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How to grow herbs indoors this winter

How to grow herbs indoors this winter
Thyme to move your herbs indoors for the winter. RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Watching your garden-fresh herb supply go from healthy bunches to picked-over, withering stalks can be one of the most depressing parts of autumn. Sure, you can preserve them by drying or freezing them, or by whipping up (and freezing) a healthy herb pesto. But sometimes, there's nothing like a few leaves of fresh basil or a sprig of mint to really liven up a pasta dish or cup of hot tea. The solution? Grow your herbs indoors for the winter! Re-Pot Your Outdoor Herbs In most cases, growing herbs indoors is as easy as digging up the roots of your garden herbs and putting them in a pot you can set on a sunny windowsill for the duration of the winter. My rosemary thrives in pots that spend the summer outside and the winter in a sunny spare room that we don't heat. Lemon verbena is way too tender to live through my Pennsylvania winters, but tends to grow too big each summer to bring inside in the winter.

Create an Interior Vertical Garden With Moss Tiles October 12, 2011 by Robin Plaskoff Horton This indoor garden doesn’t require natural light, in fact it doesn’t like direct sunlight, doesn’t need watering, fertilizing, or pruning, and is ready to install on any surface. MossTile, from Benetti Stone, is a maintenance-free vertical garden. we like it wild: bottle gardens As much as we love to garden, sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all. If there’s a way we can shorten our to-do list, we’ll take it. This week’s project, a no-fuss recycled windowsill herb garden, has knocked watering the plants off our list.

How to make a cheap, awesome, professional Curtain Rod First off, thank you so much for being so kind about my new curtains in the dining room! I am taken aback daily by how many genuinely nice people there are in this blogging community. Thank you for loving the curtains along with me, and also thank you for just being plain ol’ nice. Start A Vegetable Garden Make Your Plan With the tilling done, now we are ready to start laying out our garden. I drew up a garden map on paper so we had a reference to use when out in the field. We set up our garden facing north with our tallest crops, which are sunflowers and corn, in the northern most area so they won't cast any shade on the shorter crops.

The $1 garden by Jonathan Nunan The dollar garden is simple in concept: buy as many seeds as you can for one dollar and harvest as much food as possible from the plants you grow. You see, sometime last year my mother, Susan, read something somewhere that claimed a tomato cost some incredible amount to grow on your own. Mom—whose plan to build a house out of firewood worked out just fine—made it her mission to grow as much as she could on as small a budget possible. Mom currently resides on a nice piece of central Pennsylvania acreage which allows her to plant large amounts of just about anything; she remembers all too well, however, the days when she lived in town ("when I got my water from the city and my eggs from the grocery store").

VERTICAL HERB GARDENS - gardening, planting, nature, garden, sustainable lifestyle, do-it-yourself, creative environmental options, craft, organics, gardening, planting, flower pots, reusing, old and vintage, nature, environmental news comments on 04/22 at 01:35 AM Oh wow, I like this too. Top 10 Natural, Eco-Friendly and Anti-Pollutant Houseplants – Get rid of indoor pollution in a natural way You must have spent practically thousands of dollars to buy the latest vacuum cleaner and the latest floor cleaners that help you keep your house clean. However, there comes a time when these machines fail to work leaving you to the unhealthy dust particles and other pollutants in your house. Rather than artificial machines, you must opt for natural pollution fighters that come in the form of plants. These plants are quiet unlike the noisy machines when you switch them off.

Home Decor Tips, Infographics & Cheat Sheets You guys seemed to love my upholstery yardage cheat sheet so today I’m sharing the rest of my collection of interior design cheat sheets and infographics. Some give you hard and fast rules, others function as design “glossaries”. Interior design pros love to say “there are no rules” when it comes making design decisions for your home. Maybe that’s true when you’re a professional and the decisions you make come from a place of knowledge and years of experience about what just works.

Grow 100 lbs. Of Potatoes In 4 Square Feet: {How To} : Quite the clever gardening tip here folks! Today’s feature includes tips from three different sources for growing potatoes vertically (in layers) instead of spread out in rows across your garden. If you have limited garden space or want to try some nifty gardening magic, this could be a great option for you. First, there’s this article from The Seattle Times: It’s Not Idaho, But You Still Can Grow Potatoes: The potatoes are planted inside the box, the first row of boards is installed and the dirt or mulch can now be added to cover the seed potatoes.

How to Make String Gardens: 7 DIY Options » Curbly The only thing I love more than when readers share projects they've done inspired by something I've posted is posting the pictures of the projects themselves. Here are three that were sparked by the String Gardens. The first ones are from Dale (pictured above and below) who used a coconut husk plant liner for one version and moss plants for another.
