20 Free Tutorials to Create Your Own Flash Game Flash is a very flexible tool for building games that are both entertaining and educational. However, the software itself is a quite tough to learn and extremely hard to master. There are lots of websites providing free and paid tutorials of flash. Here we present you a bunch of free tutorials for game development in flash. Anyone who knows flash likes to create his own flash game. We believe these are the best free tutorials available in Flash Game Development. 1. This is a "time trial" racing game tutorial. 2. It is a shooting game where player / user have to shoot the flying balloons and gain the points. 3. GuessNext, a simple card game with highscores. 4. Its a series of tutorials on how to develop Space Shooter game. 5. This tutorial will show you all the basics of creating a platform game, Collisions that automatically move up slopes, Jumping, Moving, Simple Scrolling, Basic AI, and health 6. This tutorial is intended for intermediate or advanced users of ActionScript. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Smartboard in the Classroom SMART Technologies An online community for educators using SMART products. SMART Technologies Website (Download Notebook Example) (Download Notebook Example) Download Examples SMART Learning Activities Best sources to download Notebooks and lessons Also, check the International lesson activities. The following websites contain lots of examples of Notebooks to use with your SMART board. ACCE Interactive Whiteboard Resources Download Whiteboard Notebooks in many subject areas. National Whiteboard Network from the UK Interactive Whiteboards from Kent Includes case studies using Smartboard, Whiteboard resources, and others. Interactive Resources For evaluation only (Evaluation watermark) Learning Grids For purchase only Royal Kingston SMART Notebook Templates from UK
[Flash] Liquid Components for Flash CS3 [ by Didier Brun ] < I am happy to introduce you the "Liquid Components", a brand new component set for Adobe Flash CS3. Presentation The "Liquid Components" have been created for the Flash people, freelance coders and designers who wish to integrate fully skinnable components in their website, games or little RIA applications. Full skinning The skinning mechanism is built on top of a simple thing : One component = One PNG file (or any other bitmap) Most of the skins characteristics can be provided from a single PNG file : Component statesSkin sizeGrid behaviorText color for each state Runtime Skinning Liquid components make runtime skinning easy as it is made of bitmaps Load and apply new skins at runtimeModify skins at runtime Liquid Component Inspector The component inspector is a powerful tool especially designed for designers who don't want to code anything related to the components. Liquid Components dedicated tabCopy and paste parametersRecursive objects previewComboBox showing linked assets from the library
Avoiding Prezilepsy: Organization strategies to reduce motion sickness caused by Prezis by Shawn Apostel on Prezi Apprendre HTML5, CSS3 pour créer un site web À travers de nombreux exemples pratiques et cas concrets, Alsacréations vous propose de découvrir toutes les possibilités offertes par la conception web aux normes, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, les feuilles de style CSS et CSS3, le Web mobile, l'accessibilité, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, etc. Tutoriel : Guide pas à pas Article : Document d'analyse ou de référence Astuce : Court stratagème toujours utile Cette page présente une sélection de nos ressources. Vous pouvez aussi consulter la liste complète des tutoriels et articles ou des astuces. Pensez à utiliser le moteur de recherche. Comprendre le positionnement en CSS Consolidez et élargissez vos connaissances des différents schémas de positionnement CSS actuellement utilisés ou avant-gardistes (flux, positionnement absolu, fixé, relatif, flottement, inline-block, modèle tabulaire). Découvrez nos formations web, leurs programmes, les dates des sessions et les tarifs sur le site formations.alsacreations.fr
35+ Flash Game Development Tutorials & FLA Files I always wanted to learn game development in Flash but never got enough time to learn actionscript deeply. But when i was trying i gone through lots of amazing game development tutorials which i want to share with my blog readers and with those who are learning game development and actionscript. As HTML 5 is also getting popular in game development, you can check the HTML5 vs. Flash Games Infographic. These 40 flash game development tutorials will really be helpful to everyone. Flash Platform is an excellent tool to develop games, either for internet or mobile content. It’s a movement style that dates back to arcade games and is definitely a usable option in today’s flash game industry. View Demo | Download Source Files 3. In this section of the tutorial, we’re going to set up the roads and stuff onto the stage. View Demo | Download Source Files 4. How to make a character follow the mouse at a set speed. View Demo | Download Source Files 5. A lot of people claim that AS3 is hard. 6. 7. 8.
Interactive Whiteboard Lessons [Código] Code Snippets How To Convert Prezi To YouTube Videos Anyone who has used the Prezi platform would know that creating a Prezi and uploading it to Prezi.com is easy enough, however when it comes to converting it to a YouTube video, there seems to be no native method of doing so. While you can convert PowerPoint to video formats using a native PowerPoint feature, the same cannot be said for the Prezi application. However, you can convert Prezi to YouTube by using a workaround. Capture Prezi With A Screen Recording Tool As Prezis are zooming presentations, you can neatly capture your presentation using a screen capture tool. There are many handy screencast tools for various platforms that can be used across various types of operating systems for this job. Convert Prezi To Video Format Once your Prezi presentation has been recorded, you can use the native option within your screen recording tool to convert the captured screencast to a desired video format. Upload Recorded Prezi Presentation To YouTube (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading...