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Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy?

Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy?

Blog: The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jo art From A-ha to OK Go: A museum exhibit all about the music video In the early ‘80s, before MTV turned its attention to reality TV, David Bowie, Madonna and the Pretenders lit up small screens, using a new medium to showcase their songs: the music video. Recently, we’ve seen a resurgence of this art form as cinematographers, musicians and artists join together to supersize their visual creativity. Science Want to know more about the unreliable nature of memory? Elizabeth Loftus studies false memories.

5 TED Talks on Science That Will Blow Your Mind Andrew Maynard is a scientist and emerging technology adviser. He blogs at 2020 Science and tweets as @2020science. Some of the most entertaining, informative and mind-blowing science videos on the web come from TED – the Technology, Entertainment, Design conference. To make things easier, here are five of my favorite TED Talks on science. - Was I engaged within the first few seconds? 1. What on earth do coral, complex mathematics and the craft of crochet have in common? 2. Four billion years of evolution have led to organisms that can reproduce, survive the harshest environments, and convert simple chemicals into complex ones. 3. Is there life on other planets? 4. Why are scientists so excited about smashing subatomic particles together at near-light velocities? 5. Finally, the big picture. These five TED talks on science tell a story about the complexity of the universe and our place in it. See also: 13 Twits Who Will Change Your Perspective on Reality

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