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Knowledge Center. Global2012: Program Guide. Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 11:00am-12:45pm (Edinburgh, BST/GMT+1) Hosted by Bruno Giussani Don Tapscott Futurist Don Tapscott can see the future coming ... and works to identify the new concepts we need to understand in a world transformed by the Internet. Shyam Sankar Data Intelligence Agent An advocate of human-computer symbiosis, Shyam Sankar looks for clues in big and disparate data sets. Robyn Meredith Journalist Robyn Meredith Journalist Robyn Meredith reports on the Asia-Pacific region for Bloomberg TV and writes brilliantly about China's changing place in the world.

Global2012: Program Guide

@RobynMeredith88 Jason Silva Tech Filmmaker Raghu Dixit Fusion Musician Raghu Dixit Fusion Musician Raghu Dixit plays a unique, rousing blend of Indian and Western influences. James Stavridis Navy Admiral What will 21st-century security look like? Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 2:15pm-4:00pm (Edinburgh, BST/GMT+1) Hosted by Chris Anderson. Peter Weyland at TED2023: I will change the world.

Peter Weyland has been a magnet for controversy since he announced his intent to build the first convincingly humanoid robotic system by the end of the decade.

Peter Weyland at TED2023: I will change the world

Whether challenging the ethical boundaries of medicine with nanotechnology or going toe to toe with the Vatican itself on the issue of gene-therapy sterilization, Sir Peter prides himself on his motto, “If we can, we must.” After a three year media blackout, Weyland has finally emerged to reveal where he’s heading next. Wherever that may be, we will most certainly want to follow. Conceived and designed by Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof and directed by Luke Scott. Sir Peter Weyland was born in Mumbai, India at the turn of the Millennium. In less than a decade, Weyland Corporation became a worldwide leader in emerging technologies and launched the first privatized industrial mission to leave the planet Earth.

Nantes. TED. Top TED Talks. 10 Unmissable TED Videos For Designers. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) has been existed since 1984 with the primary objective to spread some really great ideas and experience related with technology, entertainment and design.

10 Unmissable TED Videos For Designers

You might not be familiar with this conference, but seriously, cool technological devices like Xbox Kinect is inspired by one of TED’s talk. (Image Source: TED) For sure it’s not just about complicated technology or hardcore design theory. TED is flooded by top-notch and innovative designers, developers and scholars, namely Tim-Bernett Lee, Don Norman, and Dennis Dutton, who are willing to share their life story, experience and vision for greater benefit of the world. Since we web designer are a hybrid of web developer and graphic designer, I’m going to introduce you 10 unmissable TED videos that either explore the way to create great design, or urges you to think big in your design career, or even predict the next 5000 days of the web. Shortcut to: 1. Back to top ↑ 2. 3. 20 Must-See Business TED Talks. Every year, today’s greatest thinkers gather at various TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) conferences around the world.

20 Must-See Business TED Talks

Their talks, which you can find on TED’s website, are often insightful, educational, and fascinating. As a TED junkie, I decided to compile 20 of the best business talks in the conference’s history. Each talk offers insights either into a business leader’s mind, or into concepts that will change the way you think about business and the economy. (If you have any favorites not included on this list, please mention them in the comments below.) 20. Hotel owner Chip Conley talks about adapting Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to a business model based on happiness. 19. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos offers a fun, visual lesson on how people behaved during the gold rush, and how the dot-com story almost exactly reflected that behavior. 18.

Author and WIRED editor-in-chief Chris Anderson talks about the four stages that a technology needs to go through to become viable. 17. 5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media. The 2010 Technology Entertainment Design conference will be kicking off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, bringing the leading minds of many fields together to talk shop about innovation, change, and what the future holds.

5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media

As social media has become a game changer for industries across the board, you can bet the experts at this year's TED conference will have their sights set on peeling back the hype and getting at the core of what social technology has in store for this year and beyond. Perhaps the best part of the TED conferences is that videos of the talks are archived and free to view right on the organization's website. Given the wealth of insight we're sure to see tomorrow, we thought we'd whet your appetite by highlighting a few recent and exceptional talks from TED's past, with a focus on social media. 1.

Alexis Ohanian: How To Make a Splash in Social Media 2. 3. 4. 5.