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Marko Rodin' Vortex Based Math Full 4 Hour Lecture From 1998. TR-3B Plasma Torus Anti-Gravity Centrifuge Engine. Transparent gel speaker plays music through the magic of ionic conduction (video) Discovery of new material state counterintuitive to laws of physics. When you squeeze something, it gets smaller.

Discovery of new material state counterintuitive to laws of physics

Unless you're at Argonne National Laboratory. At the suburban Chicago laboratory, a group of scientists has seemingly defied the laws of physics and found a way to apply pressure to make a material expand instead of compress/contract. "It's like squeezing a stone and forming a giant sponge," said Karena Chapman, a chemist at the U.S. Department of Energy laboratory. "Materials are supposed to become denser and more compact under pressure. Because this behavior seems impossible, Chapman and her colleagues spent several years testing and retesting the material until they believed the unbelievable and understood how the impossible could be possible. "The bonds in the material completely rearrange," Chapman said. This discovery will do more than rewrite the science text books; it could double the variety of porous framework materials available for manufacturing, health care and environmental sustainability.

The research is funded by the U.S. Nikola Tesla The Secret Movie (Free Energy) Inside Sikorsky's Speed-Record-Breaking Helicopter Technology. How Speeding The "Most Important Algorithm Of Our Lifetime" Could Change This Modern World. 5D glass storage could revolutionize medicine, computing. Researchers from the University of Southampton, England, have successfully recorded, read, and erased data from a piece of nano-structured glass.

5D glass storage could revolutionize medicine, computing

This technique could revolutionize microscopy in general, and medical imaging in specific — and, perhaps more importantly for computing, it could also be used to store binary data, like an optical disc. The writing/recording process is called femtoprinting. Using a femtosecond laser — a laser which can deliver pulses that are just a few quadrillionths of a second long — nano-structures inside a monolithic (single-crystal) piece of silica glass can be turned into polarization converters. These polarizing structures are permanent until re-written with another laser. To read the data, light is simply shone through the piece of glass. Home. <Company Name> Home Page. SMARTSKYWAYS            Automated Guideway Transport.

Fast Ships, Super-Fast Ferries, Hydro Lance HARTH Technology, Flightless Float Plane, Fast Freighters, Fast Response Medical Ship, Hydrolance, Super Fast Sealift, Super Ships, Fast Power Boats, Super-Fast Patrol Boat, Fast Rescue Boat Ship, Disaster Respo. The Spiral Pump: A High Lift, Slow Turning Pump. Table of Contents History of this Document First distribution 1986. Additions 1998 and 1990. OCR scan and conversion to HTML by Chris Pirazzi,, 2005. Please report any typos or errors to both and Internet address of this document: Smart Radiation Detector is a gadget and app for the iPhone that detects radiation levels. With the disasters in Japan finally dying down, the fact remains that there are certain parts of Japan which are still highly radiated and uninhabitable, and with reports about food containing high levels of radiation, one can never be too safe.

Smart Radiation Detector is a gadget and app for the iPhone that detects radiation levels

We had previously reported about a concept TokyoFlash watch which would be able to detect levels of radiation, but unfortunately it is a concept and we don’t know if TokyoFlash has any plans to start manufacturing it.

Architecture Concepts

Alternate Energy. Energy Efficiency. Eptool20. New Kind Of Optical Fiber Developed. A team of scientists led by John Badding, a professor of chemistry at Penn State University, has developed the very first optical fiber made with a core of zinc selenide -- a light-yellow compound that can be used as a semiconductor.

New Kind Of Optical Fiber Developed

The new class of optical fiber, which allows for a more effective and liberal manipulation of light, promises to open the door to more versatile laser-radar technology. Such technology could be applied to the development of improved surgical and medical lasers, better countermeasure lasers used by the military, and superior environment-sensing lasers such as those used to measure pollutants and to detect the dissemination of bioterrorist chemical agents. The team's research will be published in the journal Advanced Materials.

Alternate Energy

3D60™ : three-dimensional sound production. (p) 2010 First Rule Records, under exclusive License to Universal-Island Records Ltd.

3D60™ : three-dimensional sound production

A Universal Music Company Remember to use headphones Buy the complete track on iTunes Email us at to find out more about how 3D60 can work with you. CMR. The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements. This story is from the Aug. 23, 2010 issue of Stanford Report.

The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

When researchers found an unusual linkage between solar flares and the inner life of radioactive elements on Earth, it touched off a scientific detective investigation that could end up protecting the lives of space-walking astronauts and maybe rewriting some of the assumptions of physics. It's a mystery that presented itself unexpectedly: The radioactive decay of some elements sitting quietly in laboratories on Earth seemed to be influenced by activities inside the sun, 93 million miles away.

Is this possible? Researchers from Stanford and Purdue universities believe it is. But their explanation of how it happens opens the door to yet another mystery. There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun. Random numbers The sun speaks Reason for suspicion.