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Sharing Means Caring, fool! Like this: Like Loading... Related Saturday Palate Cleanser Oh, man, the jerks have formed gangs! April 10, 2021 In "Birds Are Jerks" Drowning Man Swims To Sinking Ship Let's begin with a mile-high look at how Twizzler is doing running the family bidness: “Trump’s net worth is down to $2.3 billion from $3 billion when he became president, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

March 17, 2021 In "snark" My Week on Crooks and Liars I keep saying this: Crooks and Liars does not have to give up their HUGE platform to wee lowly bloggers, but they do and they are to be commended for it. Apparently, This Ancient Japanese Technique From The 14th Century Allows People To Produce Lumber Without Having To Cut Down Trees. Japan is an intriguing country (especially for an outsider) that never ceases to amaze and inspire people by striving for perfection.

Apparently, This Ancient Japanese Technique From The 14th Century Allows People To Produce Lumber Without Having To Cut Down Trees

It appears that the pursuit of excellence is something that’s deeply embedded in the culture, and it shows in different areas of life and various ways. The majority of us are already familiar with the concept of bonsai—a Japanese art form dating back over a thousand years, which produces small trees that mimic the appearance of full-size trees. But many still haven’t heard about daisugi. While its technique has similarities to that of bonsai, the result it produces is vastly different. Apparently, this technique that dates back to the 14th century was news to a lot of people. More info: Twitter Apparently, there’s an ancient Japanese forestry technique called “daisugi” Image credits: wrathofgnon. The Legacy of Japan’s Bubble Economy "Juppies" Japan Railways is a stiff, buttoned-up organization.

The Legacy of Japan’s Bubble Economy "Juppies"

Its stations radiate the kind of bureaucratic seriousness required to run the world’s most reliable and orderly train service, and yet JR East won pop culture for a brief moment at the end of 2017 with its ski-season advertising campaign posters made in direct homage to the 1987 teen movie Take Me Out to the Snowland!. The film is a cinematic paean to the good old days of Japan’s Bubble Economy, akin to what John Hughes’s work represents to Americans. The reference to Snowland! , however, was not just a cheap dose of nostalgia for rich 50-somethings; it tapped into a recent longing and curiosity among Japanese youth about what it felt like to be alive during Japan’s big economic moment.

Juppie, of course, is “Japanese Yuppie,” but before anyone gets the wrong idea, Juppie was never a standard term in Japanese. This is what makes Take Me Out to the Snowland! This, however, is where the similarities end. What Not to Do in Japan. Japan Travel and Culture Guide. People Who Viewed This Also Viewed Recently on Japan Talk We are always working to improve Japan Talk.

Japan Travel and Culture Guide

If you find an error, please report it. Distances and walking times are approximate. Prices and schedules reflect our best information at the time of publishing and are prone to change. How Kentucky Fried Chicken became Japan's favorite Christmas tradition. One of the world's quirkier holiday traditions is now upon us.

How Kentucky Fried Chicken became Japan's favorite Christmas tradition

Every December 24, thousands and thousands of people in Japan leave the house and head to Kentucky Fried Chicken for the traditional Christmas Eve meal: A line outside the Okamoto Kentucky Fried Chicken on December 24, 2012. (David Kawabata/Flickr) Yes, that Kentucky Fried Chicken. KFC is so popular in Japan on Christmas Eve that there are often lines stretching down the block outside stores. The Christmas party bucket from KFC in Japan — yours for only ¥4,090, or $38 (KFC) Having grown up in Tokyo, I can confirm that this is a real phenomenon. The origins of "Kentucky for Christmas" What makes this so strange is that Christmas isn't even an official holiday in Japan.

It all dates back to a savvy marketing campaign from the 1970s According to KFC's Japanese website, the tradition started in the early 1970s — shortly after the fast-food chain had opened a few initial stores in Nagoya, Kobe, and Tokyo. (Mark Stilwell/Flickr) New Face Guard Allows Japanese Women To Eat Burgers Without Shame. Here's your "quirky Japan" story of the day: Apparently, it's very impolite for women there to eat hamburgers in public -- or so says one Japanese fast food chain that hopes to free women from the unbearable shame of opening their mouths too widely.

New Face Guard Allows Japanese Women To Eat Burgers Without Shame

Freshness Burger claims that, for the longest time, its tastiest burger was only popular with men because Japanese women were too embarrassed to shove the sandwiches in their "small, modest mouths. " So they came up with a novel idea: A hamburger wrapper that not only shields a woman's chewing mouth from public view, but also depicts a soothing image of the lower half of a woman's face.

It's pretty much a mask that women can hide behind while they, for the first time, enjoy ""the wild pleasure of taking mouth sized bites. " The company says that the wrapper was a huge success: