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7 changes to save your life. Learning happens every day, learning is an essential part of living and there are many connections between a healthy lifestyle and a healthy brain.

7 changes to save your life

I quite often talk about how diet is related to learning and the impact that particular fo od, water and certain exercises can have on energising the brain, and I am always interested in learning more about how healthy living can affect learning. Food, water and exercise are part of Wholeness – the 3rd petal of the 5D Learning flower. Eating the right foods for your brain is important for your learning. To read my article for the Times Educational Supplement on food and learning, click here Eric Jenson runs workshops for teachers on Brain Based Teaching strategies in schools across North America. Never knowingly overwhelmed…. Geobiology+Intro to Stephan Cardineaux -also New Films Online+Events..

Introduction to the (Clairvoyant) GEOBIOLOGY of Stephane Cardinaux - > Clairvoyance meets Physics in New Spirit of Fractal GRID Making - see Nature Spirits- Images Drawn with real claivoyance. from Dan Winter - published by Implosion Group - April 25 , 06- web link with graphics: , index: or goldenmean.infoTo Subscribe send email to: , To unsubscribe email to

Geobiology+Intro to Stephan Cardineaux -also New Films Online+Events..

Raw Vegan Sweet Kale Smoothie. It is DAY 22 of "I LOVE Vitamix" month, and we continue to celebrate our fabulous Vitamix 5200 Giveaway.

Raw Vegan Sweet Kale Smoothie

Make sure you enter to win this fabulous high-speed blender. Simply create a piggy name, enter your email address, and share on Twitter and Facebook. Every time your piggy name gets mentioned in a subsequent entry, you both get a bonus entry. Good Luck! Anita Moorjani. I had end stage cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma), and was being cared for at home.

Anita Moorjani

I was connected to an oxygen tank, and had a full time nurse. But on this morning, February 2nd 2006, I did not wake up. I had fallen into a coma. My husband called my doctor who said I needed to be rushed to hospital. The senior oncologist looked at me and told my husband that it was now the end, and that my organs were now shutting down. I thought that I was drifting in and out of consciousness during this time, because I was aware of everything that was going on around me. The amount of love I felt was overwhelming, and from this perspective, I knew how powerful I am, and saw the amazing possibilities we as humans are capable of achieving during a physical life.

Soursop Fruit Kills Cancer 100-Fold better Than Chemotherapy. © preventdisease.comThe fruit's extracts from Annona muricata tree selectively inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells.

Soursop Fruit Kills Cancer 100-Fold better Than Chemotherapy

The Soursop is a flowering, evergreen tree native to tropical regions of the world. It also contains a long, prickly green fruit which may be effective against some forms of cancer. Annona muricata is an active principle in an herbal remedy marketed under the brand name Triamazon. According to Cancer Research UK, "in laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotherapy drugs. But there haven't been any large scale studies in humans. Parents Home Page.

Natural remedies

Diet and nutrition. Amazing interview between Mike Adams and John B Wells - Coast to Coast AM, August 11, 2012. This astonishing interview is considered by many to be Mike Adams' best interview of 2012.

Amazing interview between Mike Adams and John B Wells - Coast to Coast AM, August 11, 2012

John B Wells and Adams pursue a deep dialog covering a whirlwind of topics, including the philosophy behind tyranny, the coming economic collapse, techniques and tactics for personal preparedness, the global depopulation agenda, fluoride poisoning, GMOs, Big Pharma crimes, vaccination dangers and a lot more. This interview has been widely shared across the 'net and is considered by many to be one of the most thought-provoking and deeply-informative discussions of alternative information aired anywhere. Adams rarely joins late-night talk radio, appearing on Coast to Coast roughly once a year. More frequently, he is a fill-in host for the Alex Jones Show. Video Keywords: natural cures free speech health ranger mike adams freedom vitamin d eugenics tyranny interview philosophy liberty permaculture oppression collapse food freedom depopulation coast to coast john b wells Rate This Video: 1 ratings.

Skin Brushing is a Simple Way to Glowing Healthy Skin. Skin brushing is a simple and easy technique that only takes minutes a day to do.

Skin Brushing is a Simple Way to Glowing Healthy Skin

It is inexpensive and will help to keep your skin youthful, glowing and healthy. There are also many other tips to natural organic skin care that you can read here. The Health of Your Skin Our skin is our body's biggest organ. It is an organ of absorption, elimination, protection and temperature control just to name a few of its many important functions. Personal Consultation: Holistic Health Assessment. A holistic health assessment is a chance for you to get a clear picture of where you are now, where you would like to be and ideas of how best to get there.

Personal Consultation: Holistic Health Assessment

Easy Heart Health Tip - Hydrate and Easily Lose Weight. Easy Heart Health Tip – Hydrate and Easily Lose Weight The best heart health tips are often the simplest.

Easy Heart Health Tip - Hydrate and Easily Lose Weight

Here I discuss hydration. Since your body is 70% water, it stands to reason that if you do not get enough, things start to go wrong. If you ever feel thirsty, you are already well dehydrated… Essential not: Always ensure that you eat or drink sufficient salt and sugar as you hydrate.