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Twitter StreamGraphs
A StreamGraph is shown for the latest 1000 tweets which contain the search word. The default search query is 'data visualization' but a new one can be typed into the text box at the top of the application. You can also enter a Twitter ID preceded by the '@' symbol to see the latest tweets from that user. A parameter to the URL can be used to specify the initial search word. For example, use
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Tweet-o-Meter - Giving you an insight into Twitter activity from around the world!
Is it true that, "New York is the city that never sleeps!"? Do Londoners send more Tweets than New Yorkians'? Is Oslo a bigger Tweeter than Munich? The Tweet-o-Meter measures the amount of tweets (measured in Tweets per Minute or TPM) received from various locations around the world. Tweet-o-Meter is designed to mine data for later analysis relating to furthering our understanding of social and temporal dynamics for e-Social Science within the Twitter demographic. Pop Music Video The music video that inspired the application: - Scroll Reddit
Pulse of the Nation: U.S. Mood Throughout the Day inferred from Twitter
Click for high-resolution PDF version (11MB) Video A time-lapse video of the maps, cycled twice, is available below (best viewed at 720p): Mood Variations A number of interesting trends can be observed in the data. Similar variations were discovered independently by Michael Macy and Scott Golder, and first reported in the talk "Answers in Search of a Question" at the New Directions in Text Analysis Conference in May 2010. Weekly Variations Weekly trends can be observed as well, with weekends happier than weekdays. About the Data and Visualization The plots were calculated using over 300 million tweets (Sep 2006 - Aug 2009) collected by MPI-SWS researchers [1], represented as density-preserving cartograms. About Cartograms A cartogram is a map in which the mapping variable (in this case, the number of tweets) is substituted for the true land area. Who We Are We are researchers from Northeastern University and Harvard University, studying the characteristics and dynamics of Twitter. Coverage