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Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt - add 1 tbsp nut butter, 1 ... Funky Monkey Freezer Fudge. This recipe is so quick, easy and delicious you are going to love it!

Funky Monkey Freezer Fudge

This is a wonderful guilt free way to enjoy chocolate fudge! You can enjoy this healthy chocolate fudge in a few different ways: first, you can create it with soaked dates in place of added sugar. Dates are high in fiber and other great nutrients. Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge. Yes, Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge!

Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge

This recipe is so good. This is a craving crusher with zero guilt. This recipe can be made with no added sugar, is high in fiber and only contains healthy fats. This will be a treat staple for those looking to lean down and eat their cookie dough too. Check out some other DAMY Health Healthy Fudge Recipes: Healthy Mint Chocolate Ice Cream. Healthy Mint Chocolate Ice Cream I wasn’t kidding around when I said that I intended to eat well on this cleanse.

Healthy Mint Chocolate Ice Cream

I mean, mint chocolate ice cream. Really? Banana, Almond and Chocolate Ice Cream. Banana, Almond and Chocolate Ice Cream.

Banana, Almond and Chocolate Ice Cream

5 Minute Strawberry Banana Ice Cream - Only 3 Ingredients. Strawberry Banana Ice Cream with 3 ingredients and only 5 minutes!

5 Minute Strawberry Banana Ice Cream - Only 3 Ingredients

As we are already reaching warm temps here in the southwest, we are enjoying a VERY Simple Strawberry Banana Ice Cream today. I truly enjoy making healthier treats for my Munchkin. That does not generally include store bought ice cream as she is sometimes sensitive to sugar. If you have kids, you will understand that some days I just do not have the energy to deal with a sugar buzz. LOL So, I decided to whip up a fabulously flavorful, creamy sweet dessert for her. I have even made this recipe using honey, agave, stevia and maple syrup. With love from our kitchen table to yours! Berrylicious Microwave Minute Muffin in a Mug. Sauteed plantains, healthy snack time! No oil used here folks.

Sauteed plantains, healthy snack time!

Just some cooking spray and the goodness exploded itself. I didn’t even have to add ANY sugar or lemons or anything, they tasted amazing AS IS. It was also really cool to see my slices turn from a pale off white to this gorgeous yellow brick road color. Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Coconut Blueberry Chia Seed Pudding. Tapioca pudding might be in my top 5 favorite desserts.

Coconut Blueberry Chia Seed Pudding

It is on the heavy side though. Lots of carbohydrates from the tapioca starch. Health Benefits of Chia Seeds. As many long-time EBF readers know, I LOVE chia seeds!

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

My sister texted me a few nights ago asking for more info about them, which made me realize it was time for little refresher post on why I think chia seeds are so great. If you’re an avid blog reader, some of this info might be old news, but for everyone else here’s what you need to know about one of my favorite seeds. Chia seed pudding - what's cooking good looking - a healthy, seasonal, tasty food and recipe journal.

Maybe you're familiar with chia seeds.

chia seed pudding - what's cooking good looking - a healthy, seasonal, tasty food and recipe journal

Maybe your not. Either way, I hoping after today they'll be a staple in your pantry. Chia seeds go wayyy back. Back in time. Sweet Kabocha Pudding. A few days ago I roasted a Kabocha squash with the intention of making a soup; however, when I tasted the pulp it was so sweet, I decided that I wanted to make a dessert. But what kind of dessert do you make with squash? As I was tasting the squash and thinking about how creamy it was, the squash spoke to me…. pudding . Oh how I love pudding! Kabocha squash and coconut pudding. I have to admit that I have missed having sweet tr eats around to pop into my mouth after d inner now that al l the Ch ristmas cookies are gone... Overnight Mango Blueberry Chia Seeds Pudding. Today marks day 6 of my 3 week sugar free challenge . I’m actually very surprised at how easy it’s been so far. I don’t even feel like I’ve been sacrificing anything at all! I’m even thinking of creating entirely sugar free muffins or breakfast bakes… I’m thinking Buckwheat, Apple and Sharp Cheddar… or Plantain, Blueberry and Coconut.

Don’t know about you, but they sure sound yummy to me! And believe it or not, I’ve had a very nice stack of entirely sugar free buttermilk pancakes after my bike ride on Saturday and they were simply to.die.for. Unfortunately, I was WAYYYY too hungry to take pictures. No, they weren’t pretty. Trust me, after doing 105km on my bike, I just wanted to get a whole bunch of carbs in my system. How to Make Healthy Chocolate Pudding. How about a chocolate pudding that's good for your heart?

How to Make Healthy Chocolate Pudding

This is exactly what you'll create by following Jason Mraz's recipe for chocomole, which calls for avocados, dates, chocolate powder, and a touch of vanilla. The result is a creamy chocolate pudding that's rich in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and flavonoids, making it an excellent choice for promoting a healthy cardiovascular system and good overall health. Note: The quantities listed below will make a big bowl of chocolate pudding, enough for about four large servings. If you tend to eat smaller portions of decadent desserts, we recommend using just half of the quantities listed. - Ben Kim. Holy Bad Word, That's Good. Pumpkin mousse. My family won't even try it. But do you know what I say to THAT?!?! MORE FOR ME!!! Ha ha and na na. Skinny Apple Cobbler. What can be sweeter on a chilly Fall evening than warm cinnamon apples topped with a sweet golden cobbler crust. Top this with a spoon of whipped topping or frozen yogurt and you'll feel like you're in a state of apple bliss!

Items for Skinny Apple Cobbler. Substitute for buttermilk. Healthier Banana Bread Recipe. Sarah's Applesauce Recipe. Healthy Banana Bread. Healthy Vegan Banana Bread. Would you ever guess that this loaf of banana bread is healthy?! Not only is it vegan and made from whole-wheat flour, but it does not contain any refined sugar, oil, or dairy! I love bananas, in fact I think they are my favorite fruit (at the moment)! I love them right out of the peel, dried as chips, frozen and dipped in chocolate, sliced on my almond butter toast, blended in my smoothies, and of course hot and gooey in my banana bread.