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Human-Centered Design Is Broken. Here’s a Better Alternative. 7 Predictions for a Post-Coronavirus World - Marker. RCA students develop SaltyCo fabrics using freshwater-free plants. Smartfiber AG: SeaCell<sup>TM</sup> Nea Studio creates lamps from dried seaweed. Curling edges detail these hanging lamps that New York designer Nina Edwards Anker has created from dried sheets of algae.

Nea Studio creates lamps from dried seaweed

Edwards Anker, who runs Brooklyn practice Nea Studio, moulded sheets of the marine plant around objects and left them to dry to create the cylindrical pendants. "We allow the raw nature of each individual sheet of seaweed to form its own sculptural piece," said Edwards Anker. The lamps are made from a dark green algae variety known as Chlorophyta. This is a seaweed that is translucent and able to filter sunlight that hits it, producing a glow during the day. Edwards Anker inserted an electric bulb each of the hanging lights. "We pay a lot of attention in the studio to finding the right LED bulbs that produce warm light," Edwards Anker told Dezeen.

Once the light is turned on, portions of the harden shell glow, while others remain a deep dark colour. Shift Architecture Urbanism designs social distancing into the food market. Dutch studio Shift Architecture Urbanism has developed a model for a street food market where people can buy fresh produce without coming into contact with one another during the coronavirus pandemic.

Shift Architecture Urbanism designs social distancing into the food market

Hyperlocal Micro Markets is a concept for a network of public markets, where customers can buy fruit and vegetables, dairy products, and meat and fish, without risking spread of coronavirus. Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Monday. The latest: Eligible Canadians who lost income because of COVID-19 could start applying Monday for a new emergency benefit program as the government tries to keep people afloat during a pandemic that has claimed thousands of lives worldwide and prompted a frantic scramble to secure critical supplies.

Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Monday

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, meanwhile, said in a statement that delays in global shipments and restrictions at the U.S. border have "severely strained Ontario's inventory" and left Canada's most populous province with "roughly a one-week supply" of critical personal protective equipment (PPE). He told reporters Monday that Ontario has a current order for about four million masks from the U.S. and that only half a million have been released. Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief.

Nature is sending us a message with the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis, according to the UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen.

Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief

Andersen said humanity was placing too many pressures on the natural world with damaging consequences, and warned that failing to take care of the planet meant not taking care of ourselves. Leading scientists also said the Covid-19 outbreak was a “clear warning shot”, given that far more deadly diseases existed in wildlife, and that today’s civilisation was “playing with fire”.

Coronavirus: Lessons from Italy's lockdown. 'We must use this time well': climate experts hopeful after Cop26 delay. Green campaigners and climate leaders have vowed to keep up the pressure on governments around the world to make stringent new commitments on the climate crisis, as a vital UN climate summit was delayed until next year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

'We must use this time well': climate experts hopeful after Cop26 delay

The Cop26 talks were scheduled to take place this November in Glasgow, but the UK hosts won a delay on Wednesday night from the UN and other nations, after weeks of speculation the talks would be cancelled. Moving the 26th conference of the parties to an as yet unspecified new date next year gives countries time to work out their responses to the Covid-19 emergency, which experts hope will include commitments on shifting to a low-carbon economy rather than propping up the fossil fuel industry. The EU pledged it would sustain its push for a bloc-wide “green deal” that would involve stiffer cuts in emissions and a target of net zero emissions by 2050. Scientists ask: could summer heat help beat Covid-19? Balmy days are coming, with temperatures forecast to reach 20C in some regions.

Scientists ask: could summer heat help beat Covid-19?

The warm weather will bring welcome respite to lockdown Britain - and put pressure on authorities trying to control crowds and gatherings. However, scientists also believe warm weather could bring new insights into the virus by showing whether it reacts to the onset of spring. The horror films got it wrong. This virus has turned us into caring neighbours.

Coronavirus: US overtakes China with most cases. Media playback is unsupported on your device The US now has more confirmed cases of coronavirus than any other country, with more than 86,000 positive tests.

Coronavirus: US overtakes China with most cases

According to the latest figures collated by Johns Hopkins University, the US has overtaken China (81,897 cases) and Italy (80,589). But with over 1,300 Covid-19-related fatalities, the US death toll is still behind China (3,296) and Italy (8,215). The grim milestone came as President Donald Trump predicted the nation would get back to work "pretty quickly". Dezeen. Textile design graduate Jasmine Linington establishes seaweed as a high-end fashion material with her collection of nature-derived couture garments.


In a bid to address the environmental impact of the fashion and textile industry, the Edinburgh College of Art MFA student looked to the Scottish shores for more sustainable materials. Biogarmentry are clothes that can photosynthesise like plants. Canadian-Iranian designer Roya Aghighi has created clothes made from algae that turn carbon dioxide into oxygen via photosynthesis, as a more sustainable alternative to fast fashion.

Biogarmentry are clothes that can photosynthesise like plants

International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Development - Conferences - Elsevier. Global leaders from both academia and industry will give an overview of the latest advances in their fields in a series of inspiring plenary lectures.

International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Development - Conferences - Elsevier

A topical interdisciplinary programme will include selected contributed talks arranged within parallel sessions and poster sessions for which abstracts are invited. A series of training courses and workshops will take place immediately prior to the conference. Contributions to the programme are invited by 6 November 2020 on the following conference topics: Sustainable Environment To improve the sustainability of ecosystems, and to understand the dynamics between ecosystem and human activities including: Biodiversity & EcosystemGreen chemistryEnergyClimate Change Sustainable Technology Technologies that improve sustainability in all aspects: Technology and InnovationRemote Sensing for SustainabilityArtificial Intelligence for Sustainability Sustainable Living. Coronavirus: Lockdowns continue to suppress European pollution. Image copyright Copernicus/KNMI/ESA New data confirms the improvement in air quality over Europe - a byproduct of the coronavirus crisis.

The maps on this page track changes in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - a pollutant that comes principally from the use of fossil fuels. Lockdown polices and the resulting reductions in economic activity have seen emissions take a steep dive. Food wholesalers offer online orders to sell stock. Image copyright HG Walter's Food wholesalers are making online home deliveries in response to Covid-19 measures. As bars, restaurants and hotels shut due to government restrictions, the wholesalers that usually provide them with food and drink, have seen a huge drop in business. But with stock to shift, they are determined to find new customers. Members of the Federation of Wholesale Distributors have seen a 70% decline in trade over the past two weeks, “Food distributors have seen their market disappear overnight,” says chief executive James Bielby.

Healthy injection. Outbreak brings new opportunities for China’s burgeoning digital economy. How to work your virtual work - How do you cope in a flatshare? Coronavirus: the week explained. US has the 'potential' to be next virus epicenter - The United States has become the first country to report more than 10,000 new cases of novel coronavirus infection for two days in a row, with its confirmed cases topping at least 55,000 as of Tuesday.

Coronavirus: Kind Canadians start 'caremongering' trend. Image copyright Getty Images. Coronavirus: Life in Rome under lockdown. Image copyright EPA. How to experience art while practicing social distancing. Meet the Berliners reinventing their small businesses to survive the coronavirus.