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Aggie Horticulture

Aggie Horticulture

Home Jade Care Q: I was at your Web site checking out the questions, but I didn't see an answer to mine. I bought a little jade plant about two or three years ago. It is happy and healthy. However, it is still the same height. A: I don't know. Q: It was very hot in San Francisco this week. A: My only suggestion is to wait and allow the jade time to adapt to the change in the environment. Q: My jade plant is in need of pruning and repotting to a larger pot. A: Congratulations on your success with jade! Q: I have a jade plant that has a hard, brown layering on top of the leaf and wraps slightly around the bottom of the leaf closest to the stem. A: Scale insects are difficult to control. Q: I saw your Web site and read much of it, but couldn't find any situation similar to mine. A: Well, you have the distinction of asking me a jade question that I never have had before! Q: Hello and thank you in advance. A: Go to my Web site at A: Oh boy.

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