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Old Games : Free download [eng]

Old Games : Free download [eng]
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IST- Creating Equations in Microsoft Word Microsoft (MS) Word 2007 has a built-in equation editor which is now the default when you create equations. The equation editor is only available in Word 2007 and not Excel, Powerpoint or other applications. Microsoft Equation 3.0, the default equation editor in previous versions, is still available and can also be used in Excel, PowerPoint, or any application that supports Object Linking and Embedding (OLE). See the course notes on using Microsoft Word '97 for the old equation editor for more information. Comparison of options for equation editing When not to use the Office 2007 equation editor When you convert a document that includes Office 2007 equations to the old ".doc" format, the equations are turned into graphics. You need to submit to a journal that does not accept Office 2007 .docx files You need to collaborate with people who do not have Office 2007 You use Office 2007 in Compatibility Mode (.doc files) Why use the Office 2007 equation editor Tools Professional format: Symbols

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