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Mapillary - Crowdsourced Street Photos. Bernie Krause. A Bear's-Eye View of Yellowstone - SOTD. Taggroo. Jardin des Marques : agence conseil en stratégie de marque, communication transmédia. 477 2158 1 PB. 6 storytelling techniques for great interaction design. Let’s start by stating this: Not every visual story has to be interactive!

6 storytelling techniques for great interaction design

Say it again: Your visual story does not have to be interactive to be effective! Your story, however, must be engaging. If your users barely look at it, or get bored with it, then what was the point of creating a visual story in the first place? You might as well have left it out entirely. An engaging story doesn’t have to be complex or elaborate. Photo credit: Blackhouse If your story can be told with a single image, then don’t use twenty. Some sites wouldn’t benefit from interactive stories. Some stories, though, are more complicated, and aren’t well suited to static images. In this piece, we’ll explain a few ways to approach creating an interactive story. As described in the free Visual Storyteller’s Guide to Web Design, one of the easiest ways to directly engage your user is to make them a character. Image credit: via Digital Telepathy This is an excellent way to engage your user. Image credit: Image credit: UXPin. My Footprint / Slavery Footprint. We Need To Talk.

My Footprint / Slavery Footprint

Dear <SALUTATION><FIRST NAME><LAST NAME>, We need to talk. I love your company’s products, and I think we have a great relationship. I pay you a fair amount for something that I want. It’s perfect! Over thirty million people are enslaved today, held against their will for someone else’s profit. Slow Moscow en direct et en musique sur Nova. On vous le dit, parce qu'on ne vous le dit jamais, oui, pour une fois, allumez votre téléviseur et branchez vous sur FRANCE 4!

Slow Moscow en direct et en musique sur Nova

Qu'allez vous y voir? Une nouvelle expérience de Slow TV française. Une rue, à Moscou, deux danseurs. Ensemble ou séparément, cette femme et cet homme vous entraînent dans les rues de Moscou, une immersion au cœur de la ville. Les deux danseurs se cherchent, se croisent, se poursuivent, jouent au chat et à la souris dans la métropole. Un principe de réalisation créatif et inédit va créer un décalage entre la perception de la danse et celle de la ville : alors que nos personnages livrent une chorégraphie au ralenti, Moscou défile en accéléré, dans un mélange déroutant de slow motion et de time-lapse.

Dans la droite ligne de Tokyo Reverse dont nous vous avions déjà parlé sur Nova, où un homme déambulait pendant neuf heures à l’envers dans les rues de Tokyo, Slow Moscow en reprend l’ADN et approfondit les ressorts qui ont fait son succès. Soundhunters Home. 7 top tools for content curation., Storify, Pearltrees let you become a niche authority This is the second of a two-part series.

7 top tools for content curation

See part 1: • 7 smart techniques for content curation Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, educators, journalists, general public. By now you’ve likely heard of content curation, the process of collecting and cataloging the most useful or interesting things about a topic in order to share it for the common benefit. In part 1, Beth Kanter looked at 7 smart techniques for content curation.

Keep in mind, there are lots of different ways to curate. More often, though, the new breed of content curation tools refers to sites and services specifically geared for finding the diamonds in the rough. Here, then, are Socialbrite’s six top tools for content curation. Become an authority in your vertical (tagline: “share ideas that matter”) ranks as one of the top content curation tools right now. Le Fil. Veille Transmédia. Transmedia. Transmedia Storytelling / Music. Transmedia journalism. Le Vent Tourne / FORMATION au TRANSMEDIA. Frank Underwood 2016 - Anything for America. Le dernier gaulois - Landing page. Uchroniques, rejouez l'Histoire. The Enemy. Jeu d'influences.