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Animal Adaptations

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Animal Adaptations (4/12) Wow!

Animal Adaptations (4/12)

Every year my third graders do amazing work on their animal adaptation projects. Here are the animal adaptation power points that were just completed by my third graders this year. Search for Your Favorite Animals. MBGnet. Info_on_Animal_Adaptations. Dirtmeister: Animal Adaptations. Dirtmeister's Home Sharks: Body Parts If you look at a shark, you will see it has a number of special adaptations that allow it to fit into an ocean environment.

Dirtmeister: Animal Adaptations

A shark has fins and a streamlined body that help it swim through water. It has gills, which take in oxygen directly out of the water. Because of its gills, sharks can stay underwater and not have to come to the surface to breathe.