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Espacio Tradem - La plataforma de comunicación de la Arquitectura Comercial & Corporativa - DMX - Marketing Sensorial para Espacios Comerciales. Las empresas comunes venden productos, las inolvidables, promueven experiencias.El marketing sensorial o experimental es una nueva tendencia en la gestión de marcas.

Espacio Tradem - La plataforma de comunicación de la Arquitectura Comercial & Corporativa - DMX - Marketing Sensorial para Espacios Comerciales

En un mundo donde la marca cobra vida, los productos ya no valen por su carácter funcional sino que son medios para ofrecer cada vez más y mejores experiencias al cliente. Las imágenes, los sonidos y las fragancias: no solamente estimulan los sentidos sino también intensos recuerdos. Estos elementos esenciales son la clave para que la empresa DMX pueda proporcionar a la marca de una empresa una "personalidad".

Aquello que vemos, oímos y olemos genera experiencias especiales que invitan a visitar y permanecer más tiempo en una tienda, hotel o restaurante. ¿Qué es el marketing sensorial? ¿Qué es DMX? ¿Qué servicios ofrece? De acuerdo al objetivo y perfil de cada cliente, se realiza la selección de los estilos y programación musical adecuada. . ¿Cuáles son las industrias que requieren los servicios de DMX? Fukuppy: Japan's Latest Attempt at Mascot Greatness Has the World Snickering. When the reaches of humanity's ability to create art looks for a metaphoric warning to address the disastrous arrogance of science, it creates Godzilla, a lasting icon of the world's nuclear past.

Fukuppy: Japan's Latest Attempt at Mascot Greatness Has the World Snickering

When the reaches of humanity's ability to create public relations campaigns looks for a mascot to address the disastrous arrogance of science, it creates Fukuppy, a lasting icon of the world's nuclear present. Welcome to Earth, Fukuppy; you will go down as one of the top three worst mascots of all time. To get the giggles and eye rolls out of the way up front, "Fukuppy" is the new mascot for Fukushima Industries, a manufacturer of refrigerators.

The damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor, which just saw radiation levels hit a two-year high, is located in Fukushima prefecture. How can one brand appeal to different segments? At a recent workshop in Kuala Lumpur an Executive who overseas strategy at a global brand posed an interesting question her firm had been wrestling with: “How can one brand appeal to different segments?”

How can one brand appeal to different segments?

The brand in question primarily targets females (especially Mums) with domestic ‘products’. Plannersphere / FrontPage. The wiki for account planning, strategy and insight - now on twitter While 300 Spartans helped change the fate of an empire, 1,000+ planners are changing the whole world we live in today; through the brands they create, inspire and guide.

plannersphere / FrontPage

Follow what these people think and do through Twitter, Blogs, White Papers and Books. Artículos de prensa antiguos.


- Find Industry reports, Company profiles and Market Statistics. 'The audience is not just a passive observer these days' - News - Media. Nothing found for Category Features. Sweden's H&M to open 50 new stores in India. Published: 29 Apr 2013 17:43 GMT+02:00Updated: 29 Apr 2013 17:43 GMT+02:00 Swedish fashion retail giant H&M aims to open 50 stores in India to tap the South Asian nation's growing middle-class market, an Indian government statement said Monday.

Sweden's H&M to open 50 new stores in India

It is the second Swedish chain to seek entry into India after the government last year relaxed legislation to allow foreign retailers to set up shop in India and sell directly to Indian consumers to boost investment from abroad. Navigating a Multi-Cultural Globe. Travel. Strategy+business: international business strategy news articles and award-winning analysis. Two Misplaced Debates In Business Strategy. A Leaner Macy's Tries to Cater to Local Tastes. Drinking Made Easy – Budweiser Releases New Beer, Black Crown. Anheuser-Busch has just released a new beer to compete with the high-expectations brought on by the craft beer scene which now takes upwards of 11% of the beer market share.

The release of the new Budweiser Black Crown golden amber lager marks an attempt of Budweiser to appeal to more beer conscious drinkers. Publicidad 3D sin gafas en un mensaje que sólo los niños pueden leer. Building Luxury Brand Loyalty via Exclusive Experiences. Store openings for big luxury brands are typically glitzy events reserved for celebrities, fashion insiders, and press.

Building Luxury Brand Loyalty via Exclusive Experiences

But when Valentino, the Italian maker of $6,980 cocktail dresses, $2,195 handbags, and $445 espadrilles, opens its next boutique in New York later this year, the company plans to invite some regular customers to mingle with the stars—and charge them for the privilege. IBM 5 in 5 2012: Touch. You will be able to touch through your phone.

IBM 5 in 5 2012: Touch

Editor’s note: This 2012 IBM 5-in-5 article is by Robyn Schwartz, associate director of IBM Research Retail Analytics, and Dhandapani Shanmugam, solutions architect and Siddique A. Mohammed, software architect of IBM Software Group Industry Solutions. Purchasing Experiences Can Produce Emotional Benefits. Marketing Articles, Market Leader 2012.

Say You Want A Revolucion? Get Ready. The Grand Opening kept getting postponed, but the dust has cleared and there is a spanking new restaurant in our neighborhood: Revolucion: A Mexican Steakhouse.

Say You Want A Revolucion? Get Ready.

Intriguing enough. Between the typeface and the rifle on the sign outside, you kind of expect to walk into an old Clint Eastwood movie. Building Emotional Connections. Lovemarks theory is based on a simple premise: human beings are powered by emotion, not by reason.

Building Emotional Connections

This is the essence of the Lovemarks argument. If you want people to take action—whether for something momentous, like voting for a president, or seemingly mundane, like buying one brand of facial tissues over another—you need to appeal to their emotions. Exchange of Ideas — The Hub Magazine. What does a Superbowl ad cost? How does $4444 per frame sound to you? The 6 types of account planners. Customer Experience Analytics through the Lens of Satisfaction. SPONTANEITY ISN’T CREATIVITY. See differently. Think differently. ¿Te atreves a soñar? The Ad Contrarian. The STRATEGIC PLANNER'S Daily. People. The Plannerland Daily. Engage Shoppers From Mobile To Aisle. WIN AN INTERNSHIP WITH DRAWSOME. Influxinsights.