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The DIY Dry Erase Workspace. Mental_floss Blog » 10 Ways to Game Up Your Home. The first generation to grow up playing video games is now feathering empty nests, and plenty more gamers are buying and filling homes. Furniture and home decor companies keep adding designs catering to video game lovers, and those with a bit of time and creativity keep designing and building their own!

A really dedicated gamer could furnish the entire house this way, but it's more likely you'd want to add just one or two game touches to your home to honor that side of your personality. 1. Space Invaders Couch If you love playing Space Invaders, you'll also love the Space Invaders Couch designed by Igor Chak. 2.

Instructables user rpaxton and her mother made this awesome Nintendo Bedding Set with comforter, pillowcases, and bed skirt as a surprise birthday gift for her brother, and then posted the pictures for the rest of us to envy. 3. The Tetris Cooking Timer works almost like an electronic hourglass. 4. 5. Mod Baroque Bookcases. One Night Stand Sleeper Sofa. The Aviator's Home Office. A couple of days ago I tweeted that if you are working virtually you should "build yourself a home-office.

The Aviator's Home Office

Do not use your kitchen table or a corner in the living room. " Having a great working environment is very important. It should feel good, inspire your senses and make you happy. The style of your home office should reflect who you are as a person, but if you happen to be into old style aviation, here is a home office you just cannot ignore. It comes from the fabulous shop "Restoration Hardware," who excels at be the best classic home furniture and decoration store. Desk You get the hand built Aviator Wing Desk, made of polished aluminum and hardwood. Chair. WWII Navy Mines Furniture. Design Art Cartoons Cars About Follow RSS Advertise Search WWII Navy Mines Furniture - /by @42concepts .

WWII Navy Mines Furniture

Written by Thomas Baekdal | Thursday, December 15, 2011 Remember those old World War II mines? Amazing work! Follow: 42Concepts Brilliant Censorship Towel » The Eatable Cookbook » The Secret Forest Cabin, HemLoft » Indy Bag for iPad » Weird and Wacky Furniture By Straight Line Designs. EmailEmail Straight Line Designs is a one-of-a-kind workshop that has been operating out of Vancouver, British Columbia for the past 25 years.

Weird and Wacky Furniture By Straight Line Designs

In addition to installations, sculptures and private commissions, designer Judson Beaumont and his staff of eight full-time craftspeople have designed and constructed a variety of wacky cartoon-style furniture and projects for public institutions and children’s exhibitions throughout North America and abroad. Focused on quality and custom design, Judson’s studio stays far away from mass production and is as imaginative as children themselves. Website: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Writable Allows You To Stay Planted On the Couch. Contemporary Furniture. Combo Couch: All-in-One Lounger, Love Seat + Sofa Bed = « Dornob.

Sofa beds sneak two functions into one piece of furniture, but these designs go beyond the binary ‘convertible couch’ typology to be completely modular, comfortable for sitting up, laying back or lying down in any number of custom configurations.

Combo Couch: All-in-One Lounger, Love Seat + Sofa Bed = « Dornob

This seating set from Zuiver builds on the classic fold-out footrest and flip-up backrest concepts of an easy chair, but take such loungers to new levels by expanding the entire idea horizontally into a multi-person love seat, then stretch it further to a full-length sleep-friendly sofa. Each modular segment can be flipped in, out, up or down as desired by the people using each part of the seating space – a pair of chairs can be formed within the larger whole of the couch, or the entire system can open and accommodate a couple comfortably.

Smaller versions are also interesting craft experiments, but the purpose seems less clear in a simple lounge chair variant. The Double Rocker. Super Cool and Creative Chair Designs. Chairs are an essential piece of furniture for everyone, and we use them every day when working, sitting down to eat, watch television and more.

Super Cool and Creative Chair Designs

However, there is no need to settle for a standard and boring chair design, when there are tons of creative designers around the world who thrive on creating new and innovative chair designs. So, we gathered up some creative chair designs from creative minds around the world. So, next time you think about buying a chair, remember to look for creative ideas like these! Enjoy. T Chair by Gabriel Canas T Chair is an innovative piece of furniture, inspired by the famous 80`s puzzle videogame and also by Deconstructivist architecture. The most noticeable feature of T Chair is its ludic, playful design composed by the 5 pieces used in the videogame translated into a 3D version which invite the user to become one more piece in the chair and interact with it.

The Convertible Pool Table Keeps You From Having To Make A Tough Decision. A few years back, I shared an apartment with a good friend.

The Convertible Pool Table Keeps You From Having To Make A Tough Decision

When we first moved in, we faced a tough decision – whether to get a dining room table, or a pool table. The apartment just didn’t have space for both, so a decision had to be made. It was a tough decision, but all the meals eaten while sitting on the floor or at the coffee table were totally worth it. 100 Creative Furniture / Inspiration / Splashnology - Web Design and Web Technology Community.

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