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On-Demand Webinars Archive. Lessons Learned: How to Avoid the Top 10 Intranet Mistakes. By Carmine Porco — The third best way to improve through experience is to learn from your mistakes.

Lessons Learned: How to Avoid the Top 10 Intranet Mistakes

The second best way is to learn from the mistakes of others. And the best way is to learn from your own successes. My experience in developing and implementing intranet strategies has exposed me to a number of mistakes, many committed by others and, I must admit, a few by me. Along the way, I’ve also enjoyed a number of successes. From my experience, I’ve developed a list of the Top 10 Intranet mistakes, from which you can learn some crucial lessons without experiencing the pain that might otherwise be felt. Mistake #1: Don’t Talk to Users “I’m afraid of what they might say” was one response I received when I asked a client why they haven’t asked what their users want.

Engaging employees in usability testing is also an important consideration because they are your clients after all. Mistake #2: Don’t Build a Plan but do try to boil the Ocean Mistake #5: Don’t Provide Training. 44 essential intranet guidelines. The following is a check list of guidelines (grouped into categories) that intranet end users value in an intranet.

44 essential intranet guidelines

You should consider how you will address each of the qualities in this list if you are planning to: Evaluate your current intranet, Re-design your current intranet, or Design a new intranet Look and feel. Intranet Content Management Tips: Manage PEOPLE, not Content. Worldwide Intranet Challenge (WIC): 9 intranet content types that add value to your organisation. Research from the Worldwide Intranet Challenge (WIC) has shown that those intranets that make it easier for people to do their jobs are the most valuable.

Worldwide Intranet Challenge (WIC): 9 intranet content types that add value to your organisation

Indeed, how an organisation does things is what separates one organisation from another. It is a critical ingredient to success. Does a bank manager call you back to discuss your loan application or does she send you a computer generated letter? Does an inquiry about your phone bill result in you being offered additional services or do you simply receive an answer to your question? Do you add one slice of tomato or two to that cheeseburger? Every organisation has hundreds, maybe thousands, of decisions to make about the way it operates. An effective intranet can be viewed as the ‘brains’ of an entire organisation – it describes how an organisation functions and ensures that all employees are ‘singing from the same hymn book’. 1. This type of content describes how the different business tasks within an organisation are performed. 2.

The content on most intranets is supported by four pillars: Work, HR, Corporate and Social Content. Training.

The content on most intranets is supported by four pillars: Work, HR, Corporate and Social Content

Audit. Implementation.Find out how I can help you get better web management. For several years now I have been an avid reader of these reports. This is because I help to manage an intranet for one of Ireland's largest companies - ESB. Coincidentally, several substantial changes to this site are due shortly, as myself and my colleagues implement a new Web Content Management System (WCMS). Benchmarking against other intranets The most exciting aspect of this project is that it has given us the opportunity to upgrade the site in several ways. Notwithstanding these enhancements, the real reason for buying the new software was to help improve our content.

I am always interested to discover what sort of content is published on other intranets. Why content strategy only tells half the story. Some interesting tweets yesterday drew my interest to the content strategy discussion.

Why content strategy only tells half the story

See for example Content strategy is, in fact, the next big thing & Why Brands are Becoming Media. But, as is often the case this is only half the story. Why so? Well the focus in only on the social media market side, the brand as an external entity. The debate doesn’t cover the internal conversations, the internal brand, the social intranet. This line of thinking led me to 3 conclusions: 1) If a large enterprise (say 20K + people) is serious about creating a content strategy, it needs to commit resources across the company. 2) This means connecting up the brand and marketing teams with corporate and internal communications, & the .com and the intranet teams and potentially too, also aspects of the business including sales and product development.