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40 Professional Icon Sets For Free Download - Smashing Magazine Advertisement When it comes to icons, web designers and graphic artists have an excellent opportunity to showcase their craft, prove their experience and explore their creativity. A sweet, nice icon set is a perfect showcase of designer’s work and a powerful instrument to build up your reputation online. In fact, designers make use of it, creating absolutely amazing icon sets and offering them for free download. However, designing a high-quality icon set isn’t an easy task. It takes time, patience and resources and it requires professional skills and experience. In the overview below we present 40 excellent, free and professional icons for desktop and web design. You can also scan through the icons-related articles we’ve published before: This time you’ll find quite many tasty snacks. Free Icons For Your Web Designs Office Space Icon Set6This set contains a coffee icon, chair icon, employee icon, coffee machine icon, computer display icon and information kiosk icon. 128×128: Toast It!

36 High-Quality Latest Free Fonts To Enhance Your Designs | Fonts Typography is the art and techniques of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs. Display typography is a potent element in graphic design, where there is less concern for readability and more potential for using type in an artistic manner. The proper selection of typography can convert your normal design into very attractive piece of art. Among other things, effective typography manages to achieve three necessary objectives of web designing are Look, Appearance and Outcome which helps you to keep apart from normal wave. Below you’ll find Collection of High-Quality Free Fonts to Enhance Your Designs by which you can save money and focus on making great applications. The basic purpose behind this post is to show you Popular, Artistic and most importantly Free Downloadable font types to save your time searching them online. You can also find some related free references at the end of the post. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. 01. 02. 04. 07. 09. - MP3 Search & Free MP3 Downloads Watermark Tee by Sweet Verbana Hello U-Create readers! I am so excited to be guest posting here today. It just so happens to be my first guest post and I'm still a little shocked that it's here at Ucreate, one of my favorite blogs! A little bit about me.. I'm from a little town called Keller, Texas. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University (whoop!). I'm working on my education degree and expect to be an elementary school teacher in just two short years. When I'm not busy studying for classes, I love to sew. I just started blogging in May and have already met all kinds of wonderful women, I hope you'll stop by and say hi too! Watermark Tee Tutorial What I love about this project is that it's completely customizable. Materials: Elmer's Blue Gel Glue (it must be the blue gel, white won't work) Fabric Dye (RIT is my tried and true brand) A white cotton Tee, Tank, Dress etc. Tutorial: If you're unfamiliar with Batiking, it's a method of dyeing fabric in which you create a design with a dye- resist. Step 1: Prepare Step 2: Design

Stroome: um site para edição de vídeos de forma colaborativa - CometBird Link da matéria: Se editar vídeos já tinha ficado simples com os softwares para PC, agora o processo ficou ainda mais leve com o Stroome. O nome do serviço pode soar meio estranho para nosso ouvidos em português, mas pode acreditar, ele faz o trabalho direitinho. Com ele, você pode cadastrar e editar vídeos em uma plataforma online colaborativa. Depois que o cadastro estiver pronto é só clicar em "Mix it up". Tem um grande número de possibilidades de criação em vídeos. Alex Grey organizando um projeto de audiovisual no OpenShot No post anterior, mostramos o resultado parcial do nosso audiovisual com desenhos. só relembrando que, escolhemos dois softwares: o PhotofilmStrip para fazer o stop motion e o open shot para fazer o audiovisual. Já falamos do open shot aqui, um softwate livre de edição de filmes e muito simples de usar. Rapidamente, vamos acompanhar como fizemos a finalização da primeira versão do nosso filme que está exibido aqui: Tharam!!! para começar a trabalhar nele inciando um novo projeto é só clicar no botão de novo arquivo que ele mostrará essa janela: Coloque o nome do projeto e a sua duração e salve-o. Agora, clicando no botão do + verde, podemos inserir imagens, áudio e filmes! depois de inserir os arquivos é só arrastá-los para a linha do tempo. Depois de feito isso é só salvar. PAASO 03: Escolha o perfil do seu vídeo. Você também pode decidir sobre a qualidade do seu vídeo entre outras opções.

50 Captivating Slow Shutter Speed Photos | Phototuts+ Using a slow shutter speed allows for a completely different style of photography - from light painting to capturing smooth water effects. This article features a quick introduction to this style of photography, followed by 50 really amazing examples of the technique in action. Hopefully you'll leave feeling inspired! Shooting With a Slow Shutter Speed At the most basic level, you simply need to place your camera on a tripod (or flat surface) then make sure the shutter speed is set to a low value. Anything from around 1/10 of a second should allow an interesting effect, and experimentation is key - you'll probably need to play around to find the most appropriate setting. Useful Tutorials Shooting Waterfalls Steve Berardi has already written a tutorial here on Phototuts+ on how to shoot waterfalls which helps introduce the idea of shooting slow shutter images. Light Painting Inspirational Photos Michael Bosanko Michael Bosanko is my favorite light painter. Website Sara Heinrichs Flickr Website

Dicas diárias de tecnologia Hoje a minha dica é um site para você se sentir dentro da natureza. Meio que um DJ da natureza. É o Nature Sounds Mix, (acessado dia 02/01/2012), com ele é possível escolher e misturar (mixar) os sons da natureza. É uma metodologia desenvolvida a partir de 1995 por Bernie Dodge e colaboradores, que visa a utilização da internet como ferramenta pedagógica. Para saber mais sobre webquest: (acessado dia 03/01/2012). Repositório de webquest: (acessado dia 03/01/2012). O microblog está a mil entre os alunos. Eu acho que sim, de prima penso em informativos breves aos alunos (professor indicando sites, lembrando de atividades a serem desenvolvidas na semana, etc).

littlesweets Free Nature Sounds Mixer How to Create Your First Web Page Note: If you know anything at all about HTML and CSS, don’t bother reading this, it’s a guide for the uninitiated, technophobes, luddites, computer-illiterates, anyone who is more comfortable with a pen and paper than a keyboard and mouse. If making a web page seems like brain surgery to you, then this is the article for you. What you need to know The only prior knowledge I will assume is that you’ve used a computer before, you’re familiar with using a keyboard and a word processor, and you’ve at least seen a website. Other than that, I assume you are completely ignorant! The Basics When you visit a website (for example the one you’re reading now), you see a page in your web browser (the program you use to access the internet) , containing text, images and maybe some other things like videos, music etc. In order to display a page correctly, the web browser needs to know about the structure of the page, e.g. What HTML Looks Like HTML uses ‘tags’ to identify different parts of a page.

Teaching Resources Sharing Sessions Join Me in a Live Webinar! Please join me for my next live webinar! All webinars are open to the public and free, but you'll need to register for them at in advance to receive the login URL and information about the session. I look forward to chatting with you in real time! If you missed a previous webinar , you can find links to the recordings below. No Live Webinars Currently Scheduled Sign up for the free Candler's Classroom Connection newsletter to be notified of upcoming webinars. Previously Recorded Webinars (Most Recent on Top) The webinars below were recorded on the date shown next to each session. {*style:<b>5 Amazing Web Tools for Classroom Collaboration </b>*} (October 10, 2012) Topics discussed: Tips for using Animoto, Skype, Kidblog, ClassDojo, and LiveBinders Featured Presenters: Erin Klein, Paula Naugle, Joan Young, Suzy Brooks, and Lisa Dabbs Visit my Whiteboards and Web Tools page to view the webinar. {*style:<b>Using Graphic Organizers to Create Reading Mini Lessons

72 Creative And Smart Typographic Logo Inspiration If we are starting to go crazy in typography style, then let’s continue with typographic and smart logo designs, shall we? Here you’ll find 72 beautiful logos created by talented designers. This showcase just proves the point how much can one/two words, icons tell using correctly white, negative, positive spacing, colors, accents creating interesting associations. Explore and get creative as I did! 1. Who killed letter i? 2. Really smart logo! 3. Typeface: word-play: face from the type and letter T. 4. Just loving this logo, great stylization! 5. Very popular logo already, but thought I still share it in typography section. Author’s comment: “Logo was made for a bold creative team consisting of two people. 6. Just smart logo, which rings the bell! 7. Author’s comment: “Gizzy bear is how a little kid might say grizzly bear. Just genius! 8. Simple, artistic and very clever – all in one place! 9. Very good logo – yes, sticky! 10. Oh, snap – logo with very clear message. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
