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Leadership in times of COVID

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5 attitudes
équilibrés, ambitieux, ouverts aux nouvelles technologies, dotés d'excellentes compétences de communication et de la compassion nécessaire pour soutenir les employés les plus vulnérables


Ajustez votre comportement aux changements (télétravail est la nouvelle norme) > avoir rassurer et diriger à distance sans que l'engagement ou le moral des équipes en souffre est primordial

2. Restez toujours accessibles
Sachez surtout bien communiquer votre énergie aux salariés pour les motiver.

3. Redéfinissez clairement les objectifs et échéances

4. Faites preuve d'ouverture d'esprit
Restez ouverts aux outils et technologies

5. Enfin, encore plus en période de confinement, manifestez votre empathie !
gardez le bien-être de vos salariés à l'esprit. La bienveillance et l'altruisme ne constituent pas une perte de temps ; au contraire, à terme, c'est même payant.

Je rajouterai:
Du leadership "
Des fondamentaux d'une démarche d'accompagnement du changement
« Le leadership, c'est la capacité à motiver une organisation pour qu'elle transforme son ambition de performance ».

Covid-19: Protect, Recover and Retool. For an entire generation of business leaders, the actions they take now and in the weeks ahead will define them and their companies.

Covid-19: Protect, Recover and Retool

And while the impact of this crisis varies across industries and regions, it’s no exaggeration to recognize that this time around, the burden of destiny is real. CEOs working urgently to balance dozens of critical priorities each day are starting to focus on two leading questions: “How can we ride out the crisis to emerge stronger than others in our industry?” And “How can the organization learn through this experience to win in a new world?” To guide the decisions and actions that will answer those questions—through the welter of competing demands, the sometimes chaotic conditions and the paramount importance of doing the right thing—some leadership teams have committed themselves to two guiding principles: act now to protect and run the business today, and plan now to retool the business for the future (Figure 1). A Guide to Leading through Uncertain Times. COVID-19 and the Future of Work. How Humble Leadership Really Works. Executive Summary Top-down leadership is outdated and counterproductive.

By focusing too much on control and end goals, and not enough on their people, leaders are making it more difficult to achieve their own desired outcomes. The key, then, is to help people feel purposeful, motivated, and energized so they can bring their best selves to work. One of the best ways is to adopt the humble mind-set of a servant leader. Servant leaders view their key role as serving employees as they explore and grow, providing tangible and emotional support as they do so.

Philip gould/Getty Images When you’re a leader — no matter how long you’ve been in your role or how hard the journey was to get there — you are merely overhead unless you’re bringing out the best in your employees. Power, as my colleague Ena Inesi has studied, can cause leaders to become overly obsessed with outcomes and control, and, therefore, treat their employees as means to an end. Here’s how to do it.

The new approach? Be humble. Jacinda Ardern's Leadership Against the Coronavirus. Ardern’s style would be interesting—a world leader in comfy clothes just casually chatting with millions of people!

Jacinda Ardern's Leadership Against the Coronavirus

—and nothing more, if it wasn’t for the fact that her approach has been paired with policies that have produced real, world-leading results. Since March, New Zealand has been unique in staking out a national goal of not just flattening the curve of coronavirus cases, as most other countries have aimed to do, but eliminating the virus altogether. And it is on track to do it. COVID-19 testing is widespread. The health system has not been overloaded. As a collection of relatively isolated islands at the bottom of the South Pacific, New Zealand was in a favorable position to snuff out the virus. But Ardern’s government also took decisive action right away. Read: All the president’s lies about the coronavirus And that collective may be fraying. Ardern’s style would be interesting—a world leader in comfy clothes just casually chatting with millions of people! CEOs Must Invest in Digital Transformation - Blog. Does your company have a digital boss?

CEOs Must Invest in Digital Transformation - Blog

What we mean by that is, do you have a leader on board who can easily leverage new technology advancements in order to grow your business? In today's business climate, this "luxury" is no longer an option. Quel leadership demain , Transformation Les Echos Executives. Dirigeants 5 attitudes clés face aux défis du Covid 19, Transformation Les Echos Executives.

Quel leadership demain ?, Transformation. Dirigeants : 5 attitudes clés face aux défis du Covid-19, Transformation.