The Decade's 50 Most Important Recordings : All Songs Considered Blog FotoSearch Ez-O Musicovery YOU broke up with ME. Now why the fuck won't you leave me alone, you ignorant bitch? i want songs by strong, beautiful women that will make me feel like a strong, beautiful woman, and not just the girl that got dumped. again. Requested by angela · Compiled by elle This may be a well chewed chestnut by now, but in my opinion Eleanor Roosevelt was one strong, beautiful woman who got it right: “Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” She also served hot dogs at the White House! 01. A dark wave mix for a black heart Requested by june rose · Compiled by Annabelle Lee Sometimes the divisions between the goth sub-genres are really confusing. 01. Songs to listen to while taking your first drive Requested by Trying not to Wreck · Compiled by BetterSummer It’s too easy to get distracted when you’re driving. 01. Piano ballads for unrequited lovers Requested by Synthetic Colors · Compiled by Leicester Myth 01. songs for people with low moral standards Requested by Dee · Compiled by moral standards are so 2009 01. Songs to menstruate to 01. 01. 01.
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Comparison of audio formats General information[edit] Notes[edit] The 'Music' category is merely a guideline on commercialized uses of a particular format, not a technical assessment of its capabilities. (For example, in terms of marketshare, MP3 and AAC dominate the personal audio market, though many other formats are comparably well suited to fill this role from a purely technical standpoint.)First public release date is first of either specification publishing or source releasing, or in the case of closed-specification, closed-source codecs, is the date of first binary releasing. Operating system support[edit] Multimedia frameworks support[edit] Technical details[edit] Notes[edit] The latency listed here is the total delay (frame size, plus all lookahead) at the normal operating sample rate (typically 44.1 kHz). See also[edit] Notes and references[edit] External links[edit]
7 Alternatives to Pandora and Last.FM | Mystery Tricycle Whether you are annoyed by the ads on Pandora, the limited number of skips, or the abyss of cruel 30-second song teasers from Last.FM, many online listeners are growing weary of mainstream methods of hearing new music. While the Pandora algorithm is strong, and the Last.FM related artists tool is pretty useful, don’t fool yourself in to thinking that there aren’t other great ways to expose yourself to new music in the depths of cyberspace. Here are 7 alternatives to Pandora and Last.FM that will infuse your day with an uninterrupted stream of music that large record companies haven’t managed to squash under their thumbs yet. StumbleAudio StumbleAudio has a killer recommendation engine that works better for me than Pandora’s. Instead of “genomes”, StumbleAudio uses listeners’ favoritism as well as buying pattern data from online music stores to make suggestions. Songza Musicovery Elegantly, Musicovery boils down songs to a location on two scales: Energetic-Calm and Positive-Dark. Stereomood
Dunlop Uni-Vibe Pedals Uni-Vibe® - DISCONTINUED Info The UV-1, Dunlop's faithful recreation of this legendary psychedelic effect, delivers that swirling, spacey "Bridge of Sighs" tone, plus a lot more. The Chorus mode sounds thick, phasey, and much like a rotating speaker. The Vibrato mode modulates the pitch of the played note, delivering a cool, quivering texture to your sound. The UV-1 sports hand-matched photoresistors, a long-life incandescent lamp, and custom lamp housing to protect sonic integrity. Power: Dunlop ECB004 18 volt AC Adapter. Uni-Vibe® - DISCONTINUED in the News Guitar World's "Top 50 Stomp Box Pedals of All Time" The Uni-Vibe® - DISCONTINUED FAQs Q: Why won’t the UV1FC Uni-Vibe Foot Control turn my pedal off? A: You must use a stereo cable to connect the UV1FC Uni-Vibe Foot Control to the UV1 Uni-Vibe to allow the foot controller to engage/disengage the pedal. Q: Can I use the UV1FC Uni-Vibe Foot Control, the DVP1 Volume Pedal, or the GCB80 High Gain Volume pedal as an expression pedal?
stereomood – emotional internet radio - music for my mood and activities Dunlop MXR Stereo Chorus Stereo Chorus Info This gorgeous sounding pedal will remind you how cool chorus can be. Set the Rate and Width controls to your liking and then dial in as much effect as you want with the Intensity knob. You can then shape the tone even further by EQ-ing the modulated frequencies with the Bass and Treble controls. Power: Dunlop ECB004 AC Adapter or Two 9 volt batteries Stereo Chorus in the News Slash with the MXR Stereo Chorus Tone Factor Demos the Stereo Chorus iHeartGuitar Blog reviews the MXR Stereo Chorus The Stereo Chorus FAQs Q: Can I power my pedal with a different voltage? A: All Dunlop/MXR pedals should only be powered with the recommended voltage. Q: Does my pedal have a true bypass? A: Please refer to our 'True Bypass' article on our Dunlop Blog for an up-to-date list of our pedals which contain true bypass. Q: My pedal works in bypass, but there is no signal when it’s turned on. A: Check to ensure that your adapter or battery have the correct voltage and/or polarity.
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