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LearnPotato. Home. Voyajo - online road trip planner. Plan your travel itinerary for free! 10 Promising Israeli Startups for 2013. This year Tel Aviv was named the 2nd best high-tech center in the world .

10 Promising Israeli Startups for 2013

There are a lot of startups here, some of which, even I know little about. The birth and death of startups in general happens at an amazing pace, and it’s even more exciting and innovative in Israel, which was also declared one of the most innovative places on Earth. I will begin by saying that despite the list I have compiled here, there are many more startups that have the potential to make it big in 2013, but I would like to focus on the ones that you should keep an eye on for sure. Startups that started their journey only earlier this year and for which, the future shines bright. Let’s get right to it, I’ll lay out the list, and then explain each of my choices below: Bazaart When I met the Bazaart team a year ago, they walked me through the concept of creating stylized collages utilizing pins on Pinterest. Flayvr I asked Ron Levi, CEO of Flyavr, what the future holds for Flayvr. Stevie TinyTap 24me EatWith PowToon. Startup Resources (Updated Nov 2013)

Wadi Ventures. SeatID is an award-winning Software-as-a-Service Social Seating and Booking Platform that adds social widgets to ticketing and booking websites and apps allowing users to login with their social network profile to see which of their friends are on which flights, staying at which hotels, attending which concerts, etc.

Wadi Ventures

Such social proofing drives higher engagement and conversion. Folloyu is a cross-device continuity platform that allows the visitors a seamless transfer of their activity between different devices (smartphones, PCs, tablets etc.), and helps them to resume from the place they left off, thus increasing the retention and the conversion rates of online businesses by increasing the time spent by customers in the website. Winkapp develops a mobile app which links printed content to digital content.

Bablic is the world’s most advanced content localization solution for the web. Israeldev1. צור קשר - WhiteBoard. Job openings at Israeli startups. Mapped In Israel Who's hiring?

Job openings at Israeli startups

About Blog Tours Contact Get Alerts Job openings at Israeli tech companies Mapped in Israel is your gateway to the Israeli high-tech ecosystem with free and easy access to jobs, startups, incubators, R&D centers and investors. Looking for a job? Find the perfect job in the perfect location. You can also receive daily or weekly Job Alerts. Hiring? Click here for more information about posting your job openings on Mapped in Israel. Here is a list of Israeli tech companies who indicated that they are currently hiring. Want to add your company to this list? 2014 © Mapped In Israel. Nouveautés chez Fiverr, le marché mondial en ligne. Fiverr est un marché mondial en ligne qui offre des tâches, des services et des micro-emplois.

Nouveautés chez Fiverr, le marché mondial en ligne

Il est entré sur le marché en 2010 avec une mission : fournir une plate-forme pour que les gens achètent et vendent une variété de petits services généralement offerts par des entrepreneurs indépendants, tels que l’écriture, la conception graphique et la programmation. Opérant actuellement dans plus de 200 pays, l’entreprise compte plus de 1,7 million d’engagements dans 120 catégories. Alors que le modèle d’origine permettait d’avoir des services pour cinq dollars seulement, avec les nouveaux changements de plate-forme, les vendeurs seront autorisés à fournir des services de 500 $. Le nouveau Fiverr offrira également une expérience beaucoup plus visuelle et définira des caractéristiques particulières.

Le marché va maintenant donner aux acheteurs une meilleure visibilité de la notation du vendeur et du délai de livraison. Sharing Economy in Israel. Lessons Learned from the Kibbutz Israel has a long history of sharing resources, even before it became a state in 1948.

Sharing Economy in Israel

Shortly after the 1905 Bolshevik revolution, small groups of Jews escaped Russia to avoid persecution. Accustomed to sharing property, they established collective farms to start a new life in a hostile, arid environment. They called this new working and living arrangement a Kibbutz. The kibbutz structure was instrumental in helping the new immigrants establish themselves and became part of the early Israel success story. The weakness in the kibbutz model – as for all traditionally socialist structures – was that it relied on a central authority to decide for the individual.