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Salir de la cuarentena con un amigo de Chatbot: 'Me siento muy conectado' When the coronavirus pandemic reached her neighborhood on the outskirts of Houston, infecting her garbage man and sending everyone else into quarantine, Libby Francola was already reeling.

Salir de la cuarentena con un amigo de Chatbot: 'Me siento muy conectado'

She had just split with her boyfriend, reaching the end of her first serious relationship in five years. “I was not in a good place mentally, and coronavirus made it even harder,” Ms. Francola, 32, said. “I felt like I just didn’t have anyone to talk to about anything.” How to stay sane when the world’s going mad. She’d never tried guided meditation or a mental health app before.

How to stay sane when the world’s going mad

Without it, she believes, her mental health would have deteriorated further. “I’ve shifted from a general sense of fear and panic to accepting that what’s happening is out of my control. Hey Alexa! Sorry I fooled you ... A human can likely tell the difference between a turtle and a rifle.

Hey Alexa! Sorry I fooled you ...

Two years ago, Google’s AI wasn’t so sure. For quite some time, a subset of computer science research has been dedicated to better understanding how machine-learning models handle these “adversarial” attacks, which are inputs deliberately created to trick or fool machine-learning algorithms. While much of this work has focused on speech and images, recently, a team from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) tested the boundaries of text.

Aplicaciones. The State of UX in 2019. How The Wall Street Journal is preparing its journalists to detect deepfakes. Artificial intelligence is fueling the next phase of misinformation.

How The Wall Street Journal is preparing its journalists to detect deepfakes

The new type of synthetic media known as deepfakes poses major challenges for newsrooms when it comes to verification. This content is indeed difficult to track: Can you tell which of the images below is a fake? (Check the bottom of this story for the answer.) We at The Wall Street Journal are taking this threat seriously and have launched an internal deepfakes task force led by the Ethics & Standards and the Research & Development teams. This group, the WSJ Media Forensics Committee, is comprised of video, photo, visuals, research, platform, and news editors who have been trained in deepfake detection. “Raising awareness in the newsroom about the latest technology is critical,” said Christine Glancey, a deputy editor on the Ethics & Standards team who spearheaded the forensics committee.

COCOpyright and the Value of Moral Rights. August 2018 By Javier André Murillo Chávez, Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru.

COCOpyright and the Value of Moral Rights

Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Los principios de la tecnología tranquila. La antropóloga Amber Case defiende una tecnología que requiera la mínima atención.

Los principios de la tecnología tranquila

Calm Technology. Criptoactivos: una guía para principiantes que arroja algo de luz sobre la nueva economía digital. Not Segmenting? Big Mistake if You're Chasing Conversions. You’ve done your best to find your target audience, but if you’re treating each of your leads the same way, you’re basically throwing conversions out the window.

Not Segmenting? Big Mistake if You're Chasing Conversions

Even though your audience shares an interest in your brand, they’re not all at the same stage of getting to know you. So speaking to them as if they’re one mass audience doesn’t really work. It’s like how commercials on TV yell at everyone, yet speak to no one, at the same time. Winning conversions and boosting your sales is all about delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. The most wanted talent - Bandit. Binary Soul desarrolla un sistema de formación gamificada para procesos industriales - SPRI - Up Euskadi.

Huntr - Job Application Tracker. Peer. See Now - Sight loss simulator. Designing Anticipated User Experiences – – User Experience Design. 25 Big Data Terms You Must Know To Impress Your Date (Or whoever you want to) Big Data can be intimidating!

25 Big Data Terms You Must Know To Impress Your Date (Or whoever you want to)

If you are new to Big Data, please read ‘What is Big Data’, ‘Who coined Big Data’, ‘Big Data … So what’ to get you started. With the basic concepts under your belt, let’s focus on some key terms to impress your date or boss or family. By the way, I am putting together a much more exhaustive list of Big Data terms (almost 100) and if you are interested in that, please leave a comment below with a note ‘I want more of Big data’ or something like that.

So let’s get going with this shorter list. Also, check out the infographic midway through this article. Google - Vive un Internet seguro. Rediseñando la Evaluación del Desempeño en la Organización del S.XXI. La función de RR.HH está viviendo un proceso de rediseño de su propuesta de valor.

Rediseñando la Evaluación del Desempeño en la Organización del S.XXI

Tech Takeovers – Geckoboard. Quiénes somos - Codemas. GMJAU - Ethnography, Co-design and Emergence: Slow Activism for Sustainable Design. Abstract In this article I take the novel step of examining how ethnographic understandings of the futures and intervention orientation of indirect forms of activism can inform design practice.

GMJAU - Ethnography, Co-design and Emergence: Slow Activism for Sustainable Design

To do this I focus on the example of the Slow City movement, specifically on its development across the UK, Spain and Australia. The focus on process and relationality that is part of the way that the movement works, creates forms of emergence that can lead to sustainability and resilience. Such processes are in many ways coherent with the principles of design anthropology and a phenomenological approach to co-design, and I suggest that by studying the success and limitations of Slow City examples we can see their work as a kind of living lab that brings new insights to design theory and practice for similar or parallel scenarios.

Introduction. Tecnologías Blandas - blog. Tecnologías Blandas. Antropomorfismo, conocimiento y cambio. Todos los órganos y sistemas de nuestro cuerpo son importantes para su supervivencia, cada uno en su función contribuye al conjunto en esa dinámica fabulosa que se concreta en una vida. No obstante, coincidiremos en que, entre todos ellos, es el Sistema Nervioso el que dirige y gobierna todo el asunto, activándolo y relacionándolo con el entorno en el que se desenvuelve. Sí, el Sistema Nervioso es importante y en el caso de una vida humana no cabe duda de que es crucial para que ésta pueda desenvolverse mucho más allá de cualquier frontera compartida con cualquier otra vida animal que conozcamos. Como ya se sabe, el Sistema Nervioso puede diferenciarse en Central y Periférico. “Si tú aprendes, yo mejoro”, un proyecto donde los estudiantes se convierten en docentes. IPI Sansomendi. Will You Ever Be Able to Upload Your Brain?

Photo SOME hominid along the evolutionary path to humans was probably the first animal with the cognitive ability to understand that it would someday die. La naturaleza de la consciencia. Es común la idea de que la ciencia ha alcanzado el dominio de la naturaleza, los físicos parecen encontrarse en las puertas de la teoría que lo explicará todo, los biólogos sólo ultimamos los detalles de la teoría de la evolución (con la que también parecemos explicar todo en la naturaleza viva), y los filósofos parecen haberse quedado sin trabajo. Ya no hay espacio para pensar, tan solo queda aplicar las herramientas que tenemos, con las que tarde o temprano, revelaremos los últimos secretos que esconde el Universo.

Bien, me gustaría dejar bien claro que nada de lo dicho arriba es cierto. Nuevo Manifiesto Cluetrain traducido al español. New Clues. Hear, O Internet. It has been sixteen years since our previous communication. In that time the People of the Internet — you and me and all our friends of friends of friends, unto the last Kevin Bacon — have made the Internet an awesome place, filled with wonders and portents. From the serious to the lolworthy to the wtf, we have up-ended titans, created heroes, and changed the most basic assumptions about How Things Work and Who We Are. But now all the good work we've done together faces mortal dangers.

When we first came before you, it was to warn of the threat posed by those who did not understand that they did not understand the Internet. New clues - Viquitexts. Escolta, Oh Internet. Infobitt quiere convertirse en la Wikipedia de las noticias. Mozilla lanza, un sitio sobre Realidad Virtual web con demos y recursos.