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Welcome to Victory Seeds - Rare, Open-pollinated & Heirloom Garden Seeds

Welcome to Victory Seeds - Rare, Open-pollinated & Heirloom Garden Seeds
The Victory Seed Company is a small, family owned and operated organization that works to preserve plant varieties by locating, growing, documenting and offering rare, open-pollinated, non-GMO, non-hybrid, heirloom seeds to home gardeners. Unlike most seed companies, we actually grow seeds on our farm and help to support other small seed farmers by purchasing what we don't grow from our network of growers. We work hard at being the best heirloom seed company and strive to be your main seed source. (You can read what other folks say about us at the Garden Watchdog.) By purchasing Victory SeedsĀ®, you are partnering with us to support our primary mission of preserving heritage or heirloom seed varieties as well as horticultural history. With your help we are continually increasing the number of varieties that we protect and offer to home gardeners.

Plants For A Future : 7000 Edible, Medicinal & Useful Plants Recommended this month New Book ** Plantes Comestibles: Le guide pour vous inspirer a choisir et cultiver des plantes comestibles hors du commun [Paperback] Edible Plants: French Translation. Creative Organic Gardening - Permaculture gardens (permanent culture) is an approach to everyday life that integrates plants, animals, landscape, structures; people who purposely design all the facets of their lives to enhance environmental sustainability within a permanent, sustainable agricultural and cultural system - a diverse, complex eco-system, where the all of the elements interact in mutually beneficial ways to produce a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts. The art of designing garden areas that are modeled on the relationships found in natural ecologies. Permanent is from the Latin "permanens" - to remain to the end, to persist throughout. Culture is from the Latin "cultura" - meaning the cultivation of land, or the intellect. It is a philosophy, an ethic of caring for the earth and working with, not against nature with an attitude of thoughtful observation, an action-meditation - rather than undirected and thoughtless labor.

Creative Organic Gardening - Northwestern New Mexico Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Coopers Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Ferruginous hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, Turkey Vulture, Burrowing Owl, Great Horned Owl, White-throated Swift, Violet-green Swallow, Tree Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Barn Swallow, Canyon Wren, House Wren, Bewick's Wren, Rock Wren, Golden Eagle White-crowned Sparrow, Brewer's Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Sage Sparrow, Black-throated Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Lark Bunting, Brown towhee, Rufus-sided Towhee, Green-tailed Towhee, Lesser Goldfinch, American Goldfinch, House Finch, Cassin's Finch, Lazuli Bunting, Lewis woodpecker, Flicker, Acorn woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker Natural Insect Control Clicking on ants will take you to another page. {*style:<b>Aphids: </b>*}For aphid control we carry: 1600 X-Clude , Diatomaceous Earth , Garden Dust Insecticide/Fungicide , Ants "farm" aphids often keeping them in their nest during winter, then bringing them out in spring and placing them on the host plant.

Greenhouse in a Swimming Pool - Winter Harvest Salad greens, chives and braising greens thrive in this winter growing space, a greenhouse converted from an old swimming pool. Outside temperatures dipped down as low as 3F (-17C); yet this space remains productive without any additional heat. It is heated by the sun during the day, and stays relatively warm (around 32F (0C)) on coldest of nights. Growing Amaranth and Quinoa Recipes There are so many similarities between quinoa (keen' wah) and amaranth that it seems appropriate to describe them together. Quinoa, however, is a cool weather crop and amaranth is a warm weather one.

Cascadian Edible Landscapes No dig gardens - how to do no dig gardening by gardening the no dig way! How the Dervaes Family Stole My Victory Garden - HOMEGROWN.ORG ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
