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Elevate the College Dream - Send a Deserving Student to College. Thanks to your incredible support we reached our goal of raising $15,000 in just seven days!

Elevate the College Dream - Send a Deserving Student to College

Thank you for believing in our mission and taking action to support the higher education of deserving immigrant youth. Given the outstanding support we have received from the community, we have added a Stretch Goal! 6 Tips to Create a Top-Notch Crowdfunding Video. Image credit: Shutterstock One major key to crowdfunding success is by creating a good video that sells your campaign to potential donors.

6 Tips to Create a Top-Notch Crowdfunding Video

In fact including a video will up your chances of success to 50 percent, according to Kickstarter. You don’t need to be the next Steven Spielberg or have a huge budget to create an amazing video. All you need is that electronic marvel in your hand that creates bathroom-mirror selfies and endless Facebook posts of the food you are eating. Crowdfunding for Non-Profits [Infographic] Non-profits are constantly cash-strapped, spending hours applying for grants and attending industry events in search of wealthy philanthropists.

Crowdfunding for Non-Profits [Infographic]

What to Expect When Launching a Second Kickstarter Campaign. Image credit: Kickstarter 2014 could end up being the year that Kickstarter has officially “made it.”

What to Expect When Launching a Second Kickstarter Campaign

The crowdfunding platform recently announced $1 billion in pledges, and saw a big win with Facebook's $2 billion purchase of Oculus Rift, one of Kickstarter's big success stories. Kickstarter has successfully taken that ‘beta’ feel and given the opportunity for it to be applied across nearly every industry. Raising $913 per minute in 2013, backers funded just about every type of project imaginable, from saving independent movie theaters to skate parks and funding video games, music albums and more. But is it okay to come back for seconds?

Related: Become a Crowdfunding Wizard: 8 Tips You've Probably Never Heard Before. My company, designed by m, just recently launched our second Kickstarter campaign. 5 ways the booming crowdfunding ecosystem is changing in 2013. Carl Esposti is CEO of crowdsourcing advisory firm massolution.

5 ways the booming crowdfunding ecosystem is changing in 2013

If you think that participating in crowdfunding simply means investing in smaller companies that launch games and devices on Kickstarter, think again. With crowdfunding volumes reaching $2.7 billion in 2012, it has emerged as a viable, scalable alternative to public and private finance across the globe. After surveying more than 350 active crowdfunding platforms, including IndieGoGo, CrowdCube, Symbid, and Gambitious (full site directory at, and completing an in-depth analysis of market trends, research firm Massolution has identified five major crowdfunding developments for 2013 and beyond. 1.

Niche platforms. Crowdsourcing versus Crowdfunding: What Is the Difference? You can rally your online crowd to conquer your own part of the world.

Crowdsourcing versus Crowdfunding: What Is the Difference?

Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are about connecting people at a local level to create businesses that will benefit communities. Although the world is operating more and more as one global community through social media, people rely on local communities for bare necessities. Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing is the online gathering of a group of people to share knowledge and wisdom to build a better product. Crowdsourcing first gained prominence in the world of programming in what was called open source. By opening it up to other programmers, people were allowed to clean up, fix, and/or improve the code. Most recently, this concept expanded into online collaboration through mediums like Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia of sorts, where the crowd’s wisdom fills the pages. Crowdfunding It was only a matter of time before this community involvement moved into the financial arena.

Donation-based efforts Microfinance projects. Do It Yourself (DIY) Crowdfunding - The Report. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - The Industry Website. Crowdfunding / Crowdfunding. Please request to get permission to edit this page.

crowdfunding / Crowdfunding

I approve people who appear legitimate so it helps to add a message with your request. Due to overwhelming amount of requests and spam, I am not activating any editors so instead please just send a brief description and URL of the crowdfunding project that you would like listed here. That is the main reason why people want edit access (as opposed to enhancing the article). Thanks. Contact Michael Sullivan - sulleleven on gmail or @sull on Twitter. This content was written in 2006 and originally added to Wikipedia by Michael Sullivan. Crowdfunding, inspired by crowdsourcing, describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money together, usually via the Internet, in order to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations.

Overview Crowdfunding, like Crowdsourcing, is very much related to online communities and social networks. Influence of the crowd is another factor. Why Getting on Upworthy is the New Goal for Kickstarter Campaigns. Pamela Green and Jarik van Sluijs When the project page for Pamela Green and Jarik van Sluijs' campaign for "Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice-Guy Blache" launched on Kickstarter, it was promising. The film was about a subject that film history nerds knew, the first major female director, and it was an idea that was intriguing to people who had never heard of her. The project featured interviews with people who have large fan bases, like Sir Ben Kingsley, Diablo Cody, Ava Duvernay, and Kevin Macdonald. Yet they couldn't get close to their $200,000 goal.

Until a video the team had uploaded to Vimeo was embedded in a post for the site Upworthy on August 22. Upworthy is a site started by former MoveOn executive director (and the author behind "The Filter Bubble") Eli Pariser and former managing editor of The Onion Peter Koechley. Films, especially those by independent producers have been quite popular on the site. But the amount of Vimeo views it provokes is absolutely astonishing: Become a Crowdfunding Wizard: 8 Tips You've Probably Never Heard Before. The philosophy of crowdfunding is idealistic and optimistic: It's about everyday people having the power to give life to new businesses.

Become a Crowdfunding Wizard: 8 Tips You've Probably Never Heard Before.

Crowdfunding has launched countless dreams that might not have come true through traditional financing methods. It’s egalitarian and beautiful. But crowdfunding is also a business. And like any business venture, efficiency, organization and discipline are going to make a huge difference in the outcome. If you are thinking of launching your product or service through crowdfunding, keep your dreams lofty and idealistic, but keep your feet on the ground.

Industry Report. Clarification: Crowdfunding. Massolution_abridged Crowd Funding Industry Report. Crowdfunding: 3 things we did well, and 4 we didn’t — The KickStarter CookBook. A few months ago Rickey and I ran a crowdfunding campaign on RocketHub to raise money around our idea for a high caffeine tea.

Crowdfunding: 3 things we did well, and 4 we didn’t — The KickStarter CookBook

We had already been working on Zest Tea for a few months and were compelled to launch the campaign when Venture for America announced its first Innovation Fund, a crowdfunding competition for the fellows. Admittedly, we rushed into the campaign and we could have done a few things better. I have compiled a list of a few things we did well, and a few things we didn’t do too well. Hopefully, this guide will help some others run successful campaigns.