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Make DIY Furniture For Dolls

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Variable Size Paper & Cardboard Doll Furniture

Make A Dolls House Bed & Chair - Marshfairies Club. How to make a dolls house bed and chair Making your own dolls house furniture couldn't be easier than this.

Make A Dolls House Bed & Chair - Marshfairies Club

For these projects we have used: stirring sticks (the sort you see at most fast food outlets) Toothpicks/Cocktail sticks Scissors Ruler Pencil Glue Lay some stirring sticks on a sheet of graph paper or cutting board with squares so that you can get them nice and square. They need to measure 3" wide. Shape the top of the headboard to your design Cut a strip to go across the width and glue to hold into place Measure 3 1/2"from the highest point and draw a line across and snip the ends off level. Lay more sticks on top of the headboard so that you can match the shape, cut these sticks 1" shorter for the footboard.

Glue 2 strips on both the headboard and the footboard one at 1/4" from the bottom and the other 1 1/2" to the top of the the strip. Finished bed base.

Make DIY Furniture For Barbie Size Fashion & Ball-Jointed Dolls,

Video Tutorial – Making A Great Chest Out Of Matchboxes. I’m so excited to be bringing you my first ever video tutorial and to share with you how to make a Matchbox Chest.

Video Tutorial – Making A Great Chest Out Of Matchboxes

The overall size of the chest including the feet and handle is 4 ½” tall by 3 ½" wide. This chest would make a perfect gift (if you can stand to part with it). You can fill the drawers with love notes, candy, charms, jewelry or little pieces of art like Inchies. In the tutorial I’ll cover the supplies you’ll need and the steps to create this matchbox chest. I’ve also created two other versions of the chest to give you even more ideas of what you can do with matchboxes. So sit back and relax and enjoy learning how to make a chest out of matchboxes. Be sure to watch part one before watching part two. No Sew Doll Bench With Storage. I was making a covered diaper wipe container for a baby shower I was going to when it dawned on me that it would make a great doll bench for extra seating and it doubles as a storage container for doll accessories.

No Sew Doll Bench With Storage

I used an empty diaper wipe container, glue gun and fabric to cover the plastic container, covering the base and lid separately. This was a very quick craft that can easily be made on a rainy day or birthday party, (parent supervised if using a glue gun). It is ready to use instantly and would make a great take home party gift. As American Girl doll's legs do not bend, it may take a bit of balancing at first to get your doll to sit on the bench. This bench seating works perfectly with the "paint your own stools" from Michaels the craft store that doubles as a doll table (pictured at the beginning of the post).

Retail Patterns For Doll Furniture

Make DIY Furniture For American Girl, AG, 18", 18. From Old Bench To Doll Crib. Old Tables Into Small Beds For Dolls Or Pets. These five dog beds were actually orders from last Christmas but just now sharing!

Old Tables Into Small Beds For Dolls Or Pets

This black and white striped with blue accents was one of a set... The other one was the same design but in reds and golds. All the dog beds start with a solid wood, hand built base. These both had the black and white striped sides... striped posts with gold finials... and curvy feet with metallic gold dots. They both had painted bases under the cushions... and both headboards were painted on the back with large gold dots. They both had headboards painted with the same basic design yet each slightly different. This pair was a lot of fun to create. Make Your Own Doll Wardrobe For Under $10. If you are like me you are running out of storage for doll items.

Make Your Own Doll Wardrobe For Under $10

Doll Clothes Storage That Doubles As Doll Dress Shop Rack. Today's blog post is again inspired by and idea that NikiG gave me.

Doll Clothes Storage That Doubles As Doll Dress Shop Rack

How To Make A Doll Closet Cheaply - Tiny Zippers. This is a finished closet, made for Barbie® clothes.

How To Make A Doll Closet Cheaply - Tiny Zippers

This is made from a carboard, underbed box. I've put the box together, putting the design side inside (rather than outside). I cut off some of the flaps that fold through slots, and glued the sections together with Elmers glue. DIY Canopy Doll Bed. UPDATE: The PDF is up!

DIY Canopy Doll Bed

HERE is a link for the headboard/footboard printable! Aloha! Those of you who follow me on Facebook already know that I've been working on a doll canopy bed for my oldest daughter. I'm making each of them a doll bed and intended to use the plans for Ana White's farmhouse doll bed like this: At first, I was just going to do three of the exact same bed (I have three girls), but my 2-year-old caught me looking at plans and saw this bed as well as Ana's doll crib, and she BEGGED for the crib. So I scoured the online pages of PB Kids, and I found this: Perfect!

Here's my lumber all ready to go (that pile also included lumber for the bunk bed and the crib). Ana's plans are for American Girl dolls, but my kids really love stuffed animals. If you remember, we left our circular saw in Hawaii (and I have yet to fork out the cash for a miter saw), so I was left using the stupid jigsaw we got at the pawn shop when we arrived here. Total - about $13.50 That's to do one. Cut list: Craftsy: Dolly Bed/Storage Tote.

Pillowcase To Doll Blanket. With Christmas approaching, I’m sure some of you have procrastinated the gift-making (like me).

Pillowcase To Doll Blanket

So how about a few simple handmade gift ideas (that won’t have you sewing till 2am every night)? Over the next two weeks, I’ll share a few ideas from my sewing room. Because really, what is better than a handmade gift? They truly are great! Even that hard-to-shop-for or “she has everything” kind of person appreciates a piece of art that came from your hands. Okay, we’ll start super easy….Pillowcase to doll blanket. You know I’m not a quilter but this is something I can easily do! Next, cut quilt batting the same size as the pillowcase (a 1/4 inch shorter on all sides works best) Stuff the batting inside and smooth it out. Make an Easy Wooden Doll Bed for a Dollhouse or Fashion Doll.

Doll beds are easy to build in sizes for most dolls houses, or you can adapt these instructions to make a custom sized bed for any size of doll.

Make an Easy Wooden Doll Bed for a Dollhouse or Fashion Doll

In 1:48 scale, the bed is easiest to build from card, and for 1:24 and 1:48 scale you will find it easier to use flat butt joins instead of mortise and tenon joins. The mortise and tenon joins shown in the instructions give the bed more stability, and make a stronger piece of furniture, especially important if the bed is for a child's play. They are fairly simple to cut, and are a good technique to learn for fitting sections of wood together where the resulting join will have weight placed on it. The bed shown in these instructions was made in a standard single size. Sewing Doll Bedding.