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Transmédia storytelling

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5 Digital Marketing Lessons Taught By Transmedia Storytelling. Transmedia Storytelling is no new phenomenon, but as social media and mobile marketing grow in popularity, more companies have been using this digital marketing tactic as a way to integrate their brand for, and with, consumers.

5 Digital Marketing Lessons Taught By Transmedia Storytelling

Digital Marketing doesn’t involve just social media, and while storytelling alone is a great way to improve your social media, transmedia storytelling is a whole other level of transcending your digital marketing strategy. Now, more than ever, it has become more important to provide users with a seamless point of entry – regardless of the platform interaction occurs on.

Transmedia Storytelling combines a multitude of marketing technique including: social media, responsive design, and cross platform media, to engage an audience by telling a story experience. The complete guide to Transmedia Storytelling. Estimated reading time: 11 minutes, 8 seconds Every day in our Feedly or Twitter or Facebook or G+ appears a post about how to create relevant content for our website, content that will help us to put our Brand in front of our audience, capturing its attention and generating social engagement and, from a purely SEO point of view, tons of links.

The complete guide to Transmedia Storytelling

What we often see are many individual actions, one for each medium used, which are almost always disconnected between them. Transmedia Storytelling: Building Worlds For and With Fans. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Transmedia Storytelling: Building Worlds For and With Fans

John loves Batman. He's collected comics since he was nine years old, is proud of owning the first edition of Gotham by Gaslight, and still remembers the afternoons spent watching the TV series with Adam West at home when he was a kid. Obviously, he has seen all the movies. The Dark Knight was a masterpiece; the I believe in Harvey Dent web campaign and the Joker counter site were pure genius, as were all the other sites created for that movie. Piktochart Infographic Editor. Le transmédia qu'est ce que c'est? Explications, exemples utilisation dans les webdoc. Le transmédia : entre narration augmentée et logiques immersives. Les industries de la télévision et du cinéma se sont emparées des stratégies de production transmédias, en y voyant un moyen de promouvoir leurs contenus narratifs et d’attirer plus de publics vers leur franchise.

Le transmédia : entre narration augmentée et logiques immersives

Dans un environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel et connecté, la stratégie transmédias représente un moyen de lancer une franchise ou de fidéliser un public à un univers. La promotion de franchise grâce aux stratégies transmédias, même si elle place ce phénomène dans une perspective marketing, n’est pas sans intérêt. L’avantage de partir d’une franchise est que la narration et les personnages sont déjà posés ; le but est alors de proposer des éléments narratifs complémentaires sur plusieurs médias, numériques ou non. 60 secondes pour comprendre le transmédia. Contrairement aux apparences, ce n’est pas la première fois que vous avez affaire à ce néologisme typique de l’ère 2.0 !

60 secondes pour comprendre le transmédia

Comme le montre le dossier que nous lui avons consacré, le « transmédia » est une tendance qui se précise et se développe chaque jour. De Dexter à Detective Avenue, en passant par le nouveau projet d’Eric Viennot, Alt-Minds, les concepts du genre ne cessent de fleurir. Mais voilà, nous n’en sommes pas encore tous familiers… Alors, comment ça marche exactement ? Prenez 60 secondes de votre temps, et ce nouveau type de « storytelling » n’aura plus aucun secret pour vous…