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Metasearch Engine Project This project was sponsored by research grants from the National Science Foundation . Principal Investigator at SUNY at Binghamton PI: Prof. Weiyi Meng Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Binghamton NSF grant number: IIS-0208574 Principal Investigator at University at Illinois at Chicago PI: Prof. The objective of this project was to develop techniques for building highly scalable and effective metasearch engines and related techniques. We study two types of metasearch engines. For document metasearch engines, our WebScales project aims to create a metasearch engine on top of essentially all useful search engines on the Web. This research is funded by the following grants from the National Science Foundation: IIS-9902872, IIS-9902792, EIA-9911099, IIS-0208574, and IIS-0208434). Related Publications and Technical Reports Weiyi Meng, King-Lup Liu, Clement Yu, Xiaodong Wang, Yu-Hsi Chang, and Naphtali Rishe. Prototypes and Demos
