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Transmedia education

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Pt1: Investigating the Possibilities of Transmedia; Collapsus, a Case Study. This blog post focuses on the intersection of transmedia and learning.

Pt1: Investigating the Possibilities of Transmedia; Collapsus, a Case Study

Presented in 4 segments, we will look at how transmedia is revolutionizing media creation and presentation. As modes of human communication continue to change, so too does the concept of audience, and the projects envisioned and produced. Through a case study on Collapsus, an Energy Risk Conspiracy project, I will expose components necessary for building a successful transmedia project, along with the capabilities and influence accessible through employing such processes.

Gain access to exclusive storyboards and scripts, behind the scene details, and interactive interviews as WorkBook Project delves deeper into the process of transmedia. I. Almost a year ago (November, 2009) Alison Norrington, for Wired News, posed the question: “The value of a good story remains; the question is will you prefer to read, listen, watch, or do?”

Since this publishing, how has the relationship between media and consumers changed? Narrativas transmedia. El libro. Este cambio de año vino cargado de publicaciones.

Narrativas transmedia. El libro

Si a finales del 2012 aparecieron en las librerías reales y virtuales Crossmedia Innovations. Texts, Markets, Institutions -el volumen colectivo que editamos con Indrek Ibrus para Peter Lang- y Colabor_arte. Medios y artes en la era de la producción colaborativa -una nueva producción para La Crujía de la empresa Carlón-Scolari, la misma de El fin de los medios masivos. El comienzo de un debate-, el 2013 también comienza con una novedad editorial: Narrativas transmedia. Cuando todos los medios cuentan. Disruptividades ¿Por qué un libro “disruptivo”? Volvamos a la pregunta: ¿Por qué un libro “disruptivo”? Este “lector modelo” (Eco dixit) a quién el libro le habla se refuerza por su publicación en una editorial -Deusto (Grupo Planeta)- plenamente posicionada en el sector profesional y empresarial. ¿Por qué dije “construcción”? Capítulos y secciones.

Transmedia Storytelling. “Transmedia storytelling” is telling a story across multiple media and preferably, although it doesn’t always happen, with a degree of audience participation, interaction or collaboration.

Transmedia Storytelling

In transmedia storytelling, engagement with each successive media heightens the audience’ understanding, enjoyment and affection for the story. To do this successfully, the embodiment of the story in each media needs to be satisfying in its own right while enjoyment from all the media should be greater than the sum of the parts. Before expanding on how to create transmedia experiences, let’s ask ourselves two questions: Why would you want to tell stories? And why tell stories across multiple media? Why Tell Stories? We tell stories to entertain, to persuade and to explain. Our minds do not like random facts or objects and so they create their own stories to make sense of otherwise discrete, isolated events and items. Great stories win hearts and minds. Why Multiple Media? Transmedia in Education. Does transmedia storytelling provide an effective educational experience?

Paris porte-à-porte is a transmedia project which aims at celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Paris ring road by presenting its story.

Does transmedia storytelling provide an effective educational experience?

It combines a web documentary, an interactive map with flashcodes (symbols based on the technology of QR codes), a radio show and a collection of photos taken by drivers or the local residents.The web, the radio, the documentary and the cell phone are the mediums used to describe the ring road of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The user can hear about the event according to two main entry points: He can hear a radio show on the topic; He can access a link to the web documentary or the interactive map from the France Inter website or the Pavillon de L'arsenal website. Each entry point provides the user with a different content interaction experience. The idea of transmedia storytelling is to enrich the experience by offering complementary content on various communication platforms. 1. It is difficult to start with the interactive map for instance. 2. 3.

The Archaeology of the Mediterranean World: Transmedia Teaching. The very first series of posts on our Teaching Thursday blog revolved around the idea of EduPunk which represented a combination of outside-the-box educational thinking, the widespread use of digital technologies, and the DIY attitude associated closely with punk rock (check them out here and here).

The Archaeology of the Mediterranean World: Transmedia Teaching

While EduPunk appears to have been a flash in the pan, the ideas at the core of the movement probably possess more staying power. In particular, I have noticed a resonance between some of the ideas around EduPunk (whatever they precisely were!) Transmedia Education: the 7 Principles Revisited.