigilance et cognition: approche chronopsychologique de l'attention. Thèse de Doctorat de Psychologie. 13 secrete din psihologie care te ajuta sa comunici cu oricine Iata cateva tehnici din psihologie care te ajuta sa relationezi eficient cu oricine: 1. Daca raspunsul cuiva nu te multumeste – de exemplu, daca o persoana cu care vorbesti a lasat ceva nespus, nu a fost prea clara sau a mintit – nu mai intreba inca o data. In loc de aceasta, priveste fara sa spui nimic si cu atentie in ochii acelei personae. Aceasta tehnica o face pe acea persoana sa se simta putin presata sa isi continue gandurile.

How to Learn Better: Evidence for Well-Known But Little-Used Technique The powerful effect of the right kind of learning technique. When people allow themselves to rest and reflect on things they have previously learned, they also become better at learning in the future, a new study finds. While it’s now established that resting the mind strengthens past memories, the new research shows that it can also be beneficial to future learning. Dr. Alison Preston, who led the research, said: “We’ve shown for the first time that how the brain processes information during rest can improve future learning.We think replaying memories during rest makes those earlier memories stronger, not just impacting the original content, but impacting the memories to come.”

Are You A Good Listener? Being a good listener is an essential skill that all people could probably work on. Need some more ideas about how to improve your own listening skills? Start with: 9 Things Good Listeners Do Differently.
