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Positive Psychology/ Happiness / Resilience / Self Care / Stress

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6 ways to mentally and emotionally prepare for long-term remote work. 10 Ways to Ace Your Workday Before It Begins. Unplugging from Work: 4 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance. 4 ways to disconnect from work and recover from your day - RescueTime. It’s safe to say we’re all busy.

4 ways to disconnect from work and recover from your day - RescueTime

Overcommitment is the new norm. And our days have become jam-packed with tasks, to-dos, meetings, emails, and deadlines. (Not to mention everything else in our personal lives!) Even if you’ve worked hard to create work-life balance, it’s inevitable that you come home feeling exhausted, overworked, and stressed. It’s a terrible feeling. Our Resilience model (incl link to tips on avoiding burnout + fatigue, + managing stress) - Discovery in Action.

30 June or 31 December – which date causes you to have that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach? Many feel pressured to ‘burn the midnight oil’ to get things finished by these key dates. Many need to work longer hours and / or lead teams who have been working for extended periods towards a key outcome or deadline. The reality of our busy work lives means there are times in the year when we work with extreme peaks and on the rarer occasions, hit an occasional trough. 274 Self-Care Ideas (and Activities) for Coping With Life. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy.

274 Self-Care Ideas (and Activities) for Coping With Life

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. Self-care is popular these days. It has become a buzz topic for many millennials. 3 Good Things - MidMichigan Health. Employee Resiliency for Better, Safer Care MidMichigan Health's effort in patient safety include addressing the critical need for supporting the emotional needs of health care workers.

3 Good Things - MidMichigan Health

Providing medical care today is inherently stressful and complex. MidMichigan believes that developing resiliency among employees produces better, safer patient care. "Three Good Things," is a stress management technique promoted among employees throughout MidMichigan Health. It has proven benefits for addressing emotional exhastion and burn-out, as demonstrated by clinical research at the Patient Safety Center of Duke University Health System. Clinical References 1. 2. 3. 4. Resources Copyright Restrictions Downloadable materials featured on this page are copyrighted by MidMichigan Health with some rights reserved.

54 Sunshine Quotes - Inspirational Words of Wisdom. Even when it's raining, the sunshine is still there.

54 Sunshine Quotes - Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Clare Josa Inspirational Sayings Sunshine and happiness go together like fish and chips! Catherine Pulsifer Funny Quotes Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadows. Helen KellerFamous Quotes May you always walk in sunshine. May you never want for more. Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows. Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. Look at the sunny side of everything. Humor - The sunshine of the mind. Like sunshine which kisses the clover, Like tassels of silk on the corn .... Creating a resilient organization for health care workers during a crisis. Updated May 8, 2020 Action steps taken by an organization before, during and after a crisis will reduce psychosocial trauma and increase the likelihood your workforce will cope or even thrive.

Creating a resilient organization for health care workers during a crisis

Caring for health care workers covid 19. Reframe Stress. The human family has countless extraordinary features that we take for granted.

Reframe Stress

Our modest sensory apparatus, for example, allows us to marvel at sunsets, savor chocolate, delight in sweet-smelling flowers, enjoy music, feel love. Meet one of your everyday superpowers: positive reappraisal. As a long-studied emotion regulation strategy, positive reappraisal plays a key role in helping us cope with stress and thrive during hardships. Elizabeth Dunn: Helping others makes us happier. David Steindl-Rast: Want to be happy? Be grateful. 7 Qualities of the Most Resilient People. 134 Activities to Add to Your Self-Care Plan. At its most basic definition, self-care is any intentional action taken to meet an individual’s physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional needs.

134 Activities to Add to Your Self-Care Plan

In short, it’s all the little ways we take care of ourselves to avoid a breakdown in those respective areas of health. You may find that, at certain points, the world and the people in it place greater demands on your time, energy, and emotions than you might feel able to handle. This is precisely why self-care is so important. 10 Ways to Be More Mindful at Work. Mindfulness may seem like a great idea, but how do you become more mindful in the context of a busy work day?

10 Ways to Be More Mindful at Work

You may have emails, phone calls, meetings, and presentations to deal with. And, of course, your own work! In the middle of all that, how can you apply the principles of mindfulness so that you feel more alive and present, as well as being productive? Dylan Marron: How I turn negative online comments into positive offline conversations. One of the Best Speeches Ever by Walter Bond. Developing Resilience within the Team - Leadership Solutions: Executive Coaching and Leadership Development specializing in Strategy Development and Implementation.

Emotional resilience and the brain. How to Be More Present at Home. The 7 Most Inspirational Mindfulness TED Talks. Mindfulness is the state of mental calmness achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and sensations.

The 7 Most Inspirational Mindfulness TED Talks

Regular practice has proven to have a positive effect on your overall health and reduce stress levels significantly. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a set of global conferences run by the Sapling Foundation. How Advocate Children’s “bounce back kits” improve nurse resilience. How to be happy: 9 ways to find more bliss in life. Yale popular happiness class: 6 lessons you can practice now.

Science-Based Happiness Games & Activities.